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Alagadan or Grammar

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Alagadan or Grammar



--ak or -k I or my
we or our
you or your (singular)
you or your (plural)
his, her or its
--en or -n
we, our, us (dual)
Ilocano is an agglutinative language. Meaning, it employs a number of affixes to signify changes in
meaning. If you are having a hard time looking for a word in the dictionary, try dropping the following

Pronunciation guide
Like its entire sister languages, Ilocano is fairly easy to pronounce. And although there are two
orthographic systems that are in common use, the one based on Tagalog is more commonly found in
publications. The general rule is one sound for each letter. However, the language, like all the BorneoPhilippine Languages, employs the digraph ng to represent an initial velar nasal consonant (the ng in
English sing).
Accents are very unpredictable and must be learnt while learning the new word. Although books about the
language will show these signs, they are often not found in publications like newspapers.
The Ilocano language has either five or six vowels, depending on what dialect you choose to speak. The
language is generally divided into the Amianan (Northern) and Abagatan (Southern) Dialects. The only
difference however between these two dialects is the way they pronounce the letter 'E'. In the Abagatan
Dialect, only five vowels are present and they are pronounced as follows:
a - open front unrounded vowel; like the a in father
e - open-mid front unrounded vowel; like the e in bed
i - close front unrounded vowel; like the ea in beat
o - close-mid back rounded vowel; like the au in author
u - close back rounded vowel; like the oo in boot
On the other hand, the Amianan Dialect has another vowel for the symbol 'e'. For the speakers of the
Abagatan Dialect, the 'e' that was given above is used for words of foreign origin (e.g. elepante from
Spanish). For native words, the sound of a close back unrounded vowel is used. There is no equivalent
for this sound in English so some dictionaries use the IPA symbol for the schwa sign. But the proper
symbol must be:
e - close back unrounded vowel; like the ao in the Scots Gaelic caol.
Historically, Ilocano has only 3 vowels and this reality is still evident until today as the sounds of e and i
and o and u' often merges.

When the letter i precedes another letter, its sound will glide resulting to the sound of [j]. This happens
also to the letter u where it glides into the sound of [w].
Spanish cities such as Vigan were in contact with Spanish, hence, the additional open-mid front
unrounded vowel "e".
In modern written Ilocano (based on Tagalog Ortography), there are 16 symbols for the consonnts but
there are more than 16 consonant sounds in the language. Here, we include the other letters that may
likely occur in some prints.
b - like the English bed
c - like the k in sky not as in kite
d - like the d in the Japanese dojo
f - (in proper nouns only) like the English feather
g - like the English go
g - (in foreign words from Spanish only) like the English house
h - like the English house
j - (in foreign words from Spanish only) like the English house
k - like the k in sky not as in kite
l - like the l in London
m - like the m in mother
n - like the n in nanny
p - like the p in spot not as in pot
qu - like the k in sky not as in kite
r - like the r in right
r - (in foreign words from Spanish only) like the r in rojo
s - like the s in seven
t - like the d in the Chinese Dao De Jing
v - like the English bed
v - (in proper nouns only) like the v in vase
w - like the w in water
x - (in proper nouns only) like the x' in six'
x - (in proper nouns only) like the x' in the Spanish Mexico
y - like the y in yam
z - like the s in seven
z - like the z' in zebra
Some consonants change their sounds when followed by a vowel. The the following sounds are
di - like the j in jack
si - like the sh in shampoo
ti - like the ch in ch'urch

