Best Practices in Collections Strategies PDF
Best Practices in Collections Strategies PDF
Best Practices in Collections Strategies PDF
November 2008
Note that the term collections used in this InSight refers to both activities to recover past-due loans
(loans with one or more days of default) and activities to prevent delinquency within the institutions. In
Asia, situations of due-date collections have been referred to as on-time collections activity.
Banco Solidario, Ecuador; Financiera El Comercio, Paraguay; RealMicrocrdito, Brazil; Banco
Columbia, Argentina.
Promotion: The product does not meet clients real needs; there is no clear definition of
the target client; clients use of the loan does not match foreseen uses of the loan funds
included in the product definition; there is no emphasis on a long-term lending
relationship based on punctual payment; loan officers, credit agents, promotion officers,
etc., lack necessary training.
Evaluation: Failure in the methodology application including loan amounts that exceed
clients capacity to pay and over-indebtedness; client has poor references or a poor
attitude towards paying on time; there is no cross-checking of information to verify
consistency, or documentation control; there are no clear policies for renewal; lack of
risk-management tools to improve the understanding of default probability of the client,
to identify the environmental causes that may affect the proper collections of the
disbursed loan, and to alert management about the multiple events associated with a
weak identification of operational risk (e.g. frauds, weak infrastructure, process gaps).
Approval: Decisions are influenced by pressure to meet goals; decisions are subjective,
based on the level of trust in the loan officer and lacking an objective credit analysis.
In addition to the errors that may occur in the sub-processes, high delinquency rates may also
stem from an overall lack of collections forethought. Collections is often seen as a secondary or,
in some cases, nonexistent activity and lacks a defined strategy. Delinquency rates may also be
spurred by external factors over which an MFI has no control, such as problems related to the
sector, social concerns, illness, theft, fraud, natural disasters, and other emergencies.
When MFIs see an increase in delinquency it is important to carefully analyze the past-due
portfolio in order to more accurately identify the origin and causes of the delinquency and
estimate the probability of repayment, while at the same time defining the most effective and
efficient collections strategies. Risk-management tools contribute to the identification of threats
and menaces to the operations to mitigate their impact.
Defining a loss: The MFI must also clearly define the conditions under which a credit is
deemed a loss; that is, when to cease collections activities. This may be when all possible
attempts to recover the funds have proven unsuccessful and/or when the probability of
payment is very low. The MFI must measure the cost/benefit of legal action, reporting
past-due client and other actions permitted by law.
The client should see collections as an ongoing rather than sporadic activity, which means that it
is very important that the various actors in the processsuch as call centers, loan officers, and
collections agentsact in a coordinated and timely manner. The client must feel that the MFI has
its finger on the pulse of the situation at all times, acting quickly, flexibly, and definitively to
control the situation. It is also extremely important that collections activities be directed at all
individuals involved in the loanincluding spouse, guarantors, family, or friends who served as
referencesin accordance with the clients risk profile and probability of repayment.
Generally, microentrepreneurs do not provide collateral guarantees to MFIs. Therefore, many
institutions develop non-traditional mechanisms that are basically a type of psychological
pressure, called non-traditional guarantees. Often, these non-traditional guarantees cannot be
executed for legal reasons or because the cost of executing them is greater than the value of the
guarantee itself. This makes it even more important that collections activities are founded on
efficient strategies and timely negotiations prior to recurring to legal collections, unless all
previous actions have proven inefficient for reasons external to the collections process.
A poorly defined or understood collections process can lead to inadequate, costly strategies and
the breakdown of the process itself. Below are some common errors:
Tendency to seize goods from the business or home as a means to collect on the loan:
This practice could distract collections agents from their main responsibility, basically
turning them into something akin to an intermediary or salesperson. The MFI incurs high
storage and administration costs as a result of receiving these goods and sends the wrong
message to the client with respect to the clients financial obligations. Oftentimes the
client prefers to lose the assets without making an effort to repay the loan, thus
weakening the institutions position and image in the market.
It is vital to the long-term health of an MFI that it recognize each client requires a considerable
investment of time, money, and effort from the different parties participating in collections.
Attracting new clients is more expensive than maintaining existing ones.
striving to create proactive strategies to diminish the occurrence of overdue loans. They recognize
the valuable role that well-trained internal and external collections staff perform. They offer
suggestions for the precise collection and maintenance of data, segmentation of clients and
offering of collections products or payment alternatives tailored to the needs of the client. And,
finally, they provide a listing of policies and procedures that contribute to successful collection of
delinquent loans.
