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Physiology Exam With Anaswers

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C 1.

Passage of ions and dipoles through to pores of the cell membrane is affected
by the following characteristics of the membrane permeated
A. Lipid nature
C. Presence of charge
B. Pose size
D. Hydrophillic nature
MPL = 0.75
A 2. Osmosis

Is downhill transport.
Is movement mainly of solute particles through a semipermeable membrane.
Is inhibited when metabolic poisons act on the energy system of the cell.
Utilizes energy from cellular metabolism.

MPL = 0.9
B 3. This organelle in the muscle cell controls the local concentration of Ca ++ near
the contractile machinery and thereby influences the contraction relaxation
A. Centriole
C. Mitochondria
B. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. Golgi complex
MPL = 0.75
C 4. The ECF is

considered the internal environment of the body because it is

In equilibrium with the external environment.
Constantly changing.
Essentially the same for all cells.
Made up of 60% of the total body water.

MPL = 0.75
C 5. Active transport is characterized by the following, EXCEPTA. Utilizes metabolic energy.
B. Utilizes carrier molecules in the cell membrane.
C. End-point is uniformity or equal concentrations in the two sides of the membrane
D. Rate of transport becomes constant as saturation point is reached.
MPL = 0.80
C 6. The resting membrane potential is determined largely by
A. Potassium efflux through the voltage-gated channels.
B. Sodium influx through the votage-gated channels.
C. Potassium efflux through the Na-K leak channels.
D. Sodium influx through the Na-K leak channels.
MPL = 0.75


MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
B 7. Which of the following temporal sequences is CORRECT for excitationcontraction coupling in skeletal muscles
Release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR); action potential (AP) in
the muscle membrane; crossbridge formation.
B. Action Potential muscle membrane; depolarization of the T-tubule; release of calcium
from the SR.
C. Action Potential in the muscle membrane; hydrolyisis of ATP; binding of calcium to
troponin C.
D. Release of calcium from the SR; depolarization of the T-tubule; binding
of calcium to troponin C.
MPL = 0.5

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B 8. An isotonic contraction differs from an isometric contraction in that in an isotonic

A. the muscle does no work.
B. the muscle uses more ATP.
C. The heat of activation (initial heat) is greater.
D. the recovery heat is reduced.
MPL = 0.75
B 9. Every muscle of the body is composed of a mixture of so-called fast and slow
muscle fibers. The differences between these 2 types of fibers include the
A. Fast muscle fibers are rich in red myoglobin.
B. Fast fibers have less extensive blood supply.
C. Slow fibers have fewer mitochondria than fast fibers.
D. Slow fibers have large amounts of glycolytic enzymes.
MPL = 0.5
C 10. Which of the following substances is important for skeletal muscle contraction
but not for smooth muscle contraction?
A. Myosin-ATPase
C. Troponin
B. Actin
D. Ca++-ATPase
MPL = 0.75
B 11. A person with myasthenia gravis notes the increased muscle strength when he
is treated with an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. The basis for his improvement
is increased in the
A. Amount of acetylcholine destroyed in the motor end plates.
B. Levels of acetylcholine at the motor end plates.
C. Number of acetylcholine receptors in the motor end plate.
D. Amount of norepinephrine released from motor nerves.
MPL = 0.5
D 12. Smooth muscle contraction differs from skeletal muscle contraction in the
A. Onset of contraction is faster.
B. Frequency of cross-bridge cycling is faster.
C. Energy required to sustain contraction is greater.
D. Force of contraction is greater.
MPL = 0.75
MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
B 13. Thromboembolic conditions in humans maybe caused by
A. Increased blood flow through the vessels.
B. Roughened endothelial surface of vessels.
C. The presence of thrombomodulin in the vascular system.
D. Presence of a layer of glycocalyx adsorbed to the inner surface of the endothelium.
MPL = 0.75
B 14. Vit. K is necessary for the formation of this clotting factor
A. Factor V (Proaccellerin)
B. Factor II (Prothombin)
C. Factor VIII (Antihemophilic factor)
D. Factor XI (Plasma Thromboplastin antecedent)
MPL = 1.00
D 15. Which is NOT TRUE for T lymphocytes?

