Position Argument Tasia Rasmussen Final
Position Argument Tasia Rasmussen Final
Position Argument Tasia Rasmussen Final
Tasia Rasmussen
Kristen Taylor
21 September 2015
Position Argument: Poverty Increases the Risk of Child Neglect
Figure 1, Povertys Impact on Missouris Children. mokidscount.org. Web. 11 February, 2015. 23 September, 2015.
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attention and affection are also important to child development, as without them an individual
may suffer from isolation both in home and social life. Furthermore, opportunities for learning
advancement are essential to developmental health. Unfortunately, many children are lacking in
one or more of these fundamental developmental areas due to poverty1. Indeed, poverty
increases the risks of experiencing child neglect or abuse, as well as a lack of educational and life
opportunities available to a child (see figure 1).
Impoverished families likely experience inadequate housing, unemployment, and different forms
of social isolation. Financial struggles directly affect a childs development in many ways. A
parent who is struggling to make ends meet may take on multiple jobs increasing the time spent
away from their children. As a parent in this situation struggles to provide for their children,
they are increasingly neglecting their childrens need for quality attention and affection that are
paramount to healthy childhood development. Furthermore, children in these types of situations
may also be exposed to increased health risks due to poor living conditions or limited access to
health care. As Shadi Houshyar states in her blog, Poverty and Child Neglect: What we Know
and What we Need to Do, Child poverty has been linked to overall poor health and higher rates
of mortality in adulthood. Malnutrition, starvation, and illness or injury can all lead to very
serious health conditions if left untreated for any period of time. Unfortunately, some children
experience one or all of these factors due to financial struggle, lack of transportation, and limited
access to healthcare. Indeed, though forms of child neglect may vary, the effects of any
prolonged neglect can cause lifelong consequences for a child.
1 In her blog, Poverty and Child Neglect: What we Know and What we Need to Do, Shadi
Houshyar states, poverty is often considered the single best predictor of child maltreatment,
especially child neglect.
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Poverty can increase the risks of child abuse. One reason this may occur is increased
stress levels within the household due to prolonged stress factors or social struggles. Added
stress within a household may stem from many different things such as financial struggles and
unemployment. Parents who struggle to make ends meet either alone as a single parent, or
together with their partner, may withdraw from their children causing emotional abuse or trauma.
Furthermore, high stress environments may increase the likelihood that an individual within the
family unit may lash out. Stress levels can have extreme impacts on child development, whether
caused by mental, emotional, or physical abuse.
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Figure 3, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development. YouTube.
YouTube, 29 September, 2011. Web. 26 Sep. 2015.
Poverty can also impact a childs access to educational and advancement opportunities.
Income directly affects the areas a family can afford to live in and therefore the educational
programs and schools available within that area. Children are likely to be limited to the available
education and programs that are both free and will not pose transportation issues. Compounding
this problem is the fact that children who are raised in impoverished homes are likely to develop
behavioral issues, and even learning impairments which manifest during schooling. Children
develop social, emotional, and behavioral skills during their early years, and children who are
raised in impoverished homes and who are placed in questionable circumstances are at an
obvious disadvantage when it comes to education and schooling. Poverty plays a huge part in
the advancement, or lack thereof, in the lives of the children who experience it during their
developmental years.
Poverty poses a problem to society, and child neglect and abuse can be traced directly
back to it. A child who is raised in an impoverished home will have fewer opportunities for
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advancement in life. Less opportunity may actually box an individual in. With no knowledge or
experience of any alternate way to live, an individual will have a difficult time breaking the
mold. That being said, it is likely that this individual will follow in the predictive footsteps of
those that he or she was raised by. Thus, the poor stay poor, the rich stay rich, and poverty
continues to turn in its never ending cycle.
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Works Cited
Houshyar, Shadi. Poverty and Child Neglect: What we know and What we Need to Do.
firstfocus.org. First Focus. Web. 26 September, 2015.
Childrens Defense Fund. Childrensdefense.org. Web. 26 September 2015.
Povertys Impact on Missouris Children. mokidscount.org. sWeb. 11 February, 2015. 23
September, 2015.
What is Child Abuse? victimservices.wordpress.com. Web. 27 September, 2015.