In Practice India
In India, where the group-loan methodology
(Grameen Bank methodology) is widespread,
institutions recommend that each client meeting
includes the reading of a type of code of conduct
or code of ethics, in the local language. The code
emphasizes, among other points, the importance of
punctual payments, the solidarity that binds each
member to an obligation to pay if one of the other
members cannot make a payment, the importance
of saving, and the value brought by the investment
of the loan in productive activity that generates
additional income.
In Practice Ecuador
Banco Solidario
Banco Solidario emphasized the
importance of educating clients
about good payment practices,
handing out printed material on the
benefits of paying on time and the
responsibilities of the guarantor at
customer service windows prior to
disbursement. Another pro-active
strategy was the development of a
point system to reward clients who
paid on time by conducting
solidarity raffles and reminding
clients of their payment dates via
the internal call center and loanofficer visits.
or liquidity. At the same time, it should be far enough away from payment dates for other
important obligations, such as rent, school fees, and other debts.
Address Customer-Service Complaints Quickly
In the development of new loan products linked to the purchase of assets, such as mobile phones
and computers, it has sometimes been the case that the item bought turns out to be defective
and/or the client did not receive adequate customer service from the supplier, resulting in
cessation of client payments. By timely attention paid to complaints, staff members may be able
to address clients concerns before they result in a late payment. A similar situation could also be
the result of fraudulent staff action, etc. In this case the institution must analyze the situation and,
if it determines that late payment is due to problems with the good or service, propose a timely
solution in order to reactivate the client.
Use Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement, as simple as it seems, also plays a valuable role. The lending institution
can recognize and reward clients who pay on time by offering them immediate access to
renewals, larger loan amounts, preferential (lower) interest rates, certificates of good payment,
training, and prizes. These actions should be implemented with the support of the marketing
department and integrated into the sales strategy.
Costly control and supervision of collections activities are transferred to the collections
The client is often intimidated by the appearance of a new collections agent or company.
The agency is more prepared to work through a variety of collections approaches, including
call centers, collectors, on-site collections agents, and collections points.
They have little interest in client relationships, making client reactivation difficult.
Communication between the MFI and the collections agency may become complicated.
There may be duplication of efforts or contradictions presented to the client.
The collections agencys direct contact with the client may reveal problems within the MFI,
resulting in a loss of confidentiality.
External collections agents may have less success collecting if the client fails to
acknowledge them, alleging they have no authority in their case.
External collections agents may not adhere to the same ethical standards as promoted by
the MFI when dealing with clients.
In Practice Brazil
Real Microcrdito
Real Microcrdito (RMC) employed the services of Banco ABN AMRO REAL(Call Center) for
loans that had fallen at least five days past-due, as well as the services of a specialized
collections agency. One of the lessons learned from this experience was that by using
dedicated staff in the call center as well as with the specialized collections agency, RMC was
able to provide a more personalized and appropriate service to its microfinance clients. These
channels provided by Banco ABN-AMRO REAL had traditionally been reserved for
mainstream, high-income clients. RMC was thus able to increase and improve the quality of
contact with clients. For example, a special collections speech was personalized for RMC
clients, and guarantors were called, a practice which had not used by the bank in its
traditional collections activities. Communication between internal collections agents and the
collections agency also improved, facilitating negotiations with the client.
They are careful to maintain a relationship with the client, leading to possible client
The MFI retains control over the client interface, thus having more direct control over
ensuring collections practices remain in line with institutions ethical standards.
Internal units require specialized staff training that few MFIs have the time or resources to
offer. The control and supervision of collections activities and staff also imposes high costs.
There is a lack of personal and professional recognition for collections staff. Collections
has a reputation of being not very enjoyable, and, in some cultural contexts, quite negative.
An internal unit distracts from promotion and analysis activities, especially during periods
of expansion.
In Practice Paraguay
Financiera El Comercio
The shareholders and board members of the Financiera El Comercio in Paraguay created
their own external collections agency, called Gestin, which managed past-due loans over
180 days from El Comercio by using specialized collections officers and lawyers. The
company also provided call center services for loans past due up to 30 days to support El
Comercio loan officers in their collections activities. After some years of operations, El
Comercio has actually reinstated its collections activities within the institution. The main
reasons behind this decision were high operating costs to maintain two separate
administrative structures (two accounts, two boards), separation between both institutions
(they did not speak the same language), and the absence of feedback channels between
Gestin and the risk-management unit of El Comercio to review policies and procedures.
exact levels of participation. For example, call-center staff may contact the client, but should not
negotiate payment, as they are not trained to take on this task.
