Mexican Immigrants Issues in The United States: Senates-Bipartisan-Immigration-Plan-Could-Go-Horribly-Wrong/272614

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Sawit Trisirisatayawong

Mexican Immigrants Issues in the United States

Contrary to popular belief, the

number of immigrants in to the
United States have not been
increasing in the past few years.

However, it is still a major issue in

the country as the Mexican
immigrants make up one of the most
costly and resource-exhaustive
problems that the US is currently

It had been quoted that more than

$18 billion have been spent on
subduing the issue, and over billions
more spent prior to that

Apart from the financial

constraints, the issue put a
load on the amount of workers
and agents that need to be
employed on the borders. This
reduces the efficiency and
flexibility of those agents in
being stationed somewhere
more effective.


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