As mentioned above the digraph ng represents the sound of the same digraph in Singer. However, unlike
in English, this sound may be used as initial.
The inital glotal stop is not written. Thus, it appears as if the word commences with a vowel. When it
occurs at the middle of the word, a hypen (-) is inserted to represent the sound.
Common diphthongs
There are only three commonly used dipthongs in the Ilocano language. They are as follows:
ay - like the i in high
iw - like the iw in Tiw
oy - like the oy in boy
Other dipthongs are also likely to occur but they are generally from loaned words. They are usually
pronounced as they are foreign.
Phrase list
Hello - (There is actually no equivalent for this greeting. Instead, Ilocanos tend to greet in terms of time or
by asking how are you.)
What's up?/ How are you (informal) - (A)nia ngay??
How are you? - Kumusta ka? (also kumustan?)
Fine, thank you. - Nasayaat met, agyamanak!, or mayat met(informal) (also "naimbagak met")
What is your name? - Ania ti naganmo? (often contracted ania't naganmo?) It is also "Ana't nagan mo?"
My name is ______ . - ______ ti naganko or siak ni ______. (or more formally although not usually used
Ti naganko ket _____ . Note: Ilocanos tend to simply give their names.)
Please. - Pangngaasim . ( )
Thank you. - Agyamanak. (')
You're welcome. - Awan ti aniamanna. (coll. Awan aniamanna.)
Take care - Agaluad ka or Agannad ka
Yes. - Wen.
No. - Saan. (in the Abagatan Dialect Haan)
Excuse me. (getting attention) - Pakawanen-nak. [also Excuse me. (Ilocanos don't usually use the native
term anymore.)]
Excuse me. (begging pardon) - Dispensarennak.
I'm sorry. - Pakawanennak. (also Dispensaren nak)
Goodbye - Agpakadaakon. (also Kastan or kasta pay lit. Till then.)
Goodbye (informal) - Innakon. (lit. I am going. )
I can't speak name of language. - Diak agsasao ti (name of the language). (meaning: The speaker has no
knowledge of the language.)
I can't speak name of the language well. - Diak nalaing iti or diak unay ammo ti agsao iti (name of the
language). (meaning: The speaker has a knowledge of the language but not with enough competence.)
Do you speak English? - Agsasaoka iti Ingles?
Is there someone here who speaks English? - Adda kadi agsasao ditoy iti Ingles?
Help! - Tulong!

Look out! - Agan-nad! (or Agan-nad ka!)

Good morning. - Naimbag a bigat.
Good afternoon - Naimbag a malem.
Good evening. - Naimbag a rabii.
Good night. - Naimbag a rabii. (Note: Ilocano has actually no equivalent words to express this sentence.)
I don't understand. - Diak maawatan. (also Diak matarusan )
Where is the toilet? - Ayanna ti banio?
Leave me alone. - Bay-annak! (or: Bay-andak!) in such way the the phrase (or: baybay-andak) also mean
the same as leave me alone.
Don't touch me. - Dinak kuldingen.
I'll call the police! - Agayabak iti pulis!
Stop! Thief! - Agsardengka! Agtatakaw!
I need your help. - Masapulko ti tulong mo. (or when talking to many people: Masapulko ti tulong yo!)
I am lost. - Napukawak! (also: Nayaw-awanak!)
I lost my bag. - Napukaw jay bagko.
I lost my wallet. - Napukaw jay pitakak.
I am sick. - agsakitak (Note: Filipinos generally equate this sentence with I have a fever. To say this, it is
more proper to say, ag-gurigorak)
I met an accident. - Naaksidenteak!
I need a doctor. - Masapulko ti doktor.
There are two names for each number in Ilocano: the native Ilocano name and the Spanish name.
Generally, Ilocanos use the Spanish terms if they are talking about time of very large quantities. You will
however see the native terms in literary books. If you are shopping, prices of small values are given in this
Cardinal Numbers
0 - awan or sero
1 - maysa
2 - dua
3 - tallo
4 - uppat
5 - lima
6 - innem
7 - pito
8 - walo
9 - siam
10 - sangapulo
11 - sangapulo ket maysa
12 - sangapulo ket dua
13 - sangapulo ket tallo
14 - sangapulo ket uppat
15 - sangapulo ket lima

