Pillars of Banking Three Pillars of Basel III: October 4, 2014
Pillars of Banking Three Pillars of Basel III: October 4, 2014
Pillars of Banking Three Pillars of Basel III: October 4, 2014
Third Pillar:
Market Discipline The idea of the third pillar is to complement the first and second
pillar. This is basically a discipline followed by the bank such as disclosing its capital
structure, tier-I and Tier II Capital and approaches to assess the capital adequacy. In
the above discussion, we could understand that the Basel II and forthcoming Basel III
are basically guidelines which focus upon adequate capital in the banks and minimize
the risk to the customers or depositors. The idea is to make a sound financial system
which not only helps the banks and but the entire economy of the country to maintain
the trust and faith, as transparency in the business. The centerpieces are "Capital
Adequacy" and "Risks".