Bodhicaryavatara Corrections 1991

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BB ARBRIR Ne Papers in Honour of Prof. Dr. Ji Xianlin on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday ( I ) Chief-Editor; Li Zheng Bm, RF Jiang Zhongxin SR A Editor; Duan Qing ME, Bo Qian Wenzhong RRL me AR Rh Om BR 1991 TEXTCRITICAL NOTES ON SANSKRIT TEXTS 1. Bodhi(sattva earyavatara. CHR. LINDTNER (Copenhagen) Among the numerous Sanskrit texts (more than 1000 titles «comprising ap proximately 50000 palmyra leaves )that have recently been brought to light in and around Lhasa there are also a few tantalizing titles that are bound to ere stir of expectation among Buddhologists all around the globe. Spexking of Mad hyamaka jastras there are complete Sanskrit manuscripts of Nagarjuna's Ratndvali. of Dharmadhatustava ascribed 10 that authors of Bhavyn's Madhyamakahydaya(harita), Candrakurti's Mudhyamakavataras and of Abhayakaragupta’s Munimatalankara and Madhvamakaman jun. ‘There are also manuscripts of texts already available in Sanskrit such as Muse madhyamakakarika . Vigrahavyavartani, Prasanna pad: Siksasamuceayas Bod: AiCsattva)caryavatdra, ete. On the other hand. we in vain look for manuscripts containing the works of Aryadeva, Buddhapalita, Kamalasila Capart from Bhavandkrama 1) and Santarakgita (apart from a fragment containing his com mentary on the Bodhisattvasamvaravimiaka. and the complete commentary on the Vadanyaya). Also other trends of Buddhist thought are represented, Here J shall have to confine myself to the most important: The commentary of Sthiramati on Vasubandhu's Pancaskandhaka and that of Jinendrabuddhi on Dignaga’s sarnubhas but no trace of his other works. When it comes to Dharmakirti all his works are Pramanasamuccaya(286 leaves); there is also a fragment of his Nyx represented, including complete manuscripts of his Pramayaviniscaya. Het 652 FRR Re ubindu, Sambandhaparikga and Samandntarasiddhi (fragment). Fate has been kind to Vinitadeva; His commentaries are available on Ny@yabindu, Hetubindu. Sambandhaparikga and Samtandntarasiddhi ‘A large number of Mahayanasitras have also been discovered. Among the most interesting is the Bodhisattvapitaka,a text very important for the early Madhyamikas. While most of these manuscripts are still in Tibet, a smaller portioa(ca. 250 manuscripts) were brought to Beijing in 1960. Nearly all these manuscripts have already been described, copied or even edited (especially Jaanasri and. Ratnakirti) by the great Rahulji back in the thirties. (Cf. Michael Torsten Much .A Visit to Rahula Sankytyayana’s Collection of Negatives at the Bihar Re- search Society. Wien 1988. ) Unfortunately. many of Rahulji's copies Cand edi- tions) are of a very poor quality, and some texts were not even copied by him at all. Hence the main value of the collection of Sanskrit manuscripts in Beijing con- sists in the fact that it enables us to fill out lacunae left by Rabulji. In this paper I intend, for a start. to report the variant readings found in one of these manuscripts. It is a complete copy (23 leaves) of Santideva’s Cor Santadeva's) celebrated Bodhisatrvacaryavatara, generally known under the ab- breviated title Badhicayavarara. The text has often been edited and translated. Unfortunately, in most cases the translators have got the title wrong. It is not “Entering the Path of Enlightenment” ,or some such thingy but rather “A Pre- sentation of (An Introduction to) the Career of a Bodhisattva (i, e, an adherent of Mahayana)”. For details about manuscripts, editions. ete. I may refer to A- malia Pezzali. Santideva — mystique bouddhiste des VII et VILTe sitcles » Firenze 1968. Our manuscript. No. 124 in the Beijing collection, China Library of Nation- alities. is complete and very accurate: the material is palmyra leaves, 23 leaves. six lines on each sides. Age: ca. 1000 years olds the script is the so-called proto- Bengali-cum- Maithili, as is also, for instance, the unique Sanskrit manuseript of Bhavya’s Madhyamakahrdaya. See Olle Qvarnstrom, Hindu Philosophy in Buddhist Perspective. The Vedantatattvavini caya — Chapter of Bhavya’s Madhyamakahydayakarika. Lund 1989. In the list of variant readings that follow I refer to this manuscript as C. For pu hu Texteritical Notes on Sanskrit Texts 653 purpose of comparison with the printed text of Bodhi(sattva)cayavatéra, I haves not without some hesitation. chosen to use the rather convenient edition of Vid hushekhara Bhattacharya. Bodhicar-yavatara, Calcutta 1960. I refer to this text as B. The reader is, to be sure. reminded of the earlier editions by Minayeff, H. P. Sastri. La Vallée Poussin. and P. 1. Vaidya: Lam very grateful to the authorities of the China Library of Nationalities (Zhongguo Minzw Tushuguan) for letting me use this and other materials for publication. A special debt of gratitude goes to Mrs. Hu Haiyan-von Hintber without whose kind assistance all doors would probably have remained closed. In a few cases I was able to benefit from her long experience in the field of Sanskrit palaeography. Let me end by expressing the hope that all these new and exciting materials will. without further delay. be catalogued and made readily available to the inter- national world of interested scholars. = 6b bala tu Bzbalam nu C =e na Bisa C = 13b yad Beyady C - 16d yathasamkhyena B: yathasamkhyena C 25b katham B:kutah C 28b dubkhanihsaranasaya B; dubkhanihsarai c danamatratah C 1, 29¢ parvasukhaih B:sarvasukhai 1, 32 -matradinatah B. 1. 35¢ papakarma Bp pakam C (read na papakam) «Be ~sattvah B; -sattva C + 12b unmysami Bs unm rami C 15a mandara~ B: mandara C 16a -manoramais B: -manoharais 16 bhaujyais ca svadyair B: bhoiyaih sakhadyair C -2le -va saéca By -vargani C 32 om .C et ad. katham ca etc. with nayakab (for nayakab) in C SII) ee 1.34b papamkytam B: krtam papam C +355 1.36 inc 36= 1.35 nC 1 1 1. 38b na maya B:maya na C 1. 38¢ moha- B; tena- C 1. 40d -vedana B:-vedanah C 1. 44c -grastah B: -grasta C I. 46a Sanya By 1, 49a samasta~ B; samanta- C 1 I a inya C 54a -bhito "pi B: bhityapi C 64¢ -dubkhabhitab B; -bhitabhitah C +65 after this verse C adds papadesana (for ~desana) - 3b -sukhavahan B, -sukhakaran C + te -hitadharian B: -hitadharan C; C adds punyanumodana 4 afer this verse C adds adhyesana Sb yacayami B prarthayami C Se anantams B:analpams C: C adds yacana nc 23d yathakramam B. yathakamam(!) C + 29¢ -Sranto B, -éranta~ C . 15 tesam sa eva B:sa eva tes + 2c kuryannavety B:kuryan na vety ?C 9d -dhatinah B: -ghatinah C + 15b va Brea C + 16c ksanam visamvadi B:ksanavisamvadi C +19¢ sugata- B: sugati- C + 23b parah B:param C 25d dhakgyatiniscitam(!) B; dhaksyaty asiksitam C 26¢ nito *ham B; niye "ham C V.33¢ tv om. C NV. 34a itisatata- By itisamtati- C zzee 2 2 22 Textcritical Notes on Sanskrit Texts 655, NV, 35d sukham B; Subham C NV. 37a -karan B;-cakan C W. 37b prasamam By prasabham C WV. 37d upa- om, C - 39¢ maharha- B:mahartha- C WV. 40d sahe "ham B W. 41¢ mahatmapi W. 45a wu B: hiC WV. 46a manabstho B: manmasto (1) C W. 47c hydayatrasam B:hydaya trasam? C 2 sahe "yam C yadatmapi C WV, 48 C has bodhicittapramado nama (for bodhisattvasikga) after this verse V .3¢ kytsnam B: sarvam C V . de narakapalas B: narapalas C v v 8c kaiscitrailokye B, kaiscit trailokye C «1c krodha- Bs kodha- C V. 14a tadvac Bs tavat (1) C V .47d yuktimat Bs yuktiman 7 C V . 52b parigat- B:pargat- C V .83c va Brea C V. 70b -niseayat B: -nibrayat C 78a me om. C V , 80c etan eva B.yasmad etan C 85a -gatanatha- B;-gatan anathan C . 