Comp Air VMD 750 (Required Items)

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emaseit a career PARTS LIST Caankoase ringers ‘Suction Vave Covers Suction Vanes Deter Vaio Covers Daler Vaves Crankshaft Connecting Rods Crosshead- it Stage Piston Tet Stage Crossheed 2nd Stage Piston and Stage ‘Gunes o2Pump Intorcooie A Pipework o1Pipework Distance Piece Adaptor Ineirumentation o B2ZEGRSESELE ie eeee Pass List VMO7s0 compar Brocmiade Limted 2 NoTEs FLYWHEEL Fhe! Part No. ©20000-7 sted othe VMO7S0 No ‘eng separate sales fem, the yw! snot nuded Inthe Assembly Pars Usts PARTS PACK Parts pack of a complete sto joins for VMO7E0: Pack Parts No, C11158-5385 INDENTED ITEMS. Indentation of tam nthe te used ndoate assembles and subparts of asembie,Indeted tems are tare sub-parts ofthe assembly shown them ywo7s0 22 Pants List (CRANKCASE 1 Ret. No. | PartNo ‘@y. | Description 1 ‘spen07-204 1 Crankoase 2 crois08s 1 Door, Crankcase 3 croioo.101 3 “Jin Crankease Door 4 361-100, a CCapscrow 5 Cross0-86 1 Far 5 rote0-182 ; ‘Cap, Filer 7 Ccrat60-105| i soni 8 1905.96 2 Serow, Hexagon Head 8 crors0se 1 Foot = Fight 1” cr0%9080 1 Foot Let " 861-109 6 ‘capscrew 2 1 Prete, Blanking 8 1 “oint Cover “4 6 Scrow, Hexagon Head 6 cra90-89 2 covet 6 0160-109 2 “int 7 pases 28 2 Capscrow 93 aors0 Compr BroomWiade Limited PartNo. ‘SPa397. 238 crose087 Crosoo.t02 381-39 Crorwot1s Groroo112 Gror90.110 Cao01123 na341.280 Croro08s Croro0-t01 158344100 Cror90420 neaenre ywors0 Parts List CCRANKCASE 9 oO Ret, No. | PartNo. ‘ay. |Description spa197.258 1 ‘Grankcase i cro1ess 3 Housing, Bearing 2 canoioa7 4 Housing, Bearing 8 cro1098 2 “ont 4 cross0st5 2 er 5 10190586 3 Beating, Main 6 Gro1g0.s00 4 7 7 108 1 Seat Ot 8 crower, 1 ing, Caror 8 cro10-746 1 0 aga1-250, 6 Capscrow " nas94.93 8 ‘Serow, Hexagon Head 2 'as30-62 8 ‘stu 8 228 8 Nut 28 : ‘wa7s0 CcompAr BroomWade Lined CYLINDER - 1ST STAGE Ret, No. | PartNo, ay. |Description 1 cz00r11| 1 oyinger 2 Geooro2e 4 esd, Cinder 8 Gro100.60 4 Jolt, Cyne Head 4 pare? 1 ‘lu, Brass Hexagon 5 ‘95405.989 2 Pg 6 ros 7 Capscrew 7 risa2 4 Capscrew 8 200118 1 ner 8 A1e13.576 1 Pin 10 2001070 : Pin, Locking " canine 3 Distance-piece @ ra800220 2 ‘oii Cynder 8 Aao41979. te Capscrow “ Cross0<07 2 cover 16 crois03t9 2 “it 6 Nasa 2 Capscrew wo7s0 t 96 (CYLINDER -2ND STAGE Pane tit et. No, ay. |Description 3 ‘oz0011-12 7 yinaer 2 200104 1 Head, Cynder 3 20010417 1 “iit, Cynder Hea 4 A747 3 lug Brees Hexagon 5 95405-081 1 Pig, Socket Heed 6 gain ry Ccapscrew 7 Crnsa2 4 Cpacrew 8 (200118 4 Une 8 AI619.576 i Pa ” ‘Ca0010-70 1 i Locking " Gaon 1 2 {610500 220, 2 oink Cylinder 8 341-179 6 ‘cepscew 4 c10100-307, 2 cover 15 Gro190913, 2 sent % asta Capscrew : Crise 80 1 ey Sering 97 M7s0 ComplirBroominde Lined SUCTION VALVE COVER - 1ST STAGE 14 et. No. | PartNo, ay. | Description 