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BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 1011-1:2009 Welding — Recommendations for welding of metallic materials Part 1: General guidance for arc welding =>=-2 man British Standards 32009 ‘vas published under the stuthorey of the Standards Pot and Staton 000 se National foreword ‘This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 1011-1:2008. It supersedes BS EN 1011-1:1998 which is withdrawn. ‘The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee WEEII7, Metal-are welding of steel A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. ‘This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract, Users are responsible for its correct application, from legal obligations. Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date ‘Comments BS EN 1011-1:2009 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 1011- NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM March 2008 10s 25.1601 Supersedes EN 1011-11906 English Version Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 1: General guidance for arc welding ‘Sudage- Recommendations pours sausage des ‘matoraue staiques Pare? ign drosiese (tnerlespourl soudage dare ‘This European Standard wes approved by CEN on 10 January 2000. (GEN manbers ae bound o comely wth he CENICENELEC intemal Raguaons which sipuate he coesons fo ging th European ‘Standart status 02 national stand wihout sy ataraton Upc aa Iss ara bmioglapia reletences conser 302 nao ‘Sandarce may be abisinod on appeaton ote CEN Management Con oro any CEN mambo: ‘This Eurpaan Standard ents thee ofl varalane (Engh, French, German). A veson nary cher language mac by transaton dor the responsibilty ef = CEN memeer os on arguage ars nafec tthe CEN Nanagomem Gente ras the sare Ss ase otto versione ‘GEN menbers ae the national sandarés bodies of Aust, Begum. Bulgaria, Cyprus. Czech Repub, Denmark Eston, Feland, France, Geman Groce, Hangar. clan, lend, hay. Lavi. léverla, Lxeriboxg, Naka, Neola, Nowa, Pela Portugal, Romana, Stovaka, Slovenia, Span, Swede, Swizérand and Utes Kingsom a COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG Management Cente: Avenue Meri 17, 81000 Brussels {©2009 CEN A rghs of exit in any form ard by any means reserved Ff No EN 1011-12008: € ‘ton or CEN rata anbos BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) Contents Pago Terms and definitions. Principles. General e Fundamental information for fabrication. Non-conformance and corrective actions. Requirements on welding production. Equipment and devices Workplacé Personnel. Welding processe: ‘Sub-contracting Parent metals and welding consumables . Storage and handling . Material certificates. Planning.. Information on drawings. ‘Assembly for welding. Run-on and run-off plates Temporary attachments. Fabrication and inspection feasibility Welding procedure specification. Weld sequence.. Welding fabricatio 8. Welding instructions. 82 Joint proparation and surface cleaning 83 Preheating 84 Are strikes 85 Tack welds.. 86 Weld run sequence 87 33 against oxidation 89 Weld imperfection: 8.10 Traceability. 9 Elimination of distortion or inherent stresses. 10 Post-weld heat treatment 11 Surface cleaning and treatment . 12 Inspection and documentation.. 13 Bibliography. BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) Foreword This document (EN 1011-1:2009) has been prepared by Technical Committee CENTC 121 "Welding", the ‘secretariat of whichis held by DIN. ‘This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, ether by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by September 2009, and conllicing national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by September 2008. ‘Attontion is drawn to the possibilty that somo of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights This document supersedes EN 1011-1:1998 EN 1011 consists of the following pars, under the general tite Welding — Recommendations for welding of ‘metallic materials: Part 1: General guidance for are welding Part 2: Are wolding of fart stools Part 3: Are welding of stainless stee's Part 4: Are welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys Part 5: Wolding of clad stoe! Part 6: Laser beam welding Part 7: Electron beam welding Part 8: Welding of cast irons ‘According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following Countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Waly, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, ‘Sweden, Switzerland ard the United Kingdom, BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) Introduction EN 1011 is issued in several pars in order that it may cover the different types of weldable metalic materials ‘and specific welding processes. This part of EN 1011 deals with the production and contol of are welding of metalic materials and is ‘appropriate for all types of fabrication, Specific materials advice is covered by parts 2, 9, 4,5 and 8, Parts 6 and 7 refer to