86b itararthe Ba itarartham C 104d malapattir B;malapattim C 109 C has Silaparamita (for samprajanyaraksanam etc.) after this stanza - Id tat Bstatah C -7e daurmanasyasanam B; daurmanasyasanarp C -7d dypto Bs tepto 2. C = 25c yat Betat C sSsss 656 BRA, W. 3c nirmanavat B:nirvan: VW. 33d evam Bi etan C M. 43a mama kayas B: mamakayaé C VW. 66d vyathamatah B. vyatham manah C W.72b katham Be kara C W.73b paryate B: éakyate W..88b kim Bena kim C W..97a stuto ‘smiti B:stuta iti C W. 98a ksobham B, ksemam C W.99b mama ye B:ye mama C W.105e na ca B: na hi C W..106c "naparadhasya B; ‘naparadhyasya C MW. 107d sprhagiyo ripur mama at prhiniyo maya ripub C M.. 109¢ acito "pi B: acitto *pi C W.111d pajyab B: paiys M.118b -rupyena B: -rupena C e (see. man. pajya) C W. 120d evacaraniyamesu Beevacarita?? megu C W.121b tad- By yad- C W.129¢ tatha Bstasman C WL 1a ksamo F kgami 2 © WW. 5b kramenaiva B; kramei VE. 18c -vasat B, -balat C ML. 22a idam tu me Bz etat (1) C ML. 28a kayal sukhita B: sukhitah kayal C ME. 28d ke pal iva C By dayaluh C Ob sacetanah B, sacetana C G tatraikaika- By yatraikeai WW. 50a klesasva- B, kleSasva- C WL. 56d -vasas ca B, -vasas tu C W. 57d durdaréanily B:durdasanaly C W.59a Sara B, virah C ‘Textcritical Notes on Sanskrit Texts 657 WL Gla hi Bs ca Cs C adds a verse(= IN. 44) also available in Tib . and Mong. + galanty antrani me kamam Sirah patatu nama me / na tv evavanatim yami sarvatha klesavairinam // VE. 62d -phalasukhepsuvat B; -sukhaphalepsuvat C Vi. 65d praptasarah B:praptasarah C WI. 2a -vivekena B; -vitarkena C Wl. 4a vipasyana- B: vipasyanaya C VWI. 12b hinan manah stuter B: hinamanastuter C WL. 15d kimta- B:kim no 7 C WI. 18a tatra Bsyatra C Wi. 18d -tisthati B:-tisthate C VW. 19d pratiksatam B:pratiksyate K Wt, 3b caika B:ka C WE. 35b sa om. C VE. 38d maya sada B; sada may: WE. 42d -nirvytab B:-nirv ti C WI 43a tany Bstan C WL S1 om. C Vi. 54b drastum sprastum Bsprastum drastum, WI. 55b ue in WL 54by ge. Vil, 60a alpatvan B:avatam C WIL, 65d rajyate B: raksyase C WL. 67d ut in WI. 65d. v. Mil, 7b jivitam B ;jivitum C Wl. 79d -vimukteh B:-vimuktyai C WIL, 84c kamanam B:kaminam C Wil, 87¢ -muktah B:-muktas C Vl. 92c tasya taddubkham B:taddubkham eva C Wi. 99a yad duhkham B: tat dubkham C W. 104¢ nirupyedam B :nirapyeivam C 658 ORE) Re WE. 11la asiregv B ; abhyasad C WE. 120a ca om. C WE. 122a mandya B:mandya- C WI. 135b Sakyate B:paryate C (cf. Wl. 73b) WL. 147b yateta Bryata C 1498 chadyerann B:kadyerann C . 152d parimokgye B: paribhoksye C -157¢ mukts B: muktwa C 168d tad- Bs tvad- C <17la tvam pox dasyami C +172 svarthacetam tvam B, tvam svarthacetam C 185 C adds a verse available in Tib, and Mong. : muktva smrtikatham sogham krpasajaana (1) jinatmajan/ SRR RR svapne "pi nekse anena (!) bheveyam dubkhitam tada// + 11d papapunya- B: punyapunya- C 21 om. C - 22d jhatvedam kena kathyate B: kena yad ucyate (1) - 28b tatha manah B: manas tatha C 41d yatah B: na ca C .45b dubkhita B: dubsthita C 58a saktitrasatva = 85b pratipakso - 56b prajayatam B:prajayate C $8 Simghanam B: simghanam C 61a tada B: sada C + Saktitrasanta~ C ratipak sam C - 66d aparveyam tadekata B:anya purveyam ekata C 70d mata B: kyta C = 78c cet B: ced C -79¢ pr stham B; prs tho C -81d ca B, tuC - 83d nu B; tuC RRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRR x RR RRERR ERR RR MK KM MM KKK KKK KK x Textcritical Notes on Sanskrit Texts 90c ayasah B:ayaso C 102d eva B: evam C + 106¢ ca B: cet C +117b udikgate B, udikgyate 2 C + 122b cet B; cen C + 134b anitye B, anityam C + 138e cet Brea C 143a napi B: vapi C 149d dvi- B,dvib C + 150a ca na virodho B; na ca nirodho C + 152a dharmesu B: bhavesu C + 165¢ manyanta B; manyante C + 168¢ -anupalambheva B: -anupalambhena C Te sarvam B: sarve C + 3c -sukham praptum B; sukhapraptam C 4a narakah B; narakah C «Ge -éalmali- B; -Salmali- C 7a datytha- B; kadamba- C 9a -taptopala(éa 2)-_B: -taptopalasa- C + 1a patatu Bpatati C + 12c kim idam iti B:kim idam idam iti C + 13b citi Beciri C +16 om. C + 19¢ garbhinyas B: gurvinyas C -21d dhrtimanto B; dhrtivanto C - 25b -samhatim B; samgatim C +28 nirupayas tab B: nirupayasah C +40d dakini- B: dakinyo C (ef. V.4d) + 48c -bauddha- B:-buddha- C + 53d mafijunatham B; mamjughosam C C adds an extra verse not found in Tib or Mong. : 660 SOEUR RMR yada sambhrtasambharo mamjughosavyapasrayat/ tada jnanarthamadhyasthas ca neyam(!) kalpasagarat // X.. 54e yadacarati B; yathacarati C Arya oat aiff ee A be Fei ae #5 BRE ax, mre ab a KAR Rife wan yey RUE sii Eee

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