1 ‘2000092 4 ‘Cover, Suton Vahe | a 1875-100 4 Pi, Locating 3 ‘coo0at3s 4 Fetsino, Vale 4 ‘c20000s7 4 Diaphragm 5 can02t.36 4 Foowe, Diaphragm 6 Base Py ‘Capscrew 7 ‘nozte-18 4 us, Bearing 6 (coo02t 38 4 Fork Unloadse 8 connet-28 4 ‘Spring, Unleader Fork 0 ‘510252498 4 ‘O'Fing " crreo+207 4 Va, Suction 2 r0r90.766 4 fing Joint 8 asei76 ® Capscrew “4 (C2nn00.46 1 Tool Assembly 6 c20000-50, 1 ‘coupler 6 95250212 1 Sud 7 951118 1 Ne J 11158-5658 1 a, Sericing| ‘wwo750 98 SUCTION VALVE COVER -2ND STAGE ot, No. | PartNo. (y. |Description 1 ‘ez0020.90 4 (Cover, Suction Vale 2 ar100 3 in, Locating 3 cancer 35 4 Potainer, Valve 4 2c000.s7 4 Dapheagm 5 anne. 38 a Flower, Diaphragm é aei8 2 ‘Capscrew 7 mozte-16 @ Bush 5 (czoaat 38 4 Fork, Unoaser 8 zoner-26 4 ‘Spring, Unoader Fork wo | roase4g0 ‘ ‘ORing n crtsoet2 4 Va, Sucton 2 cros00.26 4 Ping doit 3 asat-129, 2 ‘Capacrew 4 canna 1 Tool, Assemby 6 angen ; ‘coupler 6 sezsozi2 1 Stud 7 esis 1 hut cs cr18e-sec8 1 Kt, Senieing 28 ‘ywo760 Comps Broorade ited ‘SUCTION VALVE- 1ST STAGE Ret. No, | PartNo. aly. |Description 1 ‘crr908207 4 ‘ate, Suction 2 Grrooeat6 4 3 Gria04220 a Plats, ave 4 crra0¢231 6 Plate, Cushion 5 Crrana.292 a a é Chtace 298 4 Bot ? essisae 4 Pin, Locating 6 crra0e235 2 Washer ut 8 criaoe58 Pa Spring, Cal 10 rtaoe2ts 4 nt " Aa7e246 a Pin, Spm wuo750 10 SUCTION VALVE- and STAGE Pans ist Ret, No. Part No. Description crraon 2 cri0e 120 er08-175 cris08-165 rta0e-199 erta0e108 assis 202 crra0etse Gr1908156 Greet ATE aagmassosas|2 Vat, Son on ao7s0 Comps Broamtade Lined DELIVERY VALVE COVER- 1ST STAGE et, No. | PartNo. Qy. |Description 1 ‘cr0s40-220 4 ‘Cover, Dever Vale 15 Stage 2 aTe100 4 in, Locating 3 103478 4 "ORing 4 11908200 4 Vee, Detery 5 ‘G10180-756 4 ing, ot é NaaitTe ® Capsew Part No, ‘crosaa 220 1080228 1475-100, roaer-« Crra0ett 0800-28 na1-129, DELIVERY VALVE COVER -2ND STAGE ‘Cover Dever Valo 2nd Stage nanan |B Compr rooming Limited DELIVERY VALVE- 1ST STAGE Ret, No. | PartNo, Oly. | Deseriotion 1 (cr7908:200 4 ‘vane, Doboy 2 Criso8217 4 ‘Seat 5 Grra08 29 4 Plate, Vane 4 crra0e2a1 e Plate, Cushion 5 11304222 4 Guard 6 cris08-207 4 ‘Sua ? 15-282 4 Pin, Locating é crig04 205 2 ut 8 crisot281 2% Spring, Call 0 cri908-178, 4 Pr, Lacking n Grisoa2tt 4 2 1762-46, 4 Pin, Spat o750 on DELIVERY VALVE 2ND STAGE et No. | Pan No. 3 cr906-11 2 crraoe31 8 or1908.175 4 (or1908105 5 Gtraoete7 é craoet2 7 assis ce a crrg08t62 3 rt904261 ry Grsoei7e n Crraoeatt 2 17248, saetiannonns|2 948: ‘vuo750 Compr Sroomade Lined ‘CRANKSHAFT AND CONNECTING RODS é 2 a — Ret no | Pano, oy__| Beserinon + | exon 1 | arian 2 | Stow 2 Wome camnce 7 | Sieasoter ‘ Sew | Stowe a Pg Leck 5 | Gtersoace ‘ for s | cerorose 2 neg = | Store. 