laser and electron beam welding and each cover a range of materials, Permissible design stresses in welds, methods of testing and acceptance levels are not included because ‘they dopond on the sorvice conditions of the fabrication. These datas may be obtained from the relevant ‘application standard or design specification, |t has been assumed in the drafting of this standard that the execution of its provisions is entrusted to ‘appropriately quaified, trained and experienced personnel 1 Scope This European Standard contains general guidance for the arc welding of metalic materials in all forms of product (e.g. cast, wrought, extruded, forged) “The processes and techniques referred to in this Part of EN 1011 may not all be relevant to all materials ‘Additional information relevant to specttic materials is given inthe relevant Parts of the Standard. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edlion cited apples. For undated references, the latest edition of the relerenced document (including any amendments) apples. EN 287-1, Qualification test of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Stools EN 473, Non destructive testing — Quaification and certification of NDT personne! — General principles EN 1011-2, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metalic materials — Part 2: Are welding of fertic stools EN 1011-3, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metallic materials — Part 3: Arc welding of stainless stools EN 1011-4, Wolding — Recommendations for welding of metalic materials — Part 4: Arc welding of aluminiam and aluminium alloys EN 1011-5, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metalic materials — Part §: Welding of clad stee! EN 1011-6, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metalic materials — Part 6: Laser beam welding EN 1011-7, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metallic materials — Part 7: Electron beam welding BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) EN 1011-8, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metallic materials — Part 8: Welding of cast irons EN 1418, Welding personne! — Approval testing of welding operators for fusion welding and resistance weld Setters for fully mechanized and automatic welding of metalic materials EN 22553, Welded, brazed and soldered joints — Symbolic representation on drawings (ISO 2559:1982) EN ISO. 4063, Welding and allied processes — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers (SO 4063:1998) EN ISO 9606-2, Qualifiation test of welders — Fusion welding — Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys (SO 9606-2:2004) EN 180 9606-3, Approval testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 3: Copper and copper alloys (SO 9606-3:1998) EN ISO 9606-4, Approval testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 4: Nickel and nickel alloys (SO 9606-4:1999) EN ISO 9606-5, Approval testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part §: Titanium and titanium alloys, Zirconium and zircanium alloys (ISO 3606-5:2000) EEN ISO 9692 (al pars), Welding and allied processes — Recommendations for joint preparation EN ISO 14175, Welding consumables — Gases and gas mixtures for fusion welding and allied processes (SO 14175:2008) EN ISO 18607, Specification and qualifcation of welding procedures for metalic materials — General rules (SO 15607:2003) EN ISO 15609-1, Specification and qualifeation of welding procedures for metallic materials — Welding procedure spectication — Part 1: Are welding (ISO 15609-1:2004) EN ISO 15809-3, Specification and qualcation of welding procedures for metalic materials — Welding procedure specticaion — Part 3: Eleciron beam welding (ISO 15609-32004) EN ISO 15809-4, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metalic materials — Welding procedure spectication — Part 4: Laser beam welding (ISO 15609-4:2004) EN ISO 17662, Welging — Calbration, vertication and validation of equipment used fer welding, including ancilary activities (ISO 17662:2005) (CEN/TR 14599:2008, Terms and definitions for welding purposes in relation with EN 1782 IECITS 62081, Are welding equipment — installation and use 3. Terms and det ns: For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in CEN/TR 14599:2008 and the following apply. 3a thermal efficiency k ratio of heat energy introduced into the weld tothe electrical energy consumed by the arc BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) 4 Principles 44 General It the manufacturer is recommended to use a control system, the requirement should be in accordance with the appropriate part of EN ISO 3834, 4.2 Fundamental information for fabrication Botore the start of fabrication, the customer shall inform the manufacturer of all the information, which is important to tie manufacturing process, the operational loading and the envisaged service life of the end product. no quality requirements are defined, the limiting values for imperfections shall be as siated in the Felevant specification. Such information should comprise, for example: 1) Application standard and any additional requirements such as technical rules, guidelines, and statutory requirements. 