Greater Sciatic Foramen

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Greater Sciatic Foramen

 Anterior: Greater sciatic notch
 Posterior: Sacrotuberous ligament
 Superior: Anterior sacroiliac ligament
 Inferior: Sacrospinous ligament & ischial spine

1. Piriformis muscle
a. Takes origin from front of middle 3 sacral segments
b. Passes through the foramen to be inserted into tip of greater
trochanter of femur
2. Above piriformis
a. Superior gluteal nerve (L4,5, S1)
i. Branch from sacral plexus appears above the piriformis
ii. Divides into
1. Ascending branch to supply gluteus medius
2. Descending branch tp supply gluteus maximus & tensor
fascia lata
b. Superior gluteal artery
i. Largest terminal branch of posterior division of internal iliac
ii. Divides into
1. Superficial branch to supply gluteus maximus
2. Deep branch to supply gluteus medius, gluteus minimus &
tensor fascia lata
c. Superior gluteal vein
i. Terminates into internal iliac vein
3. Below piriformis
a. Inferior gluteal nerve (L5, S1, 2)
i. Branch of sacral plexus to supply gluteus maximus
b. Inferior gluteal artery
i. Branch from anterior division on internal iliac artery
ii. Shares in cruciate anastomosis
iii. Supplies sciatic nerve & gluteus maximus
c. Inferior gluteal vein
i. Ends in internal iliac vein
d. Sciatic nerve
i. Descends of the back of ischium & back of the thigh
e. Nerve to quadratus femoris
i. Branch from sacral plexus
ii. Descends deep to sciatic nerve to supply inferior gemillus and
quadratus femoris
f. Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
i. Branch of sacral plexus
ii. Descends superficial to sciatic nerve
iii. Continues on the back of thigh down to upper part of back of leg
g. Nerve to obturator internus
i. Branch of sacral plexus
ii. Turns around ischial spine to enter the lesser sciatic foramen and
supplies superior gemellus & obturator internus
h. Internal pudendal artery
i. Branch of internal iliac artery
ii. Curves around tip if ischial spine to enter the lesser sciatic
i. Pudendal nerve
i. Turns around sacrospinous ligament medial to the internal
pudendal artery to enter the lesser sciatic foramen

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