Training is vital to achieving successful
loan collections and good customer service.
It is important to educate staff members in
techniques and strategies, such as how to
address the typical arguments of the
delinquent client, how to relate to difficult
people, what types of clients exist, tips and
verbal cues for communication, the typical
profile of the delinquent client, and
negotiation techniques. Additionally, MFIs
must ensure staff members have a full
understanding of the accurate application of
collections tools and knowledge of relevant
legal resolutions.
In Practice Ecuador
Banco Solidario
Banco Solidario developed a training plan
for collections staff based on ACCIONs
knowledge and experience. The training plan
aimed primarily at providing the institution
with a 360-degree view of the role of
collections in the overall lending cycle,
for example collections as a loan-renewal and
customer- service tool as well as training in
collections strategies.
The system should also maintain a history of actions taken and collections activities implemented.
This is especially important when there are many potential channels for collections (loan officers,
collections agents, call centers, collections campaigns, etc.) in order to ensure continuity in terms
of collections activities carried out by each participant and avoid duplication of efforts and
Ensure Quality of Client Information
Just as regular client contact is key to an
In Practice Paraguay
effective collections process, so is the
El Comercio
collection of quality client information
necessary for successful client location.
El Comercio in Paraguay used client
During the initial application process, the
information to solve a common problem of
MFI should request several pieces of
client location. MFIs have a difficult time
information, including the clients full
locating clients who have closed their
name, address and clear instructions on
businesses and moved. To address this
how to locate the client (map of location),
problem, El Comercio began to review the
telephone number and personal and
clients files and contact the personal
commercial references. During each step of
references noted in order to locate the client.
the collections process and by each
Previously thought to be useful only in the
participant in it, this information should be
clients character analysis during the
verified and updated as necessary in order
evaluation process, these references are
to facilitate seamless contact with the client
usually family or close friends who are able to
throughout the process. MFIs must develop
provide information on the whereabouts of the
tools and strategies for updating client
missing clients, information vital to the
information in the database, without
collections of past-due loans.
compromising secure access controls or
quality of information. One possible way to
ensure integrity of the information is through the development of an incentive system for staff to
encourage timely and accurate database updates.
Establish an Internal Past-Due Committee
A past-due committee is made up of branch staff who participate in the collections process,
including loan officers, collections agents, branch managers, and others. Periodic meetings are
held to discuss and analyze specific past-due clients and collections strategies and processes.
During committee meetings suggestions may be offered, and participants learn from the errors
identified in the evaluation and approval process/phase. The committee also discusses and
analyzes portfolio statistics, challenges and achievements.
The past-due committee is useful to develop a culture of good collections practices within the
institution and helps provide feedback to management on the MFIs collections strategies,
policies, and procedures. It also helps to control delinquency, encourages good decision-making
practices, and provides a valuable forum for learning/training from the field.
Establish Internal Methodological Control Units
Internal methodological control units, or methodological audit units, are strategic units created
within MFIs to address the lack of a monitoring and control system for the specific products and
services of the microfinance industry. During an individual loan assessment by an MFI, the
typical formal-sector documentation used to support the credit analysis is substituted by a report
generated by the loan officer in the field detailing the clients family and business situation.
Traditional banking-sector audit systems have proven to be inadequate for the microfinance
industry, thus increasing the motivation for internal audit departments to monitor not only the
collections process but address all sub-processes of the lending cycle.
Methodological control is an important tool for obtaining ongoing feedback and assessment. It is
used to keep management informed regarding the quality of operations in the branches and the
correct application of credit policies and processes. Methodological control should then prevent
deviations from the established methodology that could potentially have a negative impact on
portfolio quality. Methodological-control-units have been successfully implemented to decrease
delinquency in institutions such as Financiera El Comercio, Banco Columbia, Real Microcrdito,
and Banco Solidario.
Training for staff responsible for risk management and collections strategy definitions;
Definition of the tool for calculating the level of risk the client presents, whether that
client is recoverable, and the best strategy for recovery.
