Final Shadowassessment

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The Sun-Earth System

No Shadow

Four friends in New York City were wondering if there was ever a time during the
day when they would have no shadow. They each had different ideas about daytime
shadows. This is what they said:

I will have no shadow when the Sun is highest in the sky.


I will have no shadow at noon because the Sun will be directly overhead.


It depends on the season. I will have no shadow at noon in the summer,

but not in the winter.


It depends on where you live. Only people who live near the equator will
have no shadow on certain days.

Which friend do you agree with the most? _______________ Explain why you agree.

Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy

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The Sun-Earth System

No Shadow
Teacher Notes


The purpose of this assessment probe is to

elicit students ideas about the Suns motion
during the day. The probe is designed to reveal
whether students know that the Sun is never
directly overhead as viewed from the continental United States. (Hawaii is the only state
where the Sun is sometimes overhead at noon.)

Related Concepts

Objects in the sky

Seasons: cause
Solar system objects: spin
Sun: altitude at noon, path in the sky


Vince has the best answer: It depends on

where you live. Only people who live near the
equator will have no shadow on certain days.
In order to have no shadow, the Sun needs to
be directly overhead. The Sun is never directly
overhead except on certain occasions for locations between the Tropic of Cancer and the


Tropic of Capricorn. The only state that falls

between the tropics is Hawaii. So for the continental United States and Alaska there is always
a shadow whenever the Sun is visible in the sky.
Paiges response reflects a common misconception that the Sun is directly overhead when it
is highest in the sky. Olive expresses a widely
held misconception that the Sun is overhead
at noon. Kamis statement that it depends on
the season would be correct if she lived in the
tropics, and even then the Sun is not overhead
every day.

Administering the Probe

This probe is primarily designed for students

in grades 38. For the younger children it is
important to first determine if they understand how shadows form and that the length
of their shadow indicates how high the Sun is
in the sky. If some children are confused about
the relationship between the length of their
shadow and the height of the Sun, plan some
preliminary activities for students to learn

N a t i o n a l S c i e n c e Te a c h e r s A s s o c i a t i o n
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The Sun-Earth System

about this relationship before administering

the probe. For middle school students, you
can extend the probe by asking the students
to explain their answer. Students can also be
encouraged to draw a picture to support their

Related Ideas in Benchmarks

for Science Literacy
(AAAS 2009)
K2 The Universe
The Sun, Moon, and stars all appear to
move slowly across the sky.
35 The Earth
The rotation of the Earth on its axis every
24 hours produces the night-and-day
cycle. To people on Earth, this turning
of the planet makes it seem as though the
Sun, Moon, planets, and stars are orbiting
the Earth once a day.

Related Ideas in National

Science Education Standards
(NRC 1996)
K4 Objects in the Sky
The Sun, Moon, stars, clouds, birds, and
airplanes all have properties, locations,
and movements that can be observed and
K4 Changes in Earth and Sky
Objects in the sky have patterns of

Related Research

Plummer and Krajcik (2010) interviewed

60 students20 each in grades 1, 3, and
8about their ideas concerning how the
Sun moves in the sky during the day. None
of the first-grade students and only a few of
the older students (20% in third grade and
10% in eighth grade) knew that the Sun
does not pass directly overhead.
A sample item from a set of astronomy
diagnostic questions asks college students,
As seen from your location, when is the
Sun directly overhead at NOON (so that
no shadows are cast)? Common incorrect
responses included every day; on the day of
the summer solstice; on the day of the winter solstice; and at both of the equinoxes
(spring and fall). Many college students
failed to select the correct response: never
from the latitude of your location (Zeilik,
Schau, and Matter 1998).
Students seem to have more success in
locating where an objects shadow will fall
in relation to a light source if the object is
a person. They have more difficulty anticipating where a shadow will fall if it is a
nonhuman object, such as a tree (Driver et
al. 1994).
Plummer (2008) interviewed a total of 60
children in grades 1, 3, and 8, and developed a learning progression for realistic
expectations for developing students ideas
about the Suns motions:
o For grades K1 the Sun rises and sets,
and it is in the sky during the daytime
but not at night.
o For grades 23 the Sun rises, moves
continuously through the sky, and
sets on the opposite side of the sky.
o For grades 45 the Sun is highest at
noon but does not pass directly overhead. Also for grades 45, the length

Indicates a strong match between the ideas elicited by the probe and a national standards learning goal.

Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy

Copyright 2012 NSTA. All rights reserved. For more information, go to


The Sun-Earth System

of the Suns path and its highest point

in the sky changes across the seasons.
Mant and Summers (1993) interviewed
primary school teachers in England.
Although most could explain the day-night
cycle in scientific terms, few could relate
their explanations to observations of how
the Sun appears in the sky. Some appeared
to work backward from their explanation
to describe what must be happening in
the sky. That suggests it is important to
have students first observe how the Sun
changes its position during the daytime
before explaining why that happens from
the viewpoint of a spinning Earth.

Suggestions for Instruction and


This probe can be combined with Me

and My Shadow in Uncovering Student
Ideas in Science, Vol. 3: Another 25 Formative Assessment Probes (Keeley, Eberle, and
Dorsey 2008).
This probe can be used to launch into an
investigation in which students measure
the length of a shadow from morning
through afternoon, including observations
at about 15-minute intervals before and
after noon. This activity can help students
learn why it is colder in winter if repeated
monthly throughout the year. Record the
observations on a large sheet of paper and
post them on a wall so students can compare the observations; they will see that
as winter approaches the Sun does not go
as high in the sky around noon, so their
shadow is longer. As the school year turns
to spring, the Sun will be higher in the sky
around noon so shadows will be shorter.
Revisit this idea at the high school level,
asking students to write an explanation
of the day-night cycle. Demonstrations
like those mentioned above can be used if


formative assessment reveals students have

misconceptions about the motion of the
Sun during the day.
NSTAs Astronomy With a Stick project has several activities and suggestions
for helping students develop an understanding of the changing position of the
Sun throughout the day:

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 2009. Benchmarks for science literacy online.
Driver, R., A. Squires, P. Rushworth, and V. WoodRobinson. 1994. Making sense of secondary
science: Research into childrens ideas. London:
Keeley, P., F. Eberle, and C. Dorsey. 2008. Uncovering student ideas in science, vol. 3: Another
25 formative assessment probes. Arlington, VA:
NSTA Press.
Mant, J., and M. Summers. 1993. Some primaryschool teachers understanding of the Earths
place in the universe. Research Papers in Education 8 (1): 101129.
National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National
science education standards. Washington, DC:
National Academies Press.
Plummer, J. 2008. Students development of
astronomy concepts across time. Astronomy
Education Review 7 (1): 139148. http://aer.aas.
Plummer, J., and J. Krajcik. 2010. Building a learning progression for celestial motion: Elementary levels from an Earth-based perspective.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 47 (7):
Zeilik, M., C. Schau, and N. Matter. 1998. Misconceptions and their change in universitylevel astronomy courses. The Physics Teacher 36:

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Copyright 2012 NSTA. All rights reserved. For more information, go to

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