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Differentiate and mature in the thymus.

Establish residence in the paracortex area of the lymph node.
Provide the helper factor for B cell activation.
Differentiate into plasma cells.

MPL = 0.50
B 16. The antibody present in the colostrum, saliva and tears is
A. IgG
C. IgM
B. IgA
D. IgE
MPL = 1.00
A 17. Mrs. P. del Rosario was admitted to the hospital for transfusion of whole blood
due to a chronic anemia. Her blood type was Type B, Rh(+) but inadvertently
she was given Type A, Rh(+) blood. This transfusion was futile and fatal
A. Donors RBC with A agglutinogens were destroyed by the patients anti-B agglutinins.
B. Patients anti-B agglutinins were destroyed by the donors A agglutinogens.
C. Patients RBC with A agglutinogens were destroyed by the donors anti-B agglutinins.
D. Donors RBC with A agglutinogens were destroyed by the donors B agglutinogens.
MPL = 0.75
A 18. The following is correct of the intrinsic pathway for initiating clotting:
A. Involves activation of factor XII and release of platelet phospholipids.
B. Initiated by tissue factor such as a traumalized vascular wall.
C. More explosive than the extrinsic pathway.
D. With severe tissue trauma, clotting can occur in as little as 15 secs.
MPL = 0.75
MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
A 19. The most essential regulator of red blood cell production is:
A. Tissue oxygenation
B. Erythropoietin
C. Folic acid and cyanocobalamin
D. Colony forming unit-erythrocyte (CFU-E)
MPL = 1.0
B 20. A patient has Hemophilia A (factor VIII) deficiency. If these tests are done,
which of these will be prolonged?
A. Bleeding time
B. Thromboplastin generation time
C. Prothrombin time
D. Thrombin time
MPL = 0.5
Case :

Anna is almost at the doorstep of her dream of becoming an international flight

stewardess. She can almost picture herself elegantly dressed, flashing her winning grin
to all passengers. She has everything calculated well except for her medical exams,
particularly the ECG taken a day before. This could be crucial since she has been
experiencing occasional chest pains lately. Can her cardiac status stand the rigorous
schedule of international flights?

A 21. In this case, Annas ECG tracing can give a clue to the following conditions
A. Calculate her cardiac output.
B. Detect myocardial ischemia.
C. Show conduction abnormalities.
D. Demonstrate electrolyte alterations.

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MPL = 0.9
B 22. Her tracing could have erroneous results if
A. All the 12 conventional leads were recorded.
B. The standardization is not indicated at the start of the tracing.
C. In lead III, the (+) electrode was placed on the left leg and the (-) electrode was placed
on the left arm.
D. In V4, the electrode was placed on the 5th ICSLMCL.
MPL = 0.50
A 23. In her ECG, the P wave would tell us about the following:
A. Her atrial depolarization.
B. Her atrial repolarization.
C. The start of her ventricular depolarization
D. Her P wave is quite insignificant and can be disregarded.
MPL = 0.75


MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
D 24. A scrutiny of her QRS complex showed that it was normal in voltage and was
positive in leads V5 and V6 and was bi-phasic in leads V3 and V4. This would
A. Probable ventricular hypertrophy pattern.
B. Electrolyte imbalance.
C. Ischemic process
D. A normal finding.
MPL = 0.50
D 25. The upright deflection of her QRS in V4-V6 shows that:
A. The depolarization dipole is moving towards the electrode.
B. This is a normal QRS progression.
C. The direction of the movement of the dipole is towards the left.
D. All of the above are true.
MPL = 0.75
Case :

Six hours prior to admission, Joseph, 46 years old, complained of

constricting substernal chest pain while playing basketball with friends. In contrast to his
other episodes of chest pains in the past, this chest pain lasted more than 10 minutes
and wasnt relieved by rest. He at once took his usual sublingual nitroglycerin tablets,
but there was no relief. He was rushed to the hospitals emergency room and his
attending physicians admitting diagnosis was myocardial infarction.