2 | o,comecing 2 ‘08 a End Hak % | Bieber ‘ Sra Ena to | crosooae ‘ or | Gtotocee ‘ Nat 32 | ctonmoae ‘ Wares, Tab b figs 30-8 Rod comecnab | SeRMICE ‘oreo a6 CROSSHEAD- 1ST STAGE Pans Lit mie [eae er | bewnien i ¥ 3 ae ; | come i oe S| Sosess i rate ecg ¢ | aoe ' Cee paeica : | See, { cu $ | Steen 1 Sitlon 2 | Sues t Pant ane Se [femora ! ‘su Gund | See A ms | Aes ‘ < a | Maes ‘ co 3 | tte ‘ nd Spe 2 | eee, i ae & | Sams 1 i % | Boe i Mew, 847 ‘wupr50 (Compt Broomiade Lited PISTON -1ST STAGE Ret. No. | PartNo. ay. |Description + crorw0718 4 Piston 2 Ganodo-t1 2 ing, Pressure 3 cc20080-12, 1 Fing. Gude 4 Gror90.en8 1 od, Paton 5 10190.700 3 ‘Nut Piston a ‘c10190-704 1 Water, Piston a ‘A10000.18. 1 Washer, Wave a ‘c10190-705, 1 Plate, Locking a 10190701 4 Pate, Cover 0 Aus 4 ‘Screw Hexagon Head vwo760 18 (CROSSHEAD - 2NO STAGE Pans List 14 wet_no, | art ne oy. | Bescon 1 ,| crores + 5| Guten 2 | Stomose ; Po, Goshene A | cwiosr | 2 Pie End 4% | Groreosse 2 | Pat Laser A | season : Sco Hesngon Hoss | Savor ‘ ina + | Sonn 26 1 Shai ot | Smee 1 Pate, Otte 8 | Gtomoats 4 ‘a Gand wo | Saree ‘ ashe | hates ‘ wr | Masoes ‘ ony 1 | Gacorte : tend Soupar i | Stereos : fo Piston 3 | Slormae : wa Ae | Stereo 1 Maer Tab on worso Compt Broomiade Lines PISTON 2ND STAGE z 3 PartNo. any. ‘c10190-720, ‘2000-18 2000-14 cro 190 698 10190700 ‘A10200.18. 10190705 10190701, 3475 ebSbboope ‘wwo7e0 °20 GLANDS - 1ST STAGE Parts List et. No. | PartNo ay. | Description 1 ‘ez000%-11 1 Gand 2 crore0.87 1 (Cage, Top 5 ro2se.296 1 "O'Ring a ‘caoti-13 s ‘Peeking, Compostie Pa: 5 ‘c10190-659 2 ‘Cage, Bottom 6 ‘ce0001-¢ 1 lng, Spacer 7 Croro0.ese i Flange 8 Coo ww ‘Gland; Scraper © 3 cenoiase 1 Flange 0 2000026 4 Fing, Ol Scraper -Pait n ‘cro1s0467 1 Ring, Spacer 2 (C2000 1 Pug compar Broomtae Listed GLANDS -2ND STAGE Ret. No. | PartNo, ay. 1 ‘can00%-12 2 cror0687 é 10252-286 4 can0ort3 5 ror90.658 6 e000 7 (Cro190.650 6 Ganoit2e 8 Caio 0 2000028 4 10190467 2 can030.18, vworso 222 Pans tit 1 PUMP + SOAP esrkatioad et. No. | PartNo, ly. |Description 1 4 Pump, Oi 2 cano10 28 3 ‘Gover, Pump y 3 cavoro-a1 1 “oint 4 800-62 3 Sud 5 as22.6 a nat 6 areas 1 Pg, Brass Hexagon 7 aes ; Washer, Fixe ° 94.59 2 10 Carts 1 1 can010-48 1 2 S876 4 3 masz 4 4 T3654 4 223 ‘wwD7s0 (Compsir Broamitade Limited on pump 2 Ret. No. | PartNo, Description ‘c2001149 1 Purp, OH 6 ‘2001030 1 "Gover, Gear Housing 6 200102 1 ‘oil, Gear Housing 7 e139. 6 Cepserow 8 caon1eas 3 Housing, Pump Gear 8 ceaatar 2 ‘Donel 2 e798 + bush a 2001039 1 Pump, Gear 2 ASTIOS 1 Key 2 RATS 1 uth, Bearing 2 Can1087 1 Plat, Deng ra cers 1 ‘Cota, Spacer % aA54 2 {Grubscrew, Hexagon Socket 2 Crorsoare 1 coat, Driven cro19068 1 ‘Gear Ai879.28 2 Bish, Bearing Cro1seee 5 Shaft Gear vworso 02 ai lL PUMP 3 29 et. No. | PartNo, Deserotion : ‘ez001¥-198 1 Pump, 2 ‘8262-109, 2 iter OF 2 sers6279 7 pple a 2001088 1 ‘Adaptor, oH Fer 2 asa-51 3 CCapscrow 5 asase tse : Pug 3 ‘6508.65 1 soit 35 ca0010-40 1 Distance-poce iter 28 canoioas 4 ‘ait Distnce-pece a 383.593 4 Capscrew a 10190-70 1 VVahe. Pressure Relt 2 Preois.72 1 ‘Spring « 3505-44 1 Washer a ‘cazs0-5 1 ‘Body, Pump Unloader @ crowor 1 Screw, Adusting co A842. 