2) Any speeific requirements for welding production, testing and heat treatment. 3) Production (dotail) drawings with information relating to dimensions and wold forms, i documents from the manufacturer are not viewed as adequate by the customer or regulatory authority 4) Qualification requirements for welding, welding related and NDE personnel 5) Methods of welding and testing 6) Requirements relating to the selection, identification and traceability of material and personnel, i required 7) Requirements on machining and surface fnish. 4.3 Non-contormance and corrective actions Where applicable, the method and extent of recording non-conformance has to be specified. Before the start of fabrication, the procedure and the methads for rectifying deficiencies, for compensating for distortion and for correcting weld defects are to be defined. 5 Requirements on welding production 5.1 Equipment and devices “The manufacturer shall have adequate equipment and resources for meeting the raquirements ofthe contract. Al the welding related equipment shall be matched to the respective welding process, the working task and the design of the final product. {All electrical equipment which is used in connection with the welding operation shall be installed and used in accordance with IEC/TS 62081 and local regulations. Devices for measuring the welding parameters, such as arc voltage, welding current, wire teed rate, travel speed and shielding/purging gas flow rates, and also for ‘monitoring the preheat and intorpass temperatures, shall be available ether as part of the welding apparatus or by providing portable equipment. Such equiament shall ba calibrated, verted or validated in accordance with EN ISO 17682 where relevant. BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) 5.2 Workplace “The workplace shall be efficiently protected against the detrimental effects of weather, for example wind, rain, snow and draught, in order not to generate weld defects beyond the acceptance levels epectied in the contract. 5.3 Personnel ‘The welding personnel comprises welders, operators and welding coordinators. They shall be employees of the company or shall be contractually bound and shall have the necessary prerequisites trom a tochnical and personal point of view for the job area. Above all, they shall have sufficient knowledge and practical ‘experience in the area of welding and the materials to be processed. They shall be authorized to ensure the {ual requirements are met ‘Tasks and responsibilities ofthe welding coordinators shall be specified, see for example EN ISO 14731 Welders shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of EN 287-1 or the appropriate part of EN ISO 9606, unless otherwise specified, and shall hold vai test certificates. Wolding operators shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of EN 1418, unless otherwise specified, and shall hold valid test certificates. If inspection is required, the inspection personnel shall be qualified in accordance with EN 473, unless ‘otherwise specitiod. 5.4 Welding processes This standard covers welds made by one of the following welding processes to EN ISO 4063 or by a ‘combination of these processes: 111 Marval metahare welding with covered electrode: 114 Solt-shielded tubular cored arc welding: 12 Submerged are welding: 131 Metal inert gas welding; MIG welding 135 Mal active gas welding: MAG welding: 196 Tubular cored metab-arc welding with acve gas shield 197 Tubular -cored metal-are welding wih inert gas shel 141 Tungsten inert gas welding; T1G welding; 18. Plasma aro welding 5.5 Sub-contracting “The manufacturer can contract other companies to carry out the fabrication or partial jobs, such as the heat treatment or testing. These companies shall be adequately qualified and be able to demonsirate this with the necessary transparency, i required in the contractor the application standard. The sub-contractors shall be provided in good time with all the customer information necessary for fabrication, together with the description (of tho job and the definition of the quality requirements and documentation. Nevertholoss, the manufacturar is. responsible to the customer forthe required manufacture of the final product toa sultable quality BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) 6 Parent metals and welding consumables 6.1 Storage and handling The parent metals shall be suitable for welding. Parent metals and welding consumables shall be stored and processed in accordance with best practice e.g. to retain identilication and avoid damage and deterioration. Welding consumables shall be matched to the parent metals and the selected welding process. They are to be stored and handled in accordance with the recommendations ofthe supplies. It the consumables or their packaging show signs of damage or deterioration, they shall not be used. Examples are cracked or flaked coatings on covered electrodes, rusty or dirty wire electrodes and wires with flaked or damaged protective coatings. Welding consumables returned to the stores shall be treated in accordance with the manutacturers/supplier’s recommendations betore re-issue. 