The first tool for identifying the probability of default of a client is data mining. Alberto
Teskiewicz defines data mining as:
The process of identifying significant correlations, patterns and trends that are
hidden among the wealth of information in the database, through the combination
of statistics, mathematics, and recognition of patterns. It is an interactive process
that allows the institution to convert data into knowledge, generating benefits that
translate into lower costs and higher income.3
While many institutions currently consider data mining vital to portfolio evaluation, it is still not
used as an important tool to maximize the effectiveness of collections activities. Data mining
allows MFIs to forecast the probability of recovery and provides them with a score useful in
prioritizing past-due loans based on recuperation probability.
Another tool available for risk management of collections is the Collections Scorecard, a
system for assigning points based on the characteristics of a client in order to obtain a numeric
value that reflects how likely this client is to default relative to other individuals. It is important to
note that a collections scorecard does not indicate how much risk you should expect; instead, it
indicates how a particular loan is expected to perform relative to other loans.
After segmenting clients based on their probability to repay, the MFI develops a set of strategies
for collecting from the different segments, while optimizing its financial, human and
infrastructure resources. The success of risk-based collections depends not only on the
The Collections Scorecard in Practice Optimizing the sending of debtcollection notices to clients both with and without credit scores.
Without Score
With Score
With Score
No. days past-due High Priority
Low Priority No. days past-due No. days past-due
First letter
Second letter
Third latter
Legal notice
Traditionally, collections notices are sent based on the number of days past-due,
without establishing priorities and probabilities. When applying a collections score,
timing when the collections notice is sent depends primarily on the priority
determined based on client risk and the probability of collections.
Alberto Teskiewicz, Modelos predictivos para cobranza y refinanciacin [Predictive Modeling for
Collections and Refinancing]. First Collection Summit, Credit Management Solutions, Buenos Aires,
Argentina 2007.
development of the score used to forecast repayment probability and the optimized collections
strategies, but also on the appropriate implementation and monitoring of the defined strategies.
Such strategies are now very common in consumer credit (individual credit) but are still not very
advanced within the microfinance sector.
Another methodology used to implement successful collections strategies is client segmentation.
Not all clients are the same, nor are their reasons for delinquency. Effective client segmentation
results primarily from identifying the cause of delinquency and classifying the client based on
attitude, capacity to pay, solvency and location.
Effective client segmentation is not achieved early on; classification is a difficult task, which is why
it is important to follow up with clients and monitor the number of days any client falls past-due. As
the number of past-due days increases, strategies should change as the MFI and collections agents
come to know the client better. At the beginning the focus is on retaining the client, but as the
number of days past-due increases the focus changes to recovering the loaned funds.
Segmentation is additional to the risk-level determination (data mining or score-based
methodologies discussed above). However, if the institution does not have access to additional
tools, the MFI can apply a simple classification strategy, such as the following:
Clients who are willing and able to pay require simple collections activities. In many
cases effective negotiation of new payment conditions is enough to recover the past-due
amount and maintain the client. These individuals are usually clients who forgot to pay,
did not receive the payment schedule indicating payment dates, or asked someone else
who did not follow through to deposit their payment for them.
Clients who are willing but unable to pay require feasible alternatives and options. In
these cases the most effective negotiating involves changing the loan conditions
(restructuring, refinancing, etc). Depending on the payment behavior after re-negotiating
the conditions, this client could also be a candidate for renewal. Generally these clients
have experienced an unforeseen emergency, are going through a difficult situation, are
victims of an investment gone bad, or are outspending their income.
Clients who are able but not willing to pay require MFIs to ponder a questionis the
lack of payment due to problems with the quality of service offered to this client? If the
answer is yes, such problems must be immediately resolved. If the answer is no,
collections must involve an immediate and more intensive strategy. If the new strategy is
unsuccessful, then immediate legal action is recommended. It is not unusual to discover
that these clients initially received erroneous information, that they disagree with the
loan conditions or that payments were made but were not applied because of operational
Clients who are neither willing nor able to pay require immediate legal action.
Generally these are fraudulent clients with a bad credit history or poorly
evaluated/approved credits. However, before moving forward it is important to
determine their degree of solvencythat is whether the clients possess sufficient assets
to obtain repayment. If they do not, any actions taken could be counterproductive. The
MFI must evaluate the cost/benefit of any action taken with these clients.
It is evident from this proposed segmentation that there is a direct relationship between the
clients intention to pay and the probability of recovering the loanas the clients intention to
pay diminishes over time, so does the probability of loan collections. For this reason, action must
be taken immediately on past-due loans in order to increase the effectiveness of collections.
