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DOI 10.1007/s00535-008-2231-4
Department of Pathophysiology, Centre of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, 19 Ravila Street,
50411 Tartu, Estonia
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Department of Pathology, Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia
Department of Gastroenterology, Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Toledo, Spain
Gastric corpus dominant atrophic gastritis, a consistent
finding in pernicious anemia (PA), is a definitive risk
factor for gastric cancer.1,2 The prevalence of gastric
carcinoma in PA patients is 1%3%, and 2% of patients
with gastric carcinoma have PA.3
The mechanisms mediating the progression of atrophic gastritis and its transition to carcinoma are unclear.
It has been assumed that decreased acid secretion
caused by a loss of parietal cells in the corpus mucosa
predisposes to gastric cancer by several mechanisms,
including impaired absorption of vitamin C and the constitution of the intragastric milieu allowing overgrowth
of salivary and intestinal bacteria.4 At the cellular level,
increasing evidence points to the crucial role of disturbances of energy metabolism.58 Otto Warburg was the
first to propose that development of cancer is associated with suppression of oxidative phosphorylation
(OXPHOS) and activation of glycolysis.9 More recent
studies have related the pathophysiological role of
mitochondria in cancer cell metabolism to their capability to produce reactive oxygen (ROS) and reactive
nitrogen species.1012 Excess ROS in turn causes defects
in the mitochondrial genome, thus leading to impaired
OXPHOS, which not only limits ATP generation but
also further promotes ROS production.13 Recent data
aim at mitochondria as key organelles in regulation of
expression of the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF1), which is responsible for shifting metabolism from
OXPHOS to glycolysis, a characteristic change in the
tumor cell. This shift is controlled by multiple means
including the effects of ROS (see review14) and mitochondrial succinate metabolism.15,16 Along with these
from southern Estonia who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for epigastric complaints were
included. None of these subjects exhibited corpus
mucosal atrophy, and they had received nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, H+-pump inhibitors, or antibiotics to cure their illness.
Twelve patients (5 men and 7 women; mean age, 67
4 years) with PA were included in the study as a group
of patients with atrophic corpus gastritis. The criteria
for the diagnosis of PA were macrolytic anemia, appearance of parietal cell antibodies, and low serum vitamin
B12 and folic acid. The diagnosis of corpus atrophic gastritis was based on low serum pepsinogen I (S-PGI)
level and histological confirmation of gastric body
mucosal atrophy. As the control group, 12 consecutive
patients (7 men and 5 women; mean age, 66 3 years)
Basal blood samples for measurements of serum pepsinogen I (S-PGI) were drawn after an overnight fast.
Samples for S-PGI were collected into serum tubes. The
serum tubes were centrifuged at 1500 g for 10 min and
the samples were stored at 70C until analyzed. S-PGI
was determined using specific enzyme immunosorbent
assay (EIA) tests (Pepsinogen-I EIA Test Kit; Biohit,
Helsinki, Finland), and the procedure was performed
on a microwell plate in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. All technical equipment required
for the EIA techniques was provided by Biohit,
Statistical analyses
Data are expressed as means SE. The unpaired Students t test was used to analyze differences between the
groups. Correlation analysis was performed by Pearsons test. A P value <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
VO 2, nmol /min/mg ww
The permeabilized mucosal preparations were incubated in solution B in the presence of 10 mM glutamate
and 2 mM malate as the respiratory substrates at 25C,
in the chamber (volume, 1.5 ml) of the oxygraph (Oroboros, Paar KG, Austria). Oxygen consumption by the
mitochondria in the permeabilized gastric mucosal
tissue was monitored by the Clark electrode, assuming
the solubility of oxygen in the medium to be 215 nmoles
O2/ml, and analysis of the function of the respiratory
chain was performed by application of the sequential
multiple substrate-inhibitor titration protocol (see also
Fig. 1) as described.19,33
+ Asc
Cyt cc
Histological findings
We found that all 12 patients with PA had chronic
inflammation in the corpus mucosa, with the following
distribution of the severity scores: 1 of 12, score 1; 6 of
12, score 2; and 5 of 12, score 3. In 5 of 12 and 7 of 12
patients, moderate or severe atrophy, respectively,
was observed, and all these patients exhibited a similar
grade of intestinal metaplasia in the gastric corpus. In
the PA group, 2 of 12 patients had also mild active
inflammation in the corpus mucosa. As frequently
observed, the antrum mucosa was also affected, as 10 of
12 PA patients had chronic inflammation and 5 of 12
exhibited atrophy in this part of the stomach. All patients
with PA were found to be H. pylori negative, probably
because of the disappearance of H. pylori in the course
of the progression of corpus atrophy.34,35
None of the patients in the control group had atrophic gastritis in the corpus. At the same time, they
exhibited chronic inflammation in the corpus, with the
following distribution of the inflammation scores: 4 of
12, score 0; 7 of 12, score 1; and 1 of 12, score 2. One of
the 12 patients had also active chronic inflammation
(score 2). In most of the control patients (8/12), the
corpus mucosa was histologically H. pylori positive (3/8,
score 1; 1/8, score 2; 4/8, score 3), which corresponds to
earlier serological findings that more than 80% of the
inhabitants of Estonia are carriers of that bacterium.36,37
Eleven of 12 control patients had chronic inflammation
in the antrum, and 3 of the 12 had atrophic antrum
10 min
Nonatrophic (n = 12)
Atrophic (n = 12)
P value (t test)
Proton leak
0.291 0.020
0.820 0.060
0.636 0.067
0.408 0.041
1.271 0.106
0.173 0.038
0.135 0.011
0.366 0.018*
0.493 0.022
0.202 0.017
0.600 0.025
0.090 0.010
r =0.727, P =0.0001
Fig. 2. Changes in the ratios of the respiration rates of the respiratory chain
complexes in the atrophic corpus mucosa.