A 26. If you were Josephs cardiologist, which of the following cardiac enzymes would
your request?
A. CK Mb
D. All of the above
MPL = 0.5
D 27. On the 4th day post admission, Joseph developed arrhythmia. Its causation
could be explained by the following mechanisms:
A. A probable block in the different points of impulse transmission in the heart.
B. There might be spontaneous generation of abnormal impulses in almost any part of the
conducting system.
C. Abnormal rhythmicity of the pacemaker.
D. All of the above.
MPL = 0.75

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B 28. The sinoatrial node is the normal pacemaker of the heart because
A. It has both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve supply.
B. It has the highest frequency of impulse generation.
C. It is the only one capable of spontaneous diastolic depolarization.
D. It has the fastest velocity of impulse conduction.
MPL = 1.0
MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
C 29. The most

important determinant of coronary blood flow is

Coronary perfusion pressure.
Systolic compression of coronary vessels.
Myocardial oxygen consumption.
Level of sympathetic tone.

MPL = 1.0
B 30. There are present in cardiac muscles to provide the pathway for rapid spread
of excitation from one cardiac muscle to another
A. Sarcolemma
C. T tubules
B. Gap junctions
D. Sarcoplasmic reticula
MPL = 1.0
C 31. The plateau observed in the cardiac action potential is due to
A. Rapid depolarization due to increase sodium conductance.
B. Closure of sodium channels and chloride influx
C. Slower but prolonged opening of voltage-gated potassium channels.
D. Opening of voltage-gated calcium channels.
MPL = 1.0
B 32. The greater the ventricular walls are stretched during diastole, the greater is the
force of contraction, within physiological limits; this is in accordance with
A. All-or-None Law
C. Fick Principle
B. Frank-Starling Law
D. Law of Laplace
MPL = 0.75
B 33. Blood flow to each tissue is almost always precisely controlled in relation to
A. Cardiac output
C. Blood pressure
B. Tissue needs
D. Blood volume
MPL = 0.75
A 34. Playing the most significant role in determining blood flow in the circulatory
system is
A. Radius of blood vessel
C. Viscosity of blood
B. Length of the vessel
D. Blood pressure
MPL = 0.9
D 35. The Lymphatic System controls the
A. Concentration of proteins in the interstitial fluid.
B. Volume of the interstitial fluid.
C. Interstitial fluid pressure.
D. All of the above.
MPL = 0.75

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MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
C 36. The common denominator in all types of circulatory shock is
A. Decreased in blood pressure.
B. Decreased in metabolic rate.
C. Diminished tissue perfusion.
D. Decreased in blood volume
MPL = 0.75
B 37. Twas an SRO movie and Paul had been standing almost shoulder-to-shoulder
with the enraptured movie fans for almost three hours. His legs felt heavy and
his shoes seemed two sizes smaller! How do you explain this phenomenon?
A. Increase blood flow to the capillaries due to opening of pre-capillary sphincters.
B. Increase in venous and capillary pressures in the feet vessels.
C. Obstruction of lymphatic flow by surrounding skeletal muscles.
D. Stimulation of sympathetic vasoconstrictor fibers supplying arterioles in the legs and
MPL = 0.75
B 38. Normally,

venous pressure
Is higher than capillary pressure.
Can be increased by contraction of surrounding muscles.
Is equal to pressure in corresponding arteries.
Mainly determined by cardiac activity.

MPL = 0.50
C 39. Because aortic pulse pressure can go as high 120 mmHg and right pulmonary
artery pressure averages at 25 mm Hg during systole, the quantity of blood
flowing through the lungs is
A. Less than in the systemic circulation.
B. More than in the systemic circulation.
C. Equal to that in the systemic circulation.
D. More than twice the wedge pressure at recumbent position.
MPL = 0.50
A 40. Streamline or laminar flow is characterized by the following
A. Each layer of fluid slides smoothly over an adjacent layer.
B. Flow velocity increases toward the periphery of the tube.
C. Velocity is inversely proportional to tube radius.
D. Resistance to flow is greatest at the center of the tube.
MPL = 0.75
A 41. Low pressure in the pulmonary circulation indicates the following
A. Dilatable vessels.
C. Lesser vessel diameter.
B. High resistance vessels.
D. Less viscous blood.
MPL = 0.75


MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
C 42. Teds blood pressure is normally 120/80 mmHg. This morning it rose to
150/100 mmHg. Supposing his kidney are normal, his renal body fluid
mechanism is expected to respond by the following mechanism
A. Kidneys will further retain water until a diuretic is given.

