Ed 3
Ed 3
Ed 3
The present study examined problem characteristics of students with emotional disturbance in 3 educational environments, the
behavior management and intervention strategies their teachers used, and what relation exists between problem characteristics
and intervention strategies. Teachers completed a behavior problems rating scale and they indicated how frequently they used 15
strategies to address academic, externalizing, and internalizing problems. There were significant differences across environments for
only 1 characteristic of emotional disturbance, physical symptoms or fears. Teachers in general education settings mainly addressed
academic problems; resource/separate classroom educators used instructional, positive, and reductive strategies for academic and
externalizing problems and verbal reinforcement for internalizing problems. Separate school educators used a variety of strategies
consistently for all 3 problems. Implications for supporting students with emotional disturbance across educational environments are
Keywords: behavioral strategies, continuum of services, educational settings, emotional behavioral disorders, teacher perceptions
Teachers from 36 schools in a rural school district in the
southeastern United States were recruited for this study.
Eligible participants included 94 K12 educators who
taught students with school-identified ED. General education teachers were those who taught students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that indicated they
received special education services <21% of the school day.
In the elementary school grades, general education teachers who spent the most time with these students were asked
to participate. At the middle school and high school levels, English/language arts teachers were asked to participate. Special education teachers were those who taught
students with IEPs that indicated they received special education services 21100% of the school day in resource,
separate classroom, or separate school environments. In
this district, special education teachers at general education
schools typically taught students with ED in both resource
and separate classrooms, so this category was combined in
the analysis. Twenty teachers completed surveys, a 21% return rate. General education teachers comprised 35% of the
sample. Of the special education teachers who responded,
Average years taught
Licensure level
disabilities licensure
Regular/general education
classes taught by general
education teachers (n = 7)
29% Black, 71% White
14% provisional, 43% initial,
43% not reported
71% Black, 29% White
14% provisional, 29% initial,
57% masters
At a monthly district meeting, special education coordinators were provided with packets to distribute to the general
and special education teachers of students with ED. The
teacher packets included an introduction letter, instructions, two copies of the consent form, multiple copies of
the surveys, and two stamped envelopes addressed to the
first author. Two follow-up e-mails were sent as reminders
to teachers. Teacher and student names were not included
on the surveys, and the consent form was returned in a
separate envelope. A $5.00 gift certificate was mailed to the
teachers who returned the consent form as a thank you for
their time.
Student characteristics
A total of 51 student characteristic surveys were returned.
Two surveys did not include student age, which is necessary
for calculating standardized scores on the SAED, so they
were dropped from the analysis. Five surveys included a single missing teacher strategies response, which was coded as
never. Student demographic information for the 49 usable
surveys is presented in Table 2.
Raw scores were calculated for each of the five subscales
and then converted to standard scores (M = 10, SD =
3), using the ED normative tables in the SAED Manual
(for more information, see Epstein & Cullinan, 1998). Table 3 provides the mean scores and standard deviations for
each characteristic of ED across three educational environments. Teacher perceptions in each setting were generally
Grade level
Age in years, M (SD)
86% Black, 14% White
82% Black, 18% White
80% Black, 8% White, 12%
29% elementary, 71% secondary 56% elementary, 44% secondary
14.50 (3.41)
10.76 (2.42)
Teacher strategies
We compiled a list of frequently used strategies for three
problem areas, academic, externalizing, and internalizing behavior, in each setting. To be included in the frequently used list, at least 50% of the teachers in a
setting had to report that they use the strategy frequently
(see Table 5). Several teachers did not indicate an answer for individual strategies or types of behavior problems. It was assumed that teachers did not use unmarked
strategies, and these missing responses were recorded as
At least 50% (n 4) of general education teachers reported frequently using five strategies for academic
Note. Standard score means were derived from raw scores and from the Scale for Assessing Emotional Disturbance national norms for students with
emotional disturbance (M = 10, SD = 3).
Table 4. Kruskal-Wallis Test, by Mean Ranks for Student Characteristics Across Educational Environments
Resource or separate
education classes taught
classes taught by special
by general education
education (n = 17)
teachers (n = 7)
Inability to learn
Relationship problems
Inappropriate behavior
Unhappiness or depression
Physical symptoms or fears
p < .05.
Regular/general education
classes taught by general
education teachers (n = 7)
Behavior contract
Teacher proximity
Verbal reinforcement
Behavior contract
Explicit direct instruction
Level system
Response cost
Rules taught and posted
Teacher proximity
Token reinforcement
Verbal reinforcement
Behavior contract
Explicit direct instruction
Level system
Response cost
Rules taught and posted
Teacher proximity
Token reinforcement
Verbal reinforcement
Note. Frequently used refers to at least 50% of teachers in the group rating the strategy as one used frequently. Strategies are listed alphabetically;
teachers did not rank-order the strategies.