6.2 Material certificates ‘The parent metals and welding consumables should be designated in accordance withthe relevant European ‘Standard. If required by the application standard or the contract, corificates relating to chemical composition, to mecharicaltechnological properties and other assured quality characterstcs shall be presented, 7 Planning 7.1 Information on drawings Designations and symbols ofthe welded joints shal be in accordance with EN 22563. 7.2 Assembly for welding The paris to be welded shall be assembled in such a way that the joints are easily accessible and vise to the welders/operators involved. The accessibility for inspection shall also be considered. ‘Accumulations of welds and cross-joints should be avoided. If this is not possible, consideration should be given in advance as to whether measutes for the relief of stresses or additional inspection, arelis needed in these areas, Unloss othorwise spocifiod, the odgos and surfaces to be joined by filet wolds shall be in as close contact as possible. Fillet welds are to be clearly indicated as throat thickness or the leg length. The application of deep penetration processes or special weld designs may be taken into account The use of rings or strips as permanent material backing, and use of socket or lap joints is only permissible providing they are not rejected for any operational reasons (tor example alternating load, corrasion, low- temperature use). The backing material shall be compatibie with the parent metal andior weld mata 7.3 Run-on and run-off plates “The ends of butt welds shall be welded to provide the full weld thickness. This may be achioved by the use of run-on and/or run-off plates. These shall be produced from a material which is compatible with that of the parts tobe joined. The thickness, the weld preparation and the length ofthe run-on and run-off plates depend fn the welding task and the welding process. BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) 7.4 Temporary attachments Welded attachments forthe introduction and transmission of external forces from handling or assembly are to 'bo dimensioned in such @ way that they are able to transmit these forces without damaging the structure. If nocessary, the plate edges shall be rounded. Vert holes may be needed (for example on saddle plates) to prevent build-up of pressure by thermal expansion of a trapped gas. Where the assembly or erection method requires the use of temporary welded attachments, these shall be configured in such a way that they can be easily removed without damaging the structure. The location of these attachments shall also be taken into consideration. The material of attachments, welding consumables, and the welding procedures used shall be compatible withthe parent metal. It should be ensured that welds of this type are executed only when they are contractually permissibie, and that unintended detrimental effects, for example stross raisers andlor shrinkage strosses, are avoided. ‘The surface of the parent metal shall be carefully ground after the removal of these welded-on pars. If necessary, a surface inspection may be carried out to demonstrate thatthe material is free from unacceptable imperfections, 7.5. Fabrication and inspection feasibility igs, fixtures and manipulators should be used, in order that the welding can be carried out in the most suitable welding position. The sequence of assembly and welding shall be carried out in such a way that all the welds can be examined in accordance with the relevant requirements. Welds which become hidden in the ‘course of the fabrication process shall previously be subjectad to at least one visual Inspection, and to addlional tests as required by the application standard or contract requirements. 7.6 Welding procedure specification Hf required, welding procedure specifications, including for attachment welds, shall be prepared In accordance With the EN ISO 15609 series of standards before the start of fabrication, Welding procedure specifications shall be qualified by an appropriate method according to EN ISO 15607. 7.7 Weld sequence ‘The weld sequence shall be defined in the welding plan. In order to avoid cistortion andlor excessively high Inherent stresses, the weld buildup and the welding sequence shall be optimized. 8 Welding fabrication 8.1 Welding instructions ‘Appropriate instructions forall relevant welding activites shall be available for the welder/operator. 8.2. Joint preparation and surface cleaning ‘Tho joint proparation shall bo cartied out by thermal, mechanical, or othor suitable methods, taking into account the selected welding process and the workpiece thickness, in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO 9692 series or a relevant application standard. The faying surfaces shall be free of cracks and notches. Directly before weiding, the material surface inthe joint area shall be tree of rust or other oxides, paint, grease, scale, remains from sandblasting, moisture and other contaminants which would have a detrimental effect on| the quality ofthe weld, It is permissible to weld parent material covered with primer paint (see EN ISO 17652), Provided it does not generate weld imperfections beyond the acceptance levels specified. If necessary, shaping tools, tensioning and clamping means for the welding, as well as jigs, fixtures and manipulators, should be cleaned before use. For some materials, ¢.9 stainless steel or aluminium, mechanically transferred BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) ferric steel can be detrimental to service performance, and thus it may be necessary to cover steel clamping faces to prevent contamination. Contamination of all surfaces by contact with nor-compatible materials, e.g copper an aluminium or steel, or by grinding dust, shall be avoided. 83 Preheating Inthe case of steels susceptible to cracking, preheating may be necessary. Details of preheating depend on material, welding process and welding conditions and are spectied in EN 1011-2 for most applications. Feferenca should be made to EN ISO 13916 for measurement of preheat temperature. reheating shall be undertaken according to the applicable welding procedure specification and applied during ‘wolding, including tack welding and welding of temporary attachments, including run-on and run-off plates. 84 Are strike ‘Acc strikes on the material surface caused by welding, damaged welding cables or by improper execution of the magnetic particle testing are to be avoided at all costs. All inital strking of the arc should be within the fusion faces or on the run-on plate. Precautions shall be taken to avoid unintentional arc stkes. It accidental arcing occurs, the metal surface shall be lightly dressed and, if necessary, subjected to visual Inspection andior crack detection 85 Tack welds It necessary, tack welds shall be applied to retain the components in their alignment during welding. The lengths of the indwvidual tack welds and the'r frequency should be specified in the relevant welding procedure spocitication (WPS) or in othor documents, if roquirod. Tho tack wolds shall bo carried out in a balanced ‘sequence in order to reduce the risk of distortion and to maintain good fi-up. Ita tack weld is to be included in a welded joint, the form ofthe tack weld shall be suitable for incorporation ino the final weld and shall be carted out by qualified welders. These tack welds shall be free of eracks and ther imperfection, such as lack of fusion and end crater cracks. Belore welding over the tack weld, it shall be cleaned. Cracks or visible unacceptable imperfections shall be removed. All tack welds which are not included in tho final wold should also ful the quality requirements. 8.6 Weld run sequence The weld run sequence shall be specified in the welding procedure specication. The welding process, ‘material properties and oporating requirements havo to be taken into account. In the case of mul-layar welding itis usually necessary to dress the surfaces of the preceding run in such a way that satisfactory Quality in the subsequent run is possible (for example by removing edge notches in the faying surfaces and/or slag on the surface). Welding over cracks, surface pores, slag inclusions and lack of fusion without previous Correction is not pormited, 8.7 Heat input For many stee's, abrupt cooling from the heat of welding isto be avoided, because ofthe risk of hardening or cracking. For this reason, depending on the type of material, thickness of material and heat input, proheating and the maintenance of an upper or lower interpass temperature may be required, as listed in the relevant parts of EN 101 1. The heat input shall be chosen so as to be matched to the welding process (see tabe 1). “The heat input during welding can be viewed as a main influencing factor on the properties of feriic and forrtic-austenitc stainless steel welds in particular. This influences the time/temperature cycle occurring luring welding Where appropriate, the heat input value may be calculated as follows: 10 a= 230° inn where @ isthe heat input isthe thermal efficiency; U_ Is the arc voltage, measured as near as possible to the ac, in V; 1 isthe wolding current, in A isthe travel speed in minis, For further information see EN 1011-2. BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) a " BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) ‘Table 1 — Thermal efficiency factor k of welding processes Process Welding process x No 12 ‘Submerged are welding 10) 111 | Manual meta-are welding 08 131 | MIG