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B. Blood volume will remain elevated until a vasodilator is given.

C. The rise in blood pressure will cause pressure natriuresis.
D. Stimulation of thirst and increase in water intake.
MPL = 0.50
A 43. Edema resulting from prolonged standing in a pregnant mother is due to an
increase in which factor?
A. Venous pressure C. Venous return
B. Stroke volume
D. Activity of the sympathetic nervous system.
MPL = 0.75
C 44. Increasing alveolar ventilation increases the blood pH because it
A. Makes hemoglobin a stronger acid.
B. Activates neural mechanisms that remove acid from the blood.
C. Decreases the pCO2 in the alveoli
D. Increases the pO2 in the alveoli.
MPL = 0.75
B 45. In which of the following conditions is CO2 retention most likely to occur?
A. Carbon monoxide poisoning.
B. Ventilatory failure.
C. Climbing a high mountain.
D. Cyanide poisoning.
MPL = 0.5
C 46.Twas a crispily cold December morning when Joshua and his Mom and Dad
were walking calmly towards the village chapel to attend the early dawn mass.
Breathing in the fresh cool morning air, they were filled with some kind of peace
and serenity. As the air is conducted in the upper respiratory passages, it
undergoes the following; EXCEPT
A. Filtration
C. Cooling
B. Humidification
D. Warming
MPL = 0.75
B 47. The ultimate goal of pulmonary ventilation is to
A. Expand the lungs.
B. Conduct fresh air into the alveoli.
C. Oxidize nutrients for energy production.
D. Aerate the blood.
MPL = 0.75


MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
D 48. Systemic blood supply to the lungs is the bronchial artery which has the
following function(s)
A. To provide nutrition to the airways, larger pulmonary vessels and pleura.
B. To add water vapor to inspired air.
C. To transport oxygenated blood from the alveoli to the right auricle.
D. A and B only.
MPL = 0.75
B 49. Fresh inspired air fills up the anatomic dead space which
A. Extends from the nose and oral cavity until the tertiary bronchi.
B. Is decreased by tracheostomy.
C. Is normally greater than the physiologic dead space.

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D. Is always pathological and impairs pulmonary function.

MPL = 0.75
C 50. Lung efficiency depends on how closely the following two factors match
A. Diffusion and transport.
B. Depth of inspiration and expiration.
C. Alveolar ventilation and perfusion.
D. External and internal respiration.
MPL = 0.50
C 51. If respiratory rate is 15/min. tidal volume = 500 ml and physiologic dead air
space = 150 ml, how much is the alveolar ventilation?
A. 4200 ml
C. 5250 ml
B. 5000 ml
D. 6500 ml
MPL = 0.50
C 52. The importance of residual volume is the following
A. Keeps the lungs inflated at the end of the normal expiration.
B. Makes the lungs fully expanded during inspiration.
C. Provides air in the alveoli to aerate the blood even between breaths.
D. Allows warming of air in the alveoli before diffusion into the pulmonary blood.
MPL = 0.75
A 53. Normal quiet expiration is entirely a passive process, because
A. No nerve impulses are sent to the effector muscles.
B. Only inertial work of breathing is performed.
C. No thoracic pressure and volume changes occur.
D. All of the above.
MPL = 1.0


MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
C 54. This refers to the maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs
after first filling the lungs to their maximum extent and then expiring to the
maximum extent
A. Tidal volume
C. Vital capacity
B. Inspiratory capacity
D. Expiratory reserve volume
MPL = 1.0
D 55. Factors that control gastrointestinal functions are the following, EXCEPT
A. Enteric Nervous System
C. Hormones
B. Autonomic Nervous System
D. No exception
MPL = 0.75
MPL = 0.75
D 56. The following conditions make the GI cell membrane more excitable, EXCEPT
A. Stretching of the muscle
C. Parasympathetic stimulation
B. Stimulation by acetylcholine
D. Sympathetic stimulation
MPL = 0.75
D 57. What factor would likely delay gastric emptying
A. Increase food volume in the stomach
B. Stretching of the stomach wall
C. Gastrin secretion

