Cur 528 WK 6 Team Final Lta Assessment and Evaluation-2

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Assessment and

Evaluation: An
Interview Analysis
Team A: Kelley Cure-Anderson, Sylvia
Durham, Andrea Kokinda, Stacy Surwilo, &
Jamie Train
July 6, 2015
Cynthia Loeffler

Questions and answers
Compare and contrast


College Educators

Training Facilitators

The Role of Funding in Assessment

Assessment: How important a role
is funding in the assessment


Training Facilitator

Funding for all assessments are

allotted into the costs of the
semester costs of the program.

Some times third party assessors

are procured to perform
assessment, which is an added
cost to the company. Other
companies keep costs for
assessments to a minimum.

Does funding have an impact on

the resources used for

Without funding the cost of man

hours could not be absorbed into
the semester budget. Some man
hours for assessment, such as for
the Dean, are computed into the
annual salary.

The cost for resources depends on

the companies abilities or desire to
pay for the assessment. Selected
assessment techniques can be
used to keep expenses minimal.

Does funding have an impact on

materials in the assessment

The software, paper, cost of

postage and all materials needed
to conduct an assessment are
heavily tied to annual funding for a
program. Funding for a program
includes assessment material

The cost of materials for an

assessment that is not given to a
third party can be an added
expense to a company. The
monies provided will depend on the
company and the amount allotted

The Importance of Self Assessment to

the Assessment/ Evaluation Process

The self assessment is a mandated

protocol which is performed:
After every course
Before and after a needs

Training Facilitator
Self assessment is recommended, but
not mandated in certain
circumstances such as:
Leadership and other courses

In the formative and summative


When a self assessment protocol is

template is produced

At the end of a course evaluation or

program review, which occurs after
each fiscal year.

When the facilitator feels it is

When information is needed to
improve a program

What does one gain from developinga

student survey?
Post Secondary Instructor

Training Facilitator

A student survey allows the

student to have a voice about what
they experience and feel about a
course, or program.

Gain a measuring tool to assess

what the student has learned,
areas that need improvement, and
identify areas that deserve

Student surveys are used along

with other assessment information
on a regular basis

Determine what information should

or should not continue based on
the feedback from surveys.

Information is to update
administrators, departments and
instructors to bring the best
programs and instruction possible
to the student.

Using the 4 stages of evaluation by

Kirkpatrick Partners, LLC (2015)

Is there an assessment tool that you

prefer, and why?
Post Secondary Instructor
The assessment tool is the CCR or
Checklist for Course Readiness. This
allows the instructor to prepare for the
course and provides assessment tools
for formative and summative
assessment practices.
This tool allows the instructor to
determine instructional design, learner
ability to comprehend course,
andragogical effectiveness,
technological access and schedule
success among other aspects of

Pre and Post class survey to help

identify prior
knowledge, what was
learned, and confidence level.
XB Assessment tool that measures:
behavior style, forty different
competencies, eight values, three
different aspects of thinking style
giving a panoramic view of
Development of tool which includes
some prompts of questions to ask
stakeholders. It is based on Gilberts
Behavior Engineering Model (BEM).

How often is an analysis performed of your

department's training program?
Post Secondary Instructor

After each semester, with the

exception of summer and winter
An analysis is performed by the
Dean and Administrators after
assessments are performed

Training Facilitator
Curriculum is reviewed three times
in one year
Each course/program are
continuously reviewed to determine
if changes must be made
Changes take place if necessary in
order to meet the organizations
An annual review is conducted and
when trends are discovered that
compromises the effectiveness of

After a survey from a training course, does your

department implement changes depending on
student/employee's feedback?
Post Secondary Instructor

Yes, especially if feedback

regarding the instructor,
coursework or program is

Yes, depends on the feedback.

Changes take
place if errors are
discovered in the training session
or if the same feedback is

If drastic changes are necessary,

the State must approve the

Changes have taken place such as

update application scenarios,
revise the content and review the

If 25% of course revisions are

necessary, a new course must be

Revisions will be made depending

on the volume and how vital the
changes are

How quickly are changes/enhancements made

after receiving assessment/evaluation
Post Secondary Instructor

Training Facilitator
Changes can be made quickly as
long as they are determined

Changes that are necessary can

be made right away
Small changes can be made
immediately if they are needed
Changes are made as long as they
do not impact the integrity of the

Some changes/courses go through

Instructional Design Systems to
ensure changes need to be made
Changes can be made as soon as
the next course, some courses are
only 1 or twice a year some are

What information do you hope to gain

from evaluation and how do you use it?
Post Secondary Instructor

Training Facilitator

Self-awareness for the


Looking for hard data to be sure

objectives were met and student
were able to apply learning to
their work
The question to be answered is
did I reach the learner?
The main goal is to deliver on the
objectives and be sure the
students learned what was

Looking to find the following

what worked well?
What didnt go well?
What can be improved?

When analyzing assessment data, how

does one keep the information organized?
Post Secondary Educator

Training Facilitators


Database summarized quarterly

and analyzed for trends

Computer programs for organizing

and analyzing

Utilize Survey Monkey to analyze

student surveys following class

Surveys are given in the form of

multiple choice, or true and false
to ease data input and

Keep training files with participant

information and evaluations,
publish weekly score cards for
senior management

How long is qualitative data kept following

a program evaluation?
Post Secondary Educator

Training Facilitator
Benchmark or best practice
findings are kept long-term
Insignificant data is kept
temporarily and then destroyed

As long as the course is still active

all data is kept
Used to track the progress of the
course and changing needs of

Other data may be kept until

there is a significant change in the
process or program
Some smaller facilities keep all of
the data for all participants


Kirkpatrick Partners, LLC. (2015). The Kirkpatrick model.
Retrieved from
SDCCD (2015). Administration and governance
Retrieved from

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