Direct Instruction Lesson Preparation Worksheet: (Thinking About The Lesson)

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Direct Instruction Lesson Preparation Worksheet

(Thinking about the lesson)

Teacher Candidate: Kristin Foster
Title of Lesson: Text Features
Grade Level: 3rd
Teaching Setting: PLEX Center Classroom
Content Area: Literacy
1. Lesson Topic
Main Objective of Instruction: What do you want the student(s) to learn? How does this lesson
relate to real-life?
o Students will be able to speak and write to demonstrate their knowledge of text
o Students will be able to speak and write to demonstrate the information that each
text feature tells the reader.
Supporting Objectives: What other skills will your students achieve (i.e. sub-skills, working in
groups, cooperating, learning how to use the library, etc.)?
o Student will be able to understand a chart graphic organizer.
What Content Standards(s) and/or EEOs will this lesson address?
o Content Area: Reading, Writing, and Communicating Standard: 2. Reading for All
1. Strategies are needed to make meaning of various types of literary genres
c. Use Integration of Knowledge and Ideas to:
ii. Summarize central ideas and important details from literary text
How does this relate to what students are currently learning in general education?
o Students will need to understand and know text features in order to manipulate
and gain knowledge from articles and academic text.
Are there IEP goals to consider? Identify them.
o Ellis will increase his reading comprehension by retelling a story with supporting details.
Objective 1: Ellis will use a graphic organizer to retell a story, using beginning, middle, and end sequence
without using visual cues from the story at least 80% of the time.
Objective 2: Ellis will use a graphic organizer to write a 5-8 sentence paragraph retelling the story with at
least 2 supporting details from the story with only 3-5 verbal prompts.

2. Planning for individual differences:
Consider the potential learning range of your students. What UDL strategies could you include in
your lesson?
o Students will be able to systimatically see the relationship between text features
and their signifigance/meaning. The students will also have a visual and actual example of text
feautres. The text features for the graphic organizer will also be obtained from a generla
education article. This will establish a real life context understanding of the context clues.

What background knowledge do the students have? What do they need to know prior to your
o Students will need to have a working knowledge of phonics and the fact the words
represent ideas.
What management and grouping strategies need to be considered?
o I will use whole body listening, modeling of self-talk, and postive reinforcement.
I will also rediret nexpected behavior as well as remind students of expectations.

3. Materials and Resources

What materials and resources do you need to teach the lesson?
o An article with the needed text features (Title, heading, bold words, pictures,
captions and graphs)
o Copies of the same article for students to cut and paste
o Text feautre graphic organizer

4. Reflection In and On Action:

How will you assess students knowledge and learning pre, during and post? (KWL chart,
anticipation guides, etc.).
o I will assess student knowledge prior to the lesson by asking what text features
are? Where is the title? Where is the heading? What are the bold words?
o During the assessment I will assess student knowledge by having them point to
specific text features. I will ask them to refernce the graphic organier to find the
meaning/significance of each text feature.
o The post assessment will be for students to point to and say the title, heading, ect.
in the original article.


Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

(What will actually be completed)
Lesson Title: ___Identifying text features and their meaning ______
Main Objective of this lesson: Students will be able to speak/point to demonstrate their
abiltiy to identify text features in an nonfiction article.
Anticipatory Set:
How will you get the student(s) attention? Relate lesson to prior learning.
o We will start by singing the whole body listening song and reading the objective.
o I will relate it to prior knowledge by using an article they used in the general
eduction classroom and asking questions about the content.

Introduce and model new knowledge: What and how will you teach (list step-by-step instructions
for the lesson).
o I will identify each text feature in the article. I will have students point to the text
feature, say the name and read it out loud.
o I will then explain what information the text feature tells the reader.
o Next I will ask students to point the text feature I say. When correctly identified
they will cut it out and paste it into the correct spot in the graphic organizer.
What additional strategies and accommodations/modifications will you need to
o The graphic organizer will have fill in the blank sections. This way the students
do not need to write each meaning completly but they will still be resposbile for following along
and reproducing the learned information. There will be a complete graphic organier in which fill
in the blank words are highlighted for easy retreival.

Guided Practice:
What strategies will you use to ensure the students are actively participating and are engaged in
the lesson?

o The students will follow along through out the article by pointing to each text
feature and reading it out loud.
o The students will then be asked to find them again with teacher support.
o The students will then cut and paste the infromation into their graphic organizer.
o The students will also fill in the blanks in the graphic organizers.
o Therefore, the students will be participating through out the lesson.

Check for Understanding:
How will you determine if the student(s) understand the lesson? What questions will you ask
your students? (Use Blooms Taxonomy: Creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding, &
o How can we find the main idea?

o Where is the title?

o Why does the author include a title? Headings?
How will you adjust your teaching if the students are not understanding/learning the content?

Independent Practice:
What will this look like? Is it homework? Completion of a product independently?
o Students will be asked to re-identify the information independently. Then through
out the following lessons and school year they will be asked to refer to their graphic organizer.
We will also find the title and headings often to help them identify the main idea in nonfiction

How/where will students be able to integrate (generalize) this learning in the future?
o We will use the title to identify the main idea and the headings to identify the
supporting details.

Closure and Evaluation:

How will you evaluate student learning from this lesson? How will you know that your main
objective was met?
o I will ask the students to point to and tell me the title. Then I will ask them to tell
me the purpose of the title.
How will you formally END the lesson (how will student(s) summarize or demonstrate learning
of the lesson)? This should be tied to the main objective.
o I will ask the students what they learned today. I will ask them how they can use it
throughout their life.
o The students will put their graphic organizer into their binder and put their
materials back in their cubby.


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