Group Work

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Group members: Amal Al-Alami, Ani Asatryan, Feifei Chen.

Ani Asatryan
Question 1: How do ascribed and achieve statuses serve to identify who a
person is in a culture? What are reference groups? How are reference groups
experienced in society?
An ascribed status is when an individual receives a certain position in society
without working for it and an achieved status is when an individual has power to
change and assign their own social status. An ascribed status identifies who a
person is in a culture because their social status is based on established traits hey
have no control over such as gender, race, religion and age. An Achieved status
identifies who a person is because they have the ability to earn their social position
and control who they are by using their skills and hard work in order to achieve and
accomplish a goal in their life. For example a person who was born in a wealthy
family can identify with an ascribed status whereas his or her family who worked
hard to become wealthy can identify with an achieved status.
A reference group is any form of league that an individual uses as an influence
to determine their behavior, actions, or who they are in society. Some reference
groups that people usually identify themselves with are musical bands, celebrities,
and sport teams. Reference groups play a huge role in society because they have the
ability to influence peoples motivations, goals, beliefs, and values. For example,
people who identify themselves with a certain celebrity start to behave like them by
shopping at certain places, eating at the same restaurants, dressing like them, and
looking like them. Reference groups are experienced in society everyday and there
is no place or timing for it.

Question 2:
What is a social role (give examples)? (AMAL AL-ALAMI) A social role
defines a set of behaviors that are expected of someone who holds a particular
status. I believe that a proper example of this has to do with ones
financial status ; in example, I think people expect that people who are rich , cannot
be humble at the same time. Usually in television shows, the people with money
have the most arrogance and conceit. However, when a person is perceived to have
nothing, or a lack thereof, they are usually shown to be the gentlemen and the
sweetest between everyone. I do believe to an extent that some stereotypes are true,
but not all of them. I think that there is a good balance, as long as someone doesnt
allow their heads to be too big.

How does one violate his or her role? What is meant by role exit?
(FEIFEI CHEN)Violating his or her role means that individual cannot do well to
fit in his/her characteristics that people expected to see. For example, if a mom
doesnt take care of her children, people will think her to be violating the role. Role
exit means one previous role no longer exists and is replaced by another role. When
a girl gets married, her single role will exit which means people will no longer
think she is single. In the mean time, her married role replaces the previous one.
Role is a social position.A role is constantly changing and when one role exits,
another one replaces the previous one. This relates to the socialization process

because when a persons role changes their behavior also changes. A single girl can
think, act, and behave in a certain way but completely change her values and beliefs
when her role changes to married.

Distinguish between primary and secondary groups (give examples).

A Primary group is usually the close bond between family, friends, or intimate
relationships. People usually identify with these groups as small, trustworthy and
long lasting. Secondary groups however can vary. They can be small or large, long
term or short term, they usually change and unlike primary groups, they are not
intimate or personal. Examples of Secondary groups are schools, dance groups,
workplace, or any places where a group of people are in the same place not for each
other but for the same reason.

Question 3: What is meant by in-group and out-group? How is in-group

connected to primary group? How is out group connected to secondary
group? ( FEI FEI CHEN)
In-group is a group of people who see themselves as one and distinguish
themselves from people who are not in their group. People who are in this group
have similar habits and like to share their interests to each other. They feel a sense
of belonging while they stay in the group. Out-group is the opposite of in-group.
People who are in the out-group feel that they do not belong or dont fit in ones
own group.Primary group is a category of people who become closer and more
involved with each other through teamwork. A primary group and an in-group are
two groups that make group members to work as a team and also close together.
Thats why in-group is connected to a primary group. Secondary group is category
of people whose relationships are generally temporary than lasting for a long period.
The out group is connected to the secondary group because these two group
members are not as close as in-group and primary group members. Moreover,
members in those two groups are far apart away from each other.

Question 4 What are the five functional prerequisites that a society must
satisfy if it is to survive? Describe the differences between organic and
mechanical solidarity. (AMAL AL-ALAMI)
Family: Family is for a continuation of male domination.
Biological reproduction
Social reproduction
c. Give care and protection for members
Education: Education is for a divided society by level of merit.
Teaches formal and public culture necessary to be members of larger society
b. Academic subjects
c. How to interact with people outside the family
Ideology: Religion suppresses dissatisfaction with the provisions of society.
Establish identity with:


Similar beliefs and practices


Answering basic questions about meaning


Encouraging individual and collective discipline

Economy: Economies serve to separate the haves from the have-nots Regulates
the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.Polity:
Societies are run by an economic golden rule Those who have the gold, rule
Helps maintain order
b. Policing
c. Punishment
d. Establish stable relations with other societies through justice.
Mechanical Solidarity and Organic Solidarity go back to the concepts of solidarity
as theorized by mile Durkheim. Mechanical solidarity usually is in traditional
and small scale societies and it is usually based on family ties of our family
closeness. Organic solidarity comes from the interdependence that comes from
specialization of work and the similarities between people which is a work in
progress which happens in modern and industrial societies.

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