Grade 1 Units of Inquiry

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American International School of Bucharest

Grade 1 Program of Inquiry

Who we are

How we organize

Where we are in
place and time

Sharing the planet

How the world works

How we express

An inquiry into the nature of the self;

beliefs and values; personal, physical,
mental, social and spiritual health; human
relationships including families, friends,
communities and cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it means to be

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of

human-made systems and communities; the
structure and function of organizations;
societal decision-making; economic
activities and their impact on humankind
and the environment.

An inquiry into orientation in place and time;

personal histories; homes and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations and migrations of
humankind; the relationships between and the
interconnectedness of individuals and
civilizations, from local and global

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in

the struggle to share finite resources with
other people and with other living things;
communities and the relationships within and
between them; access to equal opportunities;
peace and conflict resolution.

An inquiry into the natural world and its laws;

the interaction between the natural world
(physical and biological) and human societies;
how humans use their understanding of
scientific principles; the impact of scientific and
technological advances on society and on the

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover

and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture,
beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect
on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our
appreciation of the aesthetic.

Central Idea:

Central Idea:

Central Idea:

Central Idea:

Central Idea:

Central Idea:

People form opinions

about us because of the
things we do and say.

People create
communities to meet their

The way people live differs

for many reasons.

There are choices we can

make to reduce waste.

Understanding forces helps

us to use them.

Subject Area Focus: PSPE

Subject Area Focus:

Social studies

Subject Area Focus: Social


Subject Area Focus:

Science, Social Studies,

Stories can be expressed and

shared through

Key Concepts: causation,

Related Concepts:
expression, choice
Lines of Inquiry:
the things we do and
possible opinions
people might form
based on interactions
responding vs reacting

Key Concepts: form,

function, responsibility
Related Concepts:
community, roles,

Related Concepts:
structure, patterns,
similarities, differences
Lines of Inquiry:

Subject Area Focus:

Science, Math
Key Concepts: form,
change, connection

Key Concepts: causation,

connection, responsibility

Key Concepts: form,

causation, perspective

Related Concepts:
sustainability, conservation

Related Concepts:

Related Concepts:
friction, gravity, push and

Lines of Inquiry:

Lines of Inquiry:

Lines of Inquiry:

Lines of Inquiry:

Key Concepts: form,

change, causation

Subject Area Focus:

Literacy, Arts

what makes up a
needs and wants
within a community
roles and
responsibilities within
a community

changes in lifestyles
over time
reasons why lifestyles
have changed

types of waste
effects of waste
on natural
how everyday
waste can be
reduced, reused
and recycled

what makes stories

kinds of stories people
tell and have told in the
how emotions can be
expressed in a story

forces slow and
speed up
forces can be
through toys

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