3 Washer, Fore 4 cazos.22 1 Ccapnut ‘MOrso Compr roomivade Limited INTERCOOLER 1 Ret. No. | PartNo, ay. | Description coma + Intercooler cross. ; ‘Cover, End rt00824 1 ‘oi, End Cover 338-19, 0 P 200107 . Boxy, Itarcooler Ca00108 1 Cover, dotiom caoo10-4 1 “lant 1 6 ‘Ser, Hexagon Hoa 4 Seren Crro0s2 4 sont Cover Ertoee 4 cover, nner Hoa Gst0087 4 “Joint, Cover Ps Screw, Hexagon Head | vwo7s0 926 INTERCOOLER 2 at No | PartNo. ay. |Description r 7 Intercooler 6 Gre 1 ‘Cover, OutorHead 6 Grt008-13 1 “lott Head Cover ae | aaase-aa, 0 bon | Aasat-t70 2 Capscrew 13 Cooota-7s 1 Flange w sess 1 Sint 2 EST St 2 Bor a er1003.27 1 Element, Tube 2 3 ‘Coek, Orin 2 | ascos.9 1 ‘Cock, Vert 027 ‘wa7s0 ‘comps Broome Lied AR PIPEWORK et. No. | PartNo, ‘ay. | Description 1 ‘SP4307.205 1 Pipe, Ar 161 Stage 2 $P8197.206 1 Pipe, Ar-2nd Stage 3 2001046 2 “ein a Ca001045 2 Sol, intrcooler 5 35.59 & Serew 6 ROE 76 . Cpecrow 7 Coooae.aoe-ner2 | 1 Decal 8 C2nc00.136 1 Pate, Decal 8 ‘5048-452, 4 "Sctew, Pan Hoad 0 sperg7-220 1 Body, Mature Separator " Cross0.5s0, 1 ‘ate 2 Cros90.500 1 “int 3 SELTB 8 Capscron “ ps803-4 1 (Cock, Dain vworso Part List AIR PIPEWORK- PULSATION VESSEL Ret. No. | PartNo Qty. |Description 1 ‘spave7-202 1 Vessel Pulsaton 2 3003-61 1 Cock, Orin 4 caz16.29 1 dont 5 05.95 8 Beton, Hexagon Head 020 wMDrE0 CCompAir Brocade Limited lL PIPEWORK Ret. No. | PartNo, ay. | Deserption 1 (2003079 1 Pipe Internal | 2 2001083 1 Pe, Sucton| vwo7s0 90 Part List DISTANCE PIECE ADAPTOR Ret. No. | PartNo. ay. | Deseription 1 ‘2000068 1 ‘Adeptor, Ditance-pece 2 2001018 1 “Jn é MST a ‘sud 4 ps2 8 Nut oa ywo7s0 ‘compAir Broomiade Limited INSTRUMENTATION Instrument Pat Number ‘Ar One ‘spai04212 Fier “Pressure Regulator, Compressor Unloader System ‘sPai04310 Fow indlesing Swach, Aercoaler Water ‘seai9¢257 Frow indesting Sach, Compressor Water Spaie266 vel Gauge and Swach, Atersolr anc Ar Recover Condensate ‘sPai07.270 Level Gauge and Swech Intercooler Condensate ‘spai04269 val Gauge and Swach, Ol Sump ‘SPa104.268 Pot Soleald Val, (For SPa194401) sparaeaor Pot Solonld Valves, Compressor Unlosder System ‘sPa10¢<07 Pressure Gauge, 1st Stage A (4 Bar) ‘5Pai04250 Pressure Gauge, 2nd Stage Ar (0-16 1) Speinese Pressure Gauge, A Receher, Oeect Mounting (0-18 Bar) ‘spainee9 Prossute Gauge, Dilerentl, Ol Fite (03 52) | ‘spaioez54 Pressure Gauge, 08 (0-6 Bar) ‘spsi96251 Pressure Operated Valve, Back Up Le Between i and SA Syioms ‘Spaise01 Pressure Reducing Valve, Back Up Line Betweer IA and SA Systems ