Lesson Plan

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Curriculum Area

Learning objective (from

Unit Overview) for this
particular lesson

Essential questions for

this lesson
Lesson number(s)from unit
plan sequence
Suggested content or
outline of lesson
Using the information from
your pre-assessment task
design a lesson based on
different levels of readiness.

Lesson Plan- no more than a page long

Technological World
Year Level- Combined 10/11
Know- Students will know how to deconstruct an advertisement.
Understand- Advertising techniques play an important role in the way consumers
react to, and value a product.
Do- In small groups, commence work on their Choice Board activities. Begin to
consider how they will use some of these advertising techniques, in the creation of
their sales pitch portfolio (logo, storyboard, pitch statement, and video).
How can advertising impact the success of technological products?
What can I do to ensure I am a critical viewer of media texts?
6 out of 12
Length of lesson- 100 minutes
Whole class (20 minutes)- Begin the lesson with a recap of the operational,
critical and cultural dimensions of screen (attached as appendix). Students have
previously taken part in a whole class, explicit deconstruction of a Coke
advertisement. This time they will analyse a recent Apple Watch advertisement, in
their strategically selected project groups of 3-4. This activity reinforces
understanding, and allows students who may be uncomfortable with the analysis
process, another opportunity to see it in action.
Each group will share 2-3 key findings from their analysis to the rest of the class.
These findings will be noted on the board, and uploaded to the online portal. This
allows students an opportunity to revisit this information, outside of class time.
Activity, introduce the Choice Board (70 minutes)- Individually, or in pairs,
students will begin work on their Choice Board selections. This activity will continue
in the next lesson, so there is no need for students to rush. The activities aligned
with the knowledge, communication, analysis and application levels of Blooms
Taxonomy (attached as appendix), and are scaffolded to cater for differing levels of
readiness, interest, and learning profiles.
Whole class debrief (10 minutes)- Students reform as a class group, and briefly
share one activity they have completed from the Choice Board with another class
member. At the end of the next lesson, students will have the opportunity to
present one of their activities, as part of a whole class gallery walk. The teacher
wraps up the lesson by recapping key terms, the Big Idea, and introducing the
online exit card task.

Check for understanding

i.e. exit card
Visual, verbal, tactile and
technological supports

Exit card activity- Short answer response (attached as appendix)

Instructional approaches
i.e teacher directed, strategy

Introduction- teacher directed, (explicit instruction).

Group reporting- as a class, students develop a glossary of their Apple Watch
analysis findings. Provides an opportunity for students to take charge of the
learning process (student led, constructivism).
Choice Board- Teacher acts as a facilitator, working with small groups who require
assistance, and prompting further discussion (scaffolded). The Choice board tasks
have been structured to provide for varying levels of readiness, and promote
student led, practical learning (tiered, scaffolded, constructivist).

Classroom environment
what have you had to
change to meet student

-Providing a range of activities for different readiness levels.

- Use of neutral colours and slides.
-Ensuring language is accessible for different reading levels.
-Cultivating a relaxed classroom environment by encouraging student questioning,
and using an open plan classroom (tables and lounges are in groups, rather than
rows of desks).
-Ensuring the teacher is available, and able to provide assistance, scaffolding, and
extension for students. Teacher is seen as an approachable facilitator, rather than
an authoritarian figure.
-Providing additional assistance during allocated in school time, and via the online
learning hub.

Technological support- all resources used in class are available on the ASMS
online hub.
Verbal/ visual- focus on utilising a variety of mediums. Video clips, and other
visual aids are supported by activities which focus on further analysis, and
Visual- neutral colours used in presentation slides. Use of video clips.
Tactile- Choice Board presents multiple assessment options (written, oral, poster,
video, storyboard, drawn), in both digital, and physical formats.

Lesson reflections (to be

done on completion of lesson
in professional exp.)

What worked? What didnt? Why/Why not? What could I change next time?

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