Conflict resolution
Individual counseling
Problem solving
Self-esteem building
Social skills instruction
Walk and talk
Conflict resolution
Individual counseling
Problem solving
Self-esteem building
Social skills instruction
Walk and talk
Note. n = Strategies are listed alphabetically; they were included if at least one teacher wrote it in the Additional Strategies section; n = teachers who
included additional strategies/total n for the group.
The purposes of this study were (a) to compare teachers
perceptions of problem characteristics of students with ED
served in different educational environments; and (b) to
examine what management and intervention strategies
teachers used to support academic, externalizing, and internalizing problems of their students with ED. Regarding
the first purpose, student characteristics data indicated that
across the three settings, students with ED did not differ significantly on four of the characteristics of ED. On the fifth
characteristic, students with ED in the separate school were
seen as exhibiting significantly more physical symptoms or
fears than were students with ED in resource and separate
classrooms. On the basis of these findings, students with
ED in separate schools may experience physical symptoms
(e.g., headaches, stomach aches) and anxiety more than
students with ED in resource and separate classrooms. Alternatively, special education teachers in separate schools
may be more attuned to or more likely to report student
behavior that indicates physical symptoms or anxiety than
special education teachers in general education schools.
Regarding the second study purpose, results of the
teacher strategies survey indicated considerable difference
in the number and frequency of interventions and practices used across academic, externalizing, and internalizing
problem areas. Verbal reinforcement and teacher proximity were the most frequently and widely used strategies
educational setting, study results could be affected. For example, separate classroom or separate school teachers of
students with ED may be better prepared to deal with challenging behaviors (Van Acker, 2007). As a result, they may
tend to rate a particular emotional and behavioral challenge as less problematic than general education teachers
There are various reasons that teachers do or do not
employ specific behavior management and intervention
strategies. One possible reason is that teachers select strategies partly on the basis of the problem characteristics of
their students, including how extensively those characteristics are manifested. Although logic and some research
(Meadows et al., 1994; Robertson et al., 1998) suggest that
students with ED in different educational environments
should differ as to how extensively they show various characteristics of ED, present results do not support this idea.
In the present study, any across-setting differences in behavior management and intervention strategies used must be
attributable to factors other than across-setting variations
in four of the characteristics of ED.
Most of the teachers in the public separate school used
the same set of nine strategies to address academic and
behavioral problems. This may indicate similarity in the
teachers preparation to teach students with ED, or perhaps a standard behavior management program that was in
place for the entire school. The general education teachers
of students with ED reported very few additional strategies
(Table 6). It may be that all the strategies they used were
included in the list of 15 or perhaps they did not need additional strategies to address academic, externalizing, and
internalizing problems
The results of the teacher strategies survey may reflect
the emphasis on classroom management and positive behavior interventions and supports found in training programs and textbooks for teachers of students with ED (e.g.,
Gettinger, Stoiber, & Koscik, 2008; Kerr & Nelson, 2010;
Lane, Kalberg, & Menzies, 2009). Also, some differences
in preference for intervention could be attributable to perceived ease of implementation or school district mandated
in-service training. It is encouraging that this sample of
teachers of students with ED, especially in separate settings, were aware of and reported using evidence-based interventions and practices with academic and behavioral
Implications for future practice
With the increasing prevalence of multi-tiered academic
and behavioral instruction, special educators are assuming roles as interventionists as they support students
with disabilities and their general education teachers
(Hoover & Patton, 2008; Simonsen et al., 2010). Special
educatorsand, in particular, behavioral specialists who
work with students with EDshould continue to implement effective strategies for their students who need inten-
Author notes
Chan Evans is an assistant professor of special education in the
Department of Curriculum and Instruction at East Carolina University. Her research interests include academic and behavioral support for students with emotional/behavioral disorders across educational environments, teachers-as-researchers, and universal design for
Stacy L. Weiss is an assistant professor of special education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Indiana UniversityBloomington.
Her research interests include characteristics of students with highincidence disabilities, curriculum-based measurement, and instructional
practices in reading and written expression.
Douglas Cullinan is a professor of special education in the Department
of Curriculum, Instruction and Counselor Education at North Carolina
State University. His main professional interests are the nature, measurement, scope, and improvement of behavior and emotional problems of
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