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D. Distention of the duodenum

MPL = 0.75
C 58. Mass movement in the colon
A. Propels the feces from the cecum to the sigmoid.
B. Occurs 12-24X per day.
C. Is a modified type of persitalsis.
D. Allows greater absorption of water from the lumen.
MPL = 0.75
C 59. This contributes the greatest amount to the total volume of intestinal juices
A. Saliva
C. Small intestine secretions
B. Gastric secretion
D. Large intestine secretions
MPL = 0.75
A 60. The following statement is true about bile salts
A. They are important in the emulsification of fats.
B. They aid in the absorption of water-soluble vitamins.
C. They are not reabsorbed into the blood from the small intestines
D. They give the yellow-brown color to the stools.
MPL = 1.0


MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
C 61. This hormone stimulates the secretion of bile by the liver
C. Secretin
B. Histamine
D. Gastrin
MPL = 0.75
A 62. The absorption of glucose by the small intestine is via
A. Sodium cotransport
C. Solvent drag
B. Diffusion
D. Active transport
MPL = 0.75
C 63. These provide the greatest surface area for the absorption in the small
A. Valvulae conniventes
C. Microvilli
B. Villi
D. Taenia coli
MPL = 1.0
C 64. The most powerful and the most complete regulation of acid-base
balance is provided by the
A. Chemical buffer system
B. Respiratory system
C. Kidneys
D. Endocrine system
MPL = 1.00
B 65. The clearance of this substance is equal to the glomerular filtration rate
A. Glucose
B. Inulin
C. Creatinine
D. Para-amino hippuric acid (PAH)

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MPL = 0.90
D 66. On admission to the hospital, a patient was diagnosed and treated for
diabetic acidosis. A few days later his acid-base status was determined
again and these are the laboratory results: pH = 7.356, [HCO3 -] = 9.6
mmol/L, pCO2 = 17.4 mmHg, [BE] = -1.4 mmol/L. At this stage, the
patient has
A. Normal acid-base status.
B. Uncompensated metabolic acidosis.
C. Partially compensated metabolic acidosis.
D. Fully compensated metabolic acidosis.
MPL = 0.5
C 67. The forces that oppose filtration across the glomerular capillaries include
the following:
A. Bowmans capsule colloid osmotic pressure
B. Glomerular hydrostatic pressure
C. Glomerular capillary colloid osmotic pressure
D. Net filtration pressure
MPL = 0.75
MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
D 68. Which of the following is NOT a major function of autoregulation in the
A. Maintenance of a relatively constant GFR
B. Precise control of renal excretion of water
C. Control of renal excretion of solutes
D. Maintenance of a constant blood pressure
MPL = 0.75
C 69. The permeability of the late distal tubule and cortical collecting duct to
water is controlled by the concentration of what hormone?
A. Angiotensin
B. Aldosterone
C. Vasopressin
D. Epinephrine
MPL = 0.75
C 70. Which of the following substances is NOT reabsorbed by the proximal
A. Protein
B. Amino acid
C. Urea
D. Glucose
MPL = 0.75
A 71. About 65 percent of the filtered load of sodium and water are
reabsorbed by the
A. Proximal tube
B. Descending loop of Henle
C. Ascending loop of Henle
D. Collecting duct
MPL = 0.90
C 72. This part of the loop of Henle is virtually impermeable to water
A. Descending thin segment

