Satchel Paige 1
Satchel Paige 1
Satchel Paige 1
Suggested Activities
Discussion Discuss with students: How many professional baseball players today do they
think would still play the game if their pay depended on how much was collected from the
Math Problems During his lifetime Satchel Paige played about 2,500 games and won 2,000
of them. What percentage did he lose? Share some other statistics about Paige and let
students write their own word problems. For example, of 2,500 games, 300 were shutouts
and 55 were no-hitters. In 1933 Paige pitched 31 games and lost only 4.
Others Some other Negro League players include Josh Gibson, Cool Papa Bell, Oscar
Charleston, and Judy Johnson. Challenge students to find out more about these players.
Take a Walk in Their Shoes by Glennette Tilley Turner (Puffin Books, 1989).
Satchel Paige by David Shirley (Chelsea House, 1993).
The Story of Negro League Baseball by William Brashler (Ticknor & Fields, 1994).
#2100 The Twentieth Century