welding 08 135 [MAG welding 08 114 | Sel shielded tubular -cored arc welding 08 196 | Tubular-cored wire metal-are welding with active gas| 0.8 shield 187 __| Tubular-cored wire metal-are welding with inert gas shield | 018 141 [TG welding 06 15 Plasma arc welding 08 88 Protection against oxidation In the case of high chromium ferrtic or martensite steels, austenite and ferriic-austenitc stainless steels, during the welding ofthe root run, and also during subsequent runs, oxidation of the root of the weld shall be effectively prevented by the use of backing gas according to EN ISO 14175, in order not to impair the properties e.g. the corrosion resistance. NOTE In the case of other materials, better surface quay may be achieved during single-sided welding of the root run by using a gas backing system. 8.9 Weld imperfections Unacceptable imperfections outside the quality levels defined in the contract or in the application standard shall be repaired in accordance with a specified methad, It undercut or other imperfections are removed by grinding or other mechanical methods, care shall be taken to ensure that the thickness of the parent material or weld is not reduced below the specified minimum thickness. Correction of unacceptable undercuts or incorrect root gaps in filet welds by deposition of additional weld ‘metal shall be in accordance with the corresponding parts of EN 1011 Weld repairs performed after any post weld heat treatment require a separately qualified welding procedure specication. 8.10 Traceability It specified, adequate identification measures shall be provided either by means of a marking or by other methods. Traceabilty may be required 9. for parent metal, welding consumables, weldets/operators, documentation and repairs. NOTE Hard stamping should be avoided. It is cared out, is use is forbidden in areas which are highy stressed, where dynamic loads are anticipated or in areas which are at rick of corrosion 12 BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) 9 Elimination of distortion or inherent stresses Parts which have been distorted beyond the specified tolerances by welding may be corrected only by @ specified method. The method for correcting the distortion should not be deleterious fo the component. NOTE Depending on the material and application, mecharical straightening wit subsequent het treatment to reduce stessos may be better than flame straightening, Peening of welds may be used only If specified. 10 Post-weld heat treatment Post-weld heat treatment shall be carried out in accordance with specified procedures. The post-weld heat treatment parameters shall be documented, if required. 11 Surface cleaning and treatment ‘The surface of components shall be cleaned as required. ‘The use of grinding, abrasive blasting or jt blasting, and additonal surface treatments, such as pickling (i necessary with subsequent rinsing and drying) or coating shall be specitod. 12 Inspection and documentation ‘The extent of inspection, the test methods used and the need for parameter monitoring are to be specitiod When required. Inspections and test results shall be documented. ‘Any hold points during fabrication shall be considered, 13 BS EN 1011-1:2009 EN 1011-1:2009 (E) ny a 3) 4) i} (8) i} i} "4 Bibliography EN 1792, Welding — Mutlingual Ist of terms for welding and related processes EN ISO 9834-1, Quality requirements for fusion waloing of metalic materials — Part 1: Criteria for tho selection ofthe appropriate level of quality requirements (ISO $864-1:2005) EN ISO 3994-2, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metalic materials — Part 2: Comprehensive qualty requirements (ISO 3834-2:2005) EN ISO 834-3, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metalic materials — Part 3: Standard quality requirements (ISO 8894-3:2005) EN ISO 3834-4, Qualty requirements for fusion welding of metalic materials — Part 4: Elementary quality requirements (ISO 3834-4:2005) EN ISO 9894-5, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metalic materials — Part 5: Documents, with which itis necessary to conform to claim conformity to the quality requirements of 1SO 3834-2, 180 3834-3 or ISO 3834-4 (ISO 9834-5:2005) EN ISO 13916, Welding — Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass Temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:1996) ENISO 14731, Welding coordination — Task and responsibllties (ISO 14731:2006) EN ISO 17652 (all parts), Welding — Test for shop primers in relation to welding and alled processes BS EN 1011-1:2009 This page has been intentionally left blank BS EN 1011-1:2009 BSI Group Headquarters 389 Chiswick High Road, London, Wa 4AL, UK ‘Tel +44 (0)20 8996 9001 Fax +44 (0)20 8996 7001 ‘www: bsigroup.com! standards BSI - British Standards Institution [BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards, It presents the UK view on standards in Burope and at the international level. 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