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B. Ascending thin segment

C. Thick ascending segment
D. Tip of the loop of Henle
MPL = 0.50
B 73. Which of these hormones increases the glomerular filtration rate?
A. Epinephrine
B. Prostaglandin
C. Norepinephrine
D. Angiotensin
MPL = 0.75
MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
A 74. The most common mechanism for synaptic excitation is
A. Opening of sodium channels.
B. Opening of potassium channels.
C. Increase in the number of excitatory receptors.
D. Increase negativity of the cell interior.
MPL = 0.75
C 75. The association area of the central cortex that provides a high level of
interpretive meaning for signals from all surrounding sensory areas, is
A. Prefrontal association area
B. Limbic association area
C. Parieto-occipitotemporal association area
D. Secondary somatic sensory area
MPL = 0.75
D 76. In the transmission of a neuronal signal from a presynaptic neuron to
postsynaptic neuron, a certain amount of time is consumed in the
following process(es):
A. Discharge of the transmitter substance by the presynaptic terminal
B. Action of the transmitter on the membrane receptor
C. Action of the receptor to increase the membrane permeability
D. All of the above
MPL = 0.75
While walking down a dark alley, one starless night, Paulos right foot accidentally stepped on a
piece of broken glass which pierced through his rubber sandals; He immediately raised his right foot
as his arms swayed sidewards as he balanced himself.
A 77. The following cord reflexes which are exhibited include the following
A. Flexor reflex, right foot
B. Cross extensor reflex, right foot
C. Stretch reflex, right foot
D. Golgi tendon reflex, arms
MPL = 0.75
A 78. What type of brain waves are found in the EEG of a normal adult
person who is awake, quiet and in a resting state of cerebration?
A. Alpha waves
B. Beta waves
C. Theta waves
D. Delta waves
MPL = 0.75

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MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
B 79. The most important receptors for determining joint angulation in midranges of
motion are
A. Pacinian corpuscles
B. Muscle spindles
C. Golgi tendon apparatus
D. Krause corpuscle
MPL = 0.75
D 80. Research work has suggested that this chemical agent might be the
single agent most responsible for causing the tissue damage type of
A. Serotonin
C. Substance P
B. Histamine
D. Bradykinin
MPL = 0.50
C 81. The following is true about desynchronized sleep
A. Brain waves are very slow.
B. Occupies about 75% of the sleep time of young adults.
C. Dreams occurring in this type of sleep are likely to be remembered.
D. This type of sleep is exceedingly restful.
MPL = 0.75
C 82. Long-term memory is generally believed to result from
A. Presynaptic facilitation or inhibition.
B. Synaptic potentiation enhancing conduction.
C. Structural changes at the synapses that enhance signal transmission.
D. Habituation effect in the sensory pathways.
MPL = 0 75
A 83. This structure plays a major role in timing of motor activities and in rapid
progression from one movement to the next
A. Cerebellum
C. Primary motor cortex
B. Basal ganglia
D. Brainstem
MPL = 0.75
B 84. Dino an eighteen year old high school track and field champion was
illicitly given by his coach testosterone preparation. Which of the
following will NOT occur as a result of the testosterone administration?
A. Increase in basal metabolic rate
B. Weight loss as a result of increased protein catabolism
C. Stimulation of spermatogenesis
D. Inhibition of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion
MPL = 0.75


MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
C 85. When an individual is standing naked in a room in which the air

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temperature is 21 degrees C (69.8oF) and the humidity is 80%, the

greatest amount of body heat loss will be by
A. Respiration
B. Urination
C. Radiation and conduction
D. Evaporation of sweat
MPL = 0.75
C 86. Tom T. a 45-year old male, office worker on his pre-employment checkup, showed marked enlargement of the bones of the extremities and
significant coarsening of his facial features. His jaw was likewise
enlarged and protrucing. The condition is most likely
A. Gigantism
C. Acromegaly
B. Panhypopituitarism
D. Hypothyroidism
MPL = 1.0
B 87. Which of the following statements about spermatogenesis is CORRECT?
A. Sertoli cells are required for mitotic activity of germ cells.
B. Spermatogenesis requires continuous release of gonadotropin releasing hormone.
C. Production and release of spermatozoa is cyclical.
D. Leydig cell secretion of testosterone requires follicle stimulating hormone.
MPL = 0.75
D 88. The effect

of estrogen on the uterus is

It prevents expulsion of the implanted ovum
It decreases the frequency and intensity of uterine contractions.
It promotes secretory changes on the uterus during latter half of monthly female sexual
D. It increases the motility of the fallopian tubes and causes cervical mucus to the thinner
and more alkaline.