20 - duapulo
30 - tallopulo
40 - uppat a pulo
50 - limapulo
60 - innem a pulo
70 - pitopulo
80 - walo a pulo
90 - siam a pulo
100 - sangagasut
101 - sangagasut ket maysa
150 - sangagasut ket limapulo
151 - sangagasut ket limapulo ket maysa
200 - duagasut
300 - tallogasut
400 - uppatgasut
500 - limagasut
1000 - sangaribu
10000 - sangariwriw
100000 sangabillion
Telling the time is rather complicated in Ilocano. People use a combination of the Spanish system and the
native style of telling time. However, the Spanish system has been modified to the extent that people who
have learnt how to tell time in Spanish may not easily understand it. Here are some phrases:
Clock Time
Ilocanos use the 12hr clock, so there is no need to learn Spanish numbers beyond that (for time only).
00:00 - a las dose iti tenggat rabii (may also be: Maika-sangapulu ket duwa iti tenggat rabii)
01:00 - a la una iti bigat (also: maika-maysa iti bigat)
02:00 - a las dos iti bigat (also: maika-dua iti bigat)
03:00 - a las tres iti bigat (also: maika-tallo iti bigat)
04:00 - a las kwatro iti bigat (also: maika-uppat iti bigat)
05:00 - a las singko iti bigat (also: maika-lima iti bigat)
06:00 - a las sais iti bigat (also: maika-innem iti bigat)
07:00 - a las siete iti bigat (also: maika-pito iti bigat)
08:00 - a las otso iti bigat (also: maika-walo iti bigat)
09:00 - a las nuebe iti bigat (also: maika-siam iti bigat)
10:00 - a las dies iti bigat (also: maika-sangapulu iti bigat)
11:00 - a las onse iti bigat (also: maika-sangapulu ket maysa iti bigat)
12:00 - a las dose iti tenggat adlaw(also: maika-sangapulu ket duwa iti tenggat adlaw)
13:00 - a la una iti malem(also: maika-maysa iti malem)
14:00 - a las dos iti malem (also: maika-dua iti malem)
15:00 - a las tres iti malem (also: maika-tallo iti malem)
16:00 - a las kwatro iti malem (also: maika-uppat iti malem)
17:00 - a las singko iti malem (also: maika-lima iti malem)
18:00 - a las sais iti rabii(also: maika-innem iti rabii)

19:00 - a las siete iti rabii (also: maika-pito iti rabii)

20:00 - a las otso iti rabii (also: maika-walo iti rabii)
21:00 - a las nuebe iti rabii (also: maika-siam iti rabii)
22:00 - a las dies iti rabii (also: maika-sangapulu iti rabii)
23:00 - a las onse iti rabii (also: maika-sangapulu ket maysa iti rabii)
To say half-past an hour or a quarter of an hour, we may use the Spanish system or:
Half-past one - Maika-maysa ket kagadua
Quarter past one - Maika-maysa ket sangapulu key lima
Adverbs of Time
now - ita, tat-ta
later - madamdama
before - sakbay
after - kalpasan
morning - bigat
this morning - ita bigat
noon - tenggaat aldaw
afternoon - malem
evening - rabii
night - rabii
today - ita nga aldaw
yesterday - idi kalman
the day before yesterday - idi sakbay kalman
tomorrow - inton bigat
the day after tomorrow - sumaruno a bigat
this week - ita lawas
next week - sakbay a lawas
seconds - segundo
minutes - minuto
hours - oras
day - aldaw
week - lawas
month - bulan
year - tawen
Days of the Week (Adlaw iti Lawas) follow their corresponding Spanish counterparts:
Domingo - Sunday
Lunes - Monday
Martes - Tuesday
Mierkoles - Wednesday

Juebes - Thursday
Biernes - Friday
Sabado - Saturday
Months of the year (dagiti Bulan iti Tawen) follows the names of their Spanish counterparts:
January - Enero
February - Pebrero
March - Marso
April - Abril
May - Mayo
June - Hunio
July - Hulio
August - Agosto
September - Septiembre
October - Oktubre
November - Nobiembre
December - Disiembre
Writing time and date
Once we have learnt how to say time and date, writing them is very simple. In writing the date, one
generally gives the day first, followed by the month and the year. If we have to indicate the time, it follows
after the date.
07 March 1983 at 22:45 - Maika-pito iti Marso 1983 iti maika-sangapulu ket uppat a pulu ket lima iti rabii.
Primary Colours
blue - asul, balbag
red - baga (or as an adj. nalabaga or nalabbasit)
yellow - duyaw, amarillo
Secondary Colours
green - berde (or more poetically nalangto)
orange - kahel (or simple orange)
violet - violet, ube
Other Colours
black - nangisit
white - puraw
brown - Maradaga
grey - dapo