Payment Alternatives
Payment alternatives are important negotiating tools and key to the ultimate success of the
collections process. MFIs must offer various payment alternatives adjusted to fit the diverse needs
and situations of clients. This is akin to arming collections agents so they can win the debtcollections battle. The timely use of these tools is also important and demonstrates the
institutions capacity to react and respond to delinquency.
Traditionally, MFIs have used restructuring and refinancing as the only payment alternatives.
These two options do not necessarily address the needs presented by the wide gamut of client
situations and imply a need for innovations and the creation of other alternatives. To be able to
offer innovative alternatives, MFIs need the support of a strong and flexible information system.
In general, if it is not possible to collect the loan in a single payment, valid alternatives should be
identified. This should occur even if it means extending the loan term, implementing periodic
evaluations or collecting minimum installment payments for a specified period of months and the
remaining balance upon maturity. The clients repayment behavior should be evaluated towards
the final repayment, always considering the costs and benefits.
Payment alternatives may also include discounting late fees and charges from the total amount of
the loan; if the loan is paid off more quickly rather than over a longer period of time the discount
should be greater. For example, a client who is able and willing to pay the total amount past-due
would receive a greater discount in fees than a client who requests 15 months to repay, thus
creating an incentive for quicker loan repayment.
In Practice Brazil
Real Microcrdito
Real Microcrdito (RMC) developed an innovative system called agreement to pay based
on a system of discounting penalty interest and fees in direct relation to the new term
established for total repayment. In this way, for example, the client who chooses the shortest
repayment term received a greater discount. This collections product was designed as a
campaign within a pre-established timeframe; it is not an ongoing service. This option was
offered to clients with a certain minimum number of days past-due and needed to be managed
with discretion since, for example, if the minimum number of days past-due was set at 90, a
client who is 60 days past-due and desired to pay back the debt could potentially be required
to wait until the loan is 90 days past due to receive the benefit.
Monitoring collections activities: Through internal audit and control units, MFIs may
conduct random visits to a representative sample of past-due clients from each branch in
order to supervise the application of appropriate collections policies and procedures in
the field and to obtain client feedback regarding service quality.
Forming focus groups: Focus groups comprised of delinquent clients not only allow
MFIs to obtain feedback on service quality, but also allow institutions to understand
clients payment priorities, which can be influenced by the quality of service provided by
the institution.
Requiring frequent and detailed reporting: Collections staff should report regularly on
their interactions with clients and present reports to branch managers and other relevant
parties as a part of the overall analysis and evaluation of collections activities.
Setting a time limit for interaction: MFIs should impose time limits for loan-officer
interaction with a delinquent client, after which the case should be transferred to a
different loan officer. The involvement of different actors (loan officers, collections
agents, branch managers) in the collections process may help to reduce the possibility of
fraud and/or mistreatment of the client.
Patricia Lee Devaney, Bringing Pro-Consumer Ideals to the ClientA Consumer Protection Guide for
Financial Institutions Serving the Poor (ACCION Monograph No. 14, ACCION International, May 2006).
The total cost of the collections process (CCP) is the sum of all of the above:
CCP = Salaries + Other operating expenses + Fees for services
In this example the authors are assuming that the MFI has a mixed collections strategy, outsourcing some
of the collections activities.
Loan-loss and provision expenses, including actual loan losses (LL), are also related to past-due
loans. Therefore, the total cost of collections (TCC) could be represented as:
To optimize the efficiency of the total costs of collections the institution must consider the costs
of the collections process vs. loan losses and provisions. The two must be inversely
proportionalas collections costs increase, loan losses and provisions must decrease. A
hypothetical example is provided in the following table:
Collections Loan Loss & Provisions Total
Process (CCP)
From this example we can conclude that the objectives of a typical collections unit are:
to obtain optimal results through the collections process and
to increase collections costs (CCP) vs. loan-loss and provisions expenses (LL).
V. Conclusion
Collections is a customer service that MFIs must consider before launching new credit programs.
Not only does it play an integral role in the overall lending cycle, but it is also a valuable source
of feedback on the processes that take place prior to collections. Contrary to the popular belief
that delinquency starts only when a client misses a payment date, in many cases it is the processes
themselves are the original catalysts of delinquency.
The best practices presented here do not represent a comprehensive list of strategies that may be
employed to address and reduce delinquency, but they are, from the authors experiences, the
most effective. Additionally, institutions should be aware of the consumer protection concerns
relating to collections as well as the appropriate cost structure in place to ensure appropriate
allocation of funds. What should be taken away is the understanding that excellent collections
strategies should begin before there is a delinquency problem and end only after the loan is
deemed a loss.
