Fluids Outline
Fluids Outline
Fluids Outline
Find 5 things that affect flight
Define them, and then tell how they affect flight
Lift upward force
Thrust pushing or pulling force
Wing Size bigger wings allow for more lift
Wing shape air foils produce more lift
Drag friction due to the air
Back to Particle Theory . . . The atoms or molecules in a fluid are not locked in a fixed position
and can move.
Therefore, a fluid can be
Liquid or Gas
Flows from high to low pressure
Expands to fill newly formed spaces
Exerts pressure evenly in all directions
Increases in density as pressure increases
Increases in pressure as depth increases
Air as a Fluid
What is air?
A mixture of nitrogen (N2), Oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and small amounts of other gases
like He, H2, and CO
What is in between the gas particles?
Does air have mass?
Do the molecules of these substances have mass?
Prove it!
In your notes, describe this demonstration
Air Flows from high to low pressure
Inside a balloon is high pressure, feel it flow out
Air Expands to fill newly formed spaces
Inhaling makes your chest cavity larger and air flows in
Air Exerts pressure evenly in all directions
When blowing bubbles, they are spherical, not long
Pascals principle: a fluid in a contained vessel exerts pressure of equal intensity in all
(Explains how the brakes in a car work)
Air Increases in density as pressure increases
80% of all atmospheric gases are within 10km of the ground
Air Increases in pressure as depth increases
The atmospheric pressure decreases as you go up
< see how the air in the atmosphere changes> nasa.gov
Unit 7: Air as a FLUID*
Calculate Air Pressure by dividing the force exerted by the area it covers
Right now you have about 2 lbs of pressure pushing down on every 2 cm of your body!