GuruStotram PDF
GuruStotram PDF
GuruStotram PDF
Gurur - Guru; Brahma Creator; Gurur - Guru; Vishnu Sustainer; Gurur - Guru;
Devo the divine; Maheshwarah the Destroyer; Guru Sakshat the Guru is verily;
Para-Brahma the transcendental divinity (which is the very basis of all the three);
tasmai to that; Shri glorious; Guruve Guru; Namah my salutations.
Chinmayam The self-effulgent diviity; Vyapi pervades ; yat that which; sarvam
everything; trailokyam the three worlds; sacharacharam inclisive of everything
which is movable or immovable; Tadpadam That state; darshitam has shown; yena
by whom; tasmai to that; Shri glorious; Guruve guru, teacher; Namah my
My salutations to that glorious Guru, who revealed to me that selfeffulgent divinity (the pure unconditioned consciousness) which pervades all
the three worlds, with all its movable and immovable objects.
Gurur - Guru; Brahma Creator; Gurur - Guru; Vishnu Sustainer; Gurur - Guru;
Devo the divine; Maheshwarah the Destroyer; Guru Sakshat the Guru is verily;
Para-Brahma the transcendental divinity (which is the very basis of all the three);
tasmai to that; Shri glorious; Guruve Guru; Namah my salutations.
Atma-gyan-pradanen tasmai Shri Gurave Namah.
My Salutations to that reverential teacher who by imparting the SelfKnowledge, has burnt away the very bondage of actions in a whiff, which
had even though taken infinite lives to accumulate.
Even by the very sipping of the charanamruta (the water with which
the feet of guru are washed), we get blessed by the eternal wealth (of
liberating knowledge), and which dries up the endless ocean of seeking &
the subsequent sorrows. My Salutations to the lotus-feet of that glorious
Na There is no; Guror than Guru; adhikam higher; tattvam truth; na there is
no; Guror than Guru; adhikam higher; tapah penance; Tattva-gyanat-param
higher than the knowledge of truth imparted by the guru; nasti does not exist; tasmai
to that; Shri glorious; Guruve Guru; Namah my salutations.
My Self; Sarva-bhutama is the Self of all; tasmai to that; Shri glorious; Guruve
Guru; Namah my salutations.
Gurur-adir-anadish-cha Guruh-param-daivatam.
Guroh-parataram nasti tasmai Shri Gurave Namah.
Gurur Guru; adir is the beginning of the universe; anadish yet, he himself is
without any beginning; Guruh - Guru ; param-daivatam the highest diety; Guroh
than the Guru; parataram higher; nasti does not exist; tasmai to that; Shri
glorious; Guruve Guru; Namah my salutations.
Tvameva You alone; Mata the mother; cha and; pita-tvameva you alone are the
father; tvameva You alone; bandushcha are the brother, and; sakha tvameva you
alone are my friend; Tvameva-vidya You alone are the knowledge; dravinam
tvameva you are the wealth; tvameva sarvam you are everything for me; mamadev-deva O My ultimate God