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Swing Winch Drives
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Swing Winch Drives
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Swing Winch Drives
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Gs) Tulsa Winch FLANGE MOUNT SPEED REDUCERS Tulsa Winches and Speed Reducers have been proven on the job - where it counts — for 60 years. The very first flange mount- ed speed reducer in the mobile crane market was a Tulsa G6, developed over 25 years ago and still used by many mobile equipment manufacturers today. With the development of four new models in the past two years, Tulsa now has the most com- plete line of flange mounted speed reducers in the industry. Applications include: Winch drives on digger derricks, material handling aerial devices, drill rigs and truck mounted cranes. swing drives on digger derricks, aerial devices, and truck mount- ed cranes, conveyor drives for intermittent conveyors, Boom Extension Drives for aerial devices and cranes. Design Features @ Manganese bronze alloy gears for smoother operation-less ‘slip-stick” @ One-piece ground worms provide durability, smoothness © Outout configurations to meet any customer requirements @ Housings either of lightweight 35676 aluminum or ductile iron @ Wide variety of input options allow proper motor selection for your application © Oil-immersed multiple disc brakes available for all models, @ One-year warranty on all reducersInstallation Dimensions (ho CATIONS. LESS BRAKE VERSIO Ce A B o D L G HFG338 2.75, 2.33 = = = 429 8.58 HFG430 2.63. 2.38 4.00 0.89 2.38 275° 7.50 _HFGs38. 3.00 241 4.00 449, 2.56 4.56 9.13 HFGo3aD 2.66 252 4.00 1.49 2.56 ‘4.58 9.13 er 2.00 2.75 3.00 0.53 = 5.00, 10.00 Go 2.95 2.60 3.50 050 = 5.00 10.00 THe 1542 3.00) 3.00 3.75 0.94 2.56 5.00, 10.00 HFG15420 3.62 3.17 3.75 094 2.56 5.00 10.00 HFG1754 3.00. 274 5.00 0.50, 3.00, 5.00 10.00 HFG2030 4.85 3.43 5.69. 0.94 ES 6.00 12.00 L H. L a K Ls M N (HFass8 4.42 2.75) 7.53) 5.75) 341 0.53 | HEG430 481 2.73) 431 475 273 0.62 _HEGs38 3.25 4.14 qsveeeeea7e 4.65. 0.53 HFG9380 3.25 444 = 3.79 0.62 G6 4.00, exry 3.93 6.50 0.53 Go 4.00 4.50, 8.40 7.62 0.53 HFG1542 4.00 4.44 878 5.00 0.66 HFG15420 2.00 4.00 4.44 = 5.88 0.66 HFG1754 2.00 4.00 599 9.47 5.70 0.66 HFG2030 igo S8 5.98 41.25 6.00 666 0.66 Dimensions shown are representative only. Contact Tulsa Winch Engineering for dimensional information for specific units.PERFORMANCE DATA STATIC DYNAMIC MAX. INPUT WINCH SWING RATING RATING OVERHUNG EFF. EFF SPEED WEIGHT MODEL, into) _(intb.) LOADS __RATIO__—% % (pm) (ibs) HFG338 7000__NA No 38:1 32. 49 1200 Zc || HFG430 NA 6,000 Yes 30:4 34 51 1200 at HFG938 22,000 12,000 No 38:1 36. 53 120042 HFGO3ED 22.000 15,000 ‘Yes 38:1 36 58 41200 | G6 21,000 14,000 No 60:1 34 51 4200 46 | ce ‘30,000 20,000 No 42:4 36, 53 800, 76 | HFG1542 32,000 18,000 No 42st 36 53 30061 [HF1542D $2,000 25,000 Yes 42:1 36. 53 800 98 HFG1754 45,000 24,000 No 541 36 53 00 6 | HFG2030 72,000 _48,000___‘Yes, 30:1 44 62 500) 183 _| Application Notes Ratings in the chart above are based on intermittent service only (less than six minutes, out of every thirty) Winches made from Tulsa flange mount speed reducers are not to be used to lift or move people. Swing ratings and gearboxes marked “Yes” for Overhung Loads are based on typical pinions mounted as close to the gearbox as possible. In all overhung load applications, including swing drives, the pilot of the gearbox must be supported by a close fit hole in the customer's mounting base. There are several ratios available in most of these models which are not shown. If your application requires a ratio other than shown, contact Tulsa sales for additional infor- mation. Units with efficiencies of less than 55% tend not to backdrive. However, they are not guaranteed to be self-locking. If your application requires a “no backdrive" condition automatic worm brakes are available from Tulsa for most of these units. Also, on hydraulic drive units, counterbalance or “brake” valves can be used to prevent back- driving Stalic and dynamic efficiencies listed are averages and actual results can vary up to three to five percentage points either side of those listed. New units which have not been run in will have lower efficiencies than shown also. Dynamic efficiencies shown are not reached until the input speed nears 400 rpm. if your application requires opera- tion at very low speeds, contact Tulsa Winch for performance data. Maximum input speeds shown are at rated output torque. if your application requires less than rated torque and you need faster input shaft speeds, contact Tulsa Winch Weights shown are approximate only for typical units. Different output pinion/shait con- figurations, the addition of worm brakes, and other variables will affect the weight of the unitWinches and Speed Reducers Known Around the World for Quality Sinco its first winch went into service in 1929, Tulsa Winch has built a national and international reputation for top quality winches and speed reduc Today, the company manufactures and markets a wide variety of products from a mod: om 83,000-squaro-foct plant in Tulsa, Oklahoma. To maintain its high standards, tho company has invested heavily in state-of-the-art inspection equipment to assure that, every part is made to exacting specifications, Its formal quailty assurance program also includes inspection and calibration for both company and employeo-owned gauges. Even more significant is the fact that every employee, regardless of job tile, 's assigned responsioiity as a Quality Inspector. The Tulsa Winch plant utilizes a unique “cell concept” which allows parts to bo moved from one machine to another without unnecessary handling and delays. The company has an aggressive machine tool acquisition program and utilizes the latest in comput terized machining technology fo enhance its customer service capabiities. In-house computer-aided design and drafting capabilities allow the company to pro- duce the highest quality products possible while being unusually responsive to cus- tomer requests for modtications. Tulsa's test facility features @ 100-HP hydraulic power supply, electronic linepull and linespeed measuring devices and other specialized pieces of equipment. Its 35-foot tower, which is capable of 110,000-pound litte, also helps assure that every Tulsa Winch product meets the very highest standards, e) Tulsa Winch For more information on Tulsa Winches, speed reducers and hangar bearings, contact our nearest distributor. Or call or write Tulsa Winch + P.O. Box 471617 + Tulsa, Oklahoma 74147-1617 Telephone: (318) 663-5744 + FAX: 627-3221
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