Note: As adjectives may be placed at either sides of the noun, one must not forget the ligature nga (if the
next word begins with a vowel) or a (if the next word begins with a consonant) to establish the connection.
Sample: yellow dress may be rendered as bado a duyaw or duyaw a bado.
Like the rest of the Philippines, busses and taxis are not the primary mode of transportation in Ilocandia
(i.e. the Northern Philippines). For short distances, tricycles remain the most available form of
transportation. For journeys of average distances, the modified Filipino jeep will be the best way to
navigate the area. Indeed, these jeepneys so dominate the streets of the Philippines that they are often
called The King of the Streets throughout the archipelago. Busses and trains are only used for very long
Tricycles and Jeepneys
How much is the fare to name of the place? - Mano ti plete inggana idiay name of the place? (Literally:
How much to the name of the place.)
How many people can take a ride? - Mano nga tao ti mabalin nga aglugan?
Stop! - Para! (This is used only for modes of transportation and never for people.)
Bus and Train
How much is the ticket for name of the place? - Mano ti ticket a mapan idiay name of the place?
I'll take one ticket. - Mangalaak ti maysa nga tiket
Where does this bus/ train go to? - Papanan na daytoy bus/ tren? (Note: Busses in the Philippines tend
to have signboards so you won't be needing to ask this question frequently.)
Does this bus/ train stop at name of the place? - Agsardeng kadi daytoy bus/ tren idiay name of the
What time does this bus/ train leaves? - Kaano nga pumanaw datoy bus/ tren? (also: Ania oras nga
pumanaw daytoy bus/ tren? lit. What time does this bus/ train leave?)
What time does this bus/ train arrive at name of the place? - Kaano nga sumangpet datoy bus/ tren idiay
name of the place? (also: Ania oras a sumangpet 'toy bus/ tren idiay name of the place?)
Excuse me sir, how do I go to name of the place? - Excuse me Manong, kasano ti mapan idiay name of
the place?
_____ bus station - _____ estasyon ti bus
_____ airport - _____ airport
_____ market - _____ palengke, tiendaan
_____ town proper - _____ ili
_____ American (Australian, British, Canadian) Consulate - Konsulado ti Amerika (Australia, Britania,
Canada) [note: There is actually no Embassy or Consulate in the Ilocandia as almost all of them are in
Metro Manila.]
Where are there many _____? - Ayanna nga lugar ti adu ti _____?
_____ hotels - _____ hotel
_____ restaurants - _____ restaurant (note: When visitng the Philippines, a foreigner might want to eat at
the Philippine cafeteria called carinderia.)

_____ bars - _____ bar, paggiinuman

_____ sights to see - _____ mabuya
Can you show me in the map? - Mabalin nga pakitam kaniak ayanna idiay mapa?
street - kalye (also dalan)
You turn left. - Kumannigidka.
You turn right. - Kumannawanka.
You go straight ahead. - Lumintegka.
Near the name of the place - Asideg iti name of the place
Before the name of the place - Sakbay iti name of the place
After the name of the place - Kalpasan iti name of the place
Intersection - Rotonda
North - Amianan
East - Daya
South - Abagatan
West - Laud
North-West - Amianan nga Laud
North-East - Amianan nga Daya
South-West - Abagatan nga Laud
South-East - Abagatan nga Daya
Do you have an available room? - Adda pay ti kwarto yo?
How much is a single room? - Manu ti kwarto para maysa nga tao?
How much is a room for two/ three people? - Manu ti kwarto para dua/ tallo nga tao?
Is a __________ included in the room? - Adda ti __________ idiay kwarto?
blanket - ules
bathroom - banio
telephone - telepono
television - telebisyon (or simply TV)
May I see the room? - Mabalin nga makitak diay kwarto?
Do you have any room that is more quiet? - Adda ti kwartoyo nga naul-ulimek?
bigger - dakdakkel
cleaner - nadaldalus
cheaper - nalaklaka
I'll stay for one/ two nights. - Agyanak ti maysa/ dua anga rabii.
Can you suggest another place? - Adda ammum nga sabali nga lugar?
Do you have a safe? - Adda ti safeboxyo?
Do you have a locker? - Adda ti lockeryo?
Please clean my room. - Pakidalus man toy kwartok.
Can you wake me up at time? - Mabalin nga riingen nak titime?
I am going to check out. - Ag-check-outak.
Do you accept American Dollars? - Ag-alakayo ti Dolar nga Amerikano?
How much is a dollar here? - Manu ti maysa a dollar idtoy?
Do you accept credit cards? - Ag-alakayo ti credit card?
Is there an ATM here? - Adda ti ATM idtoy?