MPL = 0.75
A 89. The most important temperature receptors for long-term control of body
temperature are neurons located in
A. Preoptic area of the hypothalamus
B. Supraoptic nuclei
C. Postoptic area
D. Paraventricular nuclei
MPL = 0.75


MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
C 90. Given the following plasma electrolyte levels, what could possibly be the
adrenal disorder:
= 145mg/dl
= 2.4mg/dl
Cl= 96mg/dl
HCO3- = 41
A. Normal
C. Primary aldosteronism
B. Adrenal insufficiency
MPL = 0.50
D 91. Mr. Johns, a 65 y.o. male, recently underwent disarticulation of his right

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big toe for a non-healing ulcer. His physician told him that he had adultonset diabetes. What are the effects of insulin deficiency on the tissues,
that brought about Mr. Johns condition:
A. Inadequate blood vessel supply to the tissues secondary to structural changes of the
blood vessel.
B. Peripheral neuropathy.
C. Increased utilization and decreased storage of proteins.
D. All of the above.
MPL = 0.50
B 92. The rate of iodide trapping by the thyroid cells is influenced by several
factors, the most important being the following:
A. Level of T3 in the plasma.
B. Concentration of TSH.
C. Rate of storage of thyroglobulin.
D. Rate of transport of thyroxine and triiodothyronine to the tissues.
MPL = 0.75
C 93. Parathyroid hormone maintains normal ionized serum calcium
concentration by the following mechanism of action on the bone:
A. Inhibits osteoclastic function.
B. Decreases formation of new osteoclasts.
C. Increases osteoblast-initiated recruitment of osteocytes and osteoclasts.
D. All of the above.
MPL = 0.75
A 28 year old female underwent thyroidectomy. Four days post-operatively. She had cardiopulmonary arrest. Her calcium blood level was 6.2 mg/dl.
C 94. What could most likely cause her calcium blood level to reach this value?
A. She had burst of secretion of her calcitonin prior to the removal of her thyroid gland.
B. She has damaged kidneys.
C. Her parathyroid gland was probably accidentally removed.
D. Her bones were unable to provide calcium.
MPL = 0.75
MULTIPLE CHOICE : Select the best answer.
D 95. Regarding nociceptors, it is true to say that they
A. Adapt rapidly to painful stimuli so that pain can be ignored.
B. Are encapsulated nerve endings found in high concentrations in the brain.
C. Send information via B fibers.
D. Can be activated by mechanical, thermal, or chemical stimuli in the skin, viscera and
deep somatic regions on the body.
MPL = 0.50
C 96. When a person is exposed to bright light
A. Vitamin A is converted into retinal.
B. Retinal and opsins are converted into light sensitive pigments.
C. Retinal is converted into vitamin A
D. Photochemicals in the rods and cones are unaffected.
MPL = 0.50
A 97. The auditory function of the middle ear ossicles is to
A. Amplify the sound.
B. Filter high frequency sounds.
C. Detect the direction of sound.
D. Convert mechanical energy of sound to electrochemical energy.

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MPL = 0.75
B 98. Ascent to a high altitude may result in the following
A. Apnea with respiratory acidosis.
B. Hyperventilation with respiratory alkalosis.
C. Hyperventilation with respiratory acidosis.
D. Hyperventilation with respiratory alkalosis.
MPL = 0.75
C 99. Decompression sickness can be avoided
A. If the diver ascends very rapidly.
B. Through the use of oxygen-filled tank while descending.
C. By staging the divers ascent to avoid increasing the size of nitrogen bubbles.
D. By removing all the nitrogen dissolved in the body fluids before diving.
MPL = 0.75
A 100. The final

common denominator of cardiovascular function in exercise is

Deliver oxygen and other nutrients to the muscles.
To remove CO2 and other waste products of metabolism from muscles.
To increase cardiac output in response to increased venous return.
To strengthen the cardiac muscles to reduce cardiovascular disease.

MPL = 0.75

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