A VGlut/VSucc, ratio of ADP-stimulated
respiration rate in the presence of glutamate and malate (indicating the activity
of complex I) to ADP-stimulated respiration rate in the presence of rotenone and
succinate (indicating the activity of
complex II). B VSucc/VCOX, ratio of the
VSucc to COX (complex IV)-dependent
respiration rate. C RCI, respiratory
control index; RCIGlut, ratio of VGlut to
basal respiration (V0) without ADP or
ATP; RCISucc, ratio of VSucc to respiration
rate after inhibition of succinate-stimulated respiration by atractyloside; n = 12
in both groups. *P < 0.001 compared to
the nonatrophy group; **P < 0.001 compared to RCIGlut, ***P < 0.001 compared
to RCISucc in the nonatrophy group
S-PGI, g/l
Fig. 3. Correlation between the relative deficiency of respiratory chain complex I and serum pepsinogen I (S-PGI) level.
Patients with nonatrophic gastritis (squares) and patients
with atrophic gastritis (triangles); VGlut/VSucc, ratio of ADPstimulated respiration rate in the presence of glutamate and
malate to ADP-stimulated respiration rate in the presence of
rotenone and succinate. n = 22
of complex II observed in our study may help to maintain mitochondrial ATP synthesis. In support of this
suggestion, a compensatory elevation in the activity of
complex II in the blood cells of patients with Lebers
hereditary optic neuropathy with a mutation of mitochondrial DNA has been reported49 (see also the next
Second, a defect in complex I may be regarded as a
common and specific marker of adaptation of the mitochondria in response to stressors causal for proliferation
of immature epithelial cells seen in murine autoimmune
gastritis39 and in human H. pylori-associated atrophic
gastritis (in the latter case qualified as intestinal metaplasia).50,51 In these processes, the rearrangements of the
activities of mitochondrial enzymes and the respiratory
chain may be similar to those occurring in rapidly
growing cancer and yeast cells. For example, HeLa cells
possess mitochondria with a truncated Krebs cycle and
probably a defect in complex I, as a consequence of
which they are unable to utilize NADH-linked substrates and switch largely to succinate utilization.52 An
analogous mitochondrial phenotype has been observed
in chronologically aging yeast cells, in which the shunting of the complete Krebs cycle by the glyoxylate cycle
with concomitantly increased rates of succinate formation and oxidation may underlie their higher viability.53
Our study demonstrates a novel outcome of these
changesimproved coupling between oxidation and
phosphorylation with succinate.
Moreover, there exists evidence that altered succinate metabolism in the mitochondria of the atrophic
mucosa may also regulate transition of mucosal cells
into a tumor state, via regulating the HIF-1-mediated
pathway, the activation of which induces expression of
glycolytic enzymes and glucose transporters, thereby
enabling tumor cells to escape hypoxic damage.1416
Very interestingly, Agani et al.15 have shown that the
activity of HIF-1 depends directly on the status of
the mitochondrial respiratory chain, or, more specifically, on a balance between complex I-dependent and
complex II-dependent respiration. By using a cybrid
cell model of altered complex I activity in vivo, they
found that partial complex I deficiency effectively prevented hypoxic induction of HIF-1 protein, whereas
succinate restored the hypoxic response in cybrid cells.15
Other authors have shown that excessive succinate
accumulation promotes tumorigenesis by inhibiting the
prolyl hydroxylation of HIF-1, which eventually
enables translocation of HIF-1 into the nuclei, followed by induction of a tumor-specific metabolic phenotype even in normoxic conditions.16 Notably, the
HIF-1-mediated mechanisms are tightly integrated
with the mitochondrial ROS production described
earlier, as ROS activate HIF-1, probably via its stabilization mediated by the p38 mitogen-activated protein
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