A table for one/ two person, please. - Maysa a mesa para maysa/ dua a tao, man.
Can I see the menu? - Mabalin a makitak ti menu?
What is the your specialty? - Ania ti specialty-yo?
I am vegetarian. - Vegetarianak.
I don't eat pork. - Diak mangan ti baboy.
I don't eat beef. - Diak mangan ti baka.
chicken - manok
pork - baboy
beef - baka
fish - ikan (or sida)
ham - ham
sausage - longganisa
cheese - keso
egg - itlog
salad - salad
vegetables - nateng
fruits - prutas
bread - pan, tinapay
noodles - pancit (if there is broth soup mami)
rice - (cooked)in-napuy, (uncooked) bagas
May I have a glass of water please. - Maysa a baso ti danom, man.
Have you wine/liqueur? - Adda ti arakyo?
One/ Two bottle/s of beer, please. - Maysa/ Dua a bote ti beer, man.
Water - Danom
Food - Tarangen
Coffee - Kape
Milk - Gatas
Chocolate - Tsokolate
Another one, please. - Maysa pay, man.
What time do you close? - Ania ti oras nga agrikepkayo?
Do you have something bigger/ smaller? - Adda dakdakkel/ basbassit?
Expensive - nangina
Cheap - nalaka
I don't wan't it. - Diak kayat.
I'll take it. - Alaekon.
I need _____ . - Masapulko ti _____.
toothpaste - toothpaste
toothbrush - sepilyo
condom - kondom
sanitary napkin - napkin
soap - sabon

shampoo - siampo
razor - labahas
umbrella - payong
post card - post card
stamps - selyo para iti surat
battery - bateria
paper - papel
pen - bolpen
English Book - libro nga Inggles
English Magazine - Magasine nga Inggles
English Newspaper - Diario nga Inggles
English-Ilocano Dictionary - Diksyonario nga Inggles
I want to rent a car. - Kayatko nga agrenta ti kotse.
Can I get an insurance? - Mabalin ti mangala iti insurance?
Stop! - Isardengmo!
gasoline - gasolina
Note: As Ilocano enjoys no official status in the Philippines, no street sign is written in the language.
Street signs and even public notices are posted in English.
What's the problem, Sir? - Ania ti problema, Sir?
Where are you taking me? - Sadino ti pangipanam kaniak?
I am an American Citizen. - Amerkanoak.
I need a lawyer. - Masapul ko ti abugado.
Can I pay the fine here? - Mabalin nga agbayadak ti multa ditoy?
President - Presidente
Vice-President - Vice Presidente
Secretary of the Cabinet - Secretario ti Gabinete
Senator - Senador
Representative - Diputado
Judge - Hues
Police - Pulis
Soldier - Soldado
Asking about language
How do I say English Word in Ilocano? - Kasano sabien ti English Word iti Ilocano?
What - Ania
Who - Asino or siasino
Where - Ayanna
When - Kaano or katno

Why - Apayp
How - Kasano (used when you expect an adverb manner as an answer)
How much? - Manu
How many? - Manu
How long? - Kasatno kabayag?
How big? - Kasatno kadakkel?

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