Glossary of terms
CollectionsActions taken within a financial institution to both prevent delinquency and recover
past-due loans.
RefinanceModifications of an existing loan made by a lender in response to a borrowers longterm inability to pay the loan. This usually involves modifications on the current loan conditions
that would include additional money. Borrowers are often requested to fulfill some compulsory
Restructure/rescheduleModifications of an existing loan in response to a borrowers shortterm inability to pay the loan. This action usually involves only modifications on the loan term
and frequency.
Past-due/delinquent loanLoans with at least one payment installment not made on or before
the agreed upon payment date. Usually MFIs define a loan as past-due or delinquent if payment is
one day late.
Brachfield, Pere J. Jaque a los impagados: el recobro de los impagados mediante la
negociacin efectiva con los morosos.[Cornering unpaid debtors: recovering unpaid debts
through effective negotiations with delinquent clients]. Barcelona: Ediciones Gestin 2000, S.A.,
. Recobrar impagados y negociar con morosos [Recovering unpaid debts and
negotiating with delinquent clients]. Barcelona: Ediciones Gestin 2000, S.A, 2002.
This report was prepared by Bettina Wittlinger, Luz Carranza and Tiodita Mori, staff consultants
for ACCION InternationalInternational Operations. The authors worked in the implementation
of collections programs for Banco Solidario, Financiera El Comercio, Banco Columbia,
RealMicrocredito and programs in India between 2003 and the date of publication of this InSight.
The article was edited by Kelley Mesa, Anita Gardeva, and Jori Ortegon.
Special thanks for her valuable commentary for this InSight go to Veronica Aznaran, who has
eleven years of experience in the Peruvian financial system, specializing in collections for SMEs
and commercial lending in Peru.
Many thanks for their valuable commentaries and revision of this InSight go to Andres Calderon,
Vice President of Risk at ACCION International, and Victoria White, India Program Director at
ACCION. Thanks, too, go to Susana Barton Principal DirectorInnovations & Integrated
Solutions at ACCION, for her constant support and for bringing the facilities to write the
present InSight.
ACCION Internationals InSight series is designed to highlight practical applications, policy
viewpoints and ongoing research of ACCION. To download other editions of InSight free of
charge, please visit
Other titles in ACCIONs InSight series include:
InSight 1: ACCION Poverty Assessment Framework
InSight 2: Economic Profile for 15 MicroKing Clients in Zimbabwe
InSight 3: Making Microfinance Transparent: ACCION Policy Paper on Transparency
InSight 4: Building the Homes of the Poor: Housing Improvement Lending at Mibanco
InSight 5: Poverty Outreach Findings: Mibanco, Peru
InSight 6: The Service Company Model: A New Strategy for Commercial Banks
in Microfinance
InSight 7: Market Intelligence: Making Market Research Work for Microfinance
InSight 8: ACCION Poverty Outreach Findings: SOGESOL, Haiti
InSight 9: ACCION PortaCredit: Increasing MFI Efficiency with Technology
InSight 10: Leveraging the Impact of Remittances through Microfinance Products
InSight 11: ACCIONs Experiences with Rural Finance in Latin America and Africa
InSight 12: Developing Housing Microfinance Products in Central America
InSight 13: ACCION Poverty Outreach Findings: BancoSol, Bolivia
InSight 14: Practical Skills for Microentrepreneurs: ACCIONs Experiences with the ABCs of
Business Program
InSight 15: Bridging the Finance Gap: ACCIONs Experience with Guarantee Funds for
Microfinance Institutions
InSight 16: MFIs and Foreign Exchange Risk: The Experience of ACCIONs Latin
American Affiliates
InSight 17: ACCION Poverty Outreach Findings: Apoyo Integral, El Salvador
InSight 18: Who Will Buy Our Paper: Microfinance Cracking the Capital Markets
InSight 19: Providing Cost-Effective Credit to Small-Scale Single-Crop Farmers: The Case of
Financiera El Comercio
InSight 20: Financially Viable Training for Microentrepreneurs
InSight 21: Getting to Scale in Housing MF: A Study of ACCION Partners in Latin America
InSight 22: Microfinance Cracking the Capital Markets II
InSight 23: The Banco Compartamos Initial Public Offering
InSight 24: Guidelines to Evaluate Social Performance
InSight 25: Challenges and Opportunities for Banking Remittances: Key Elements Needed to
Develop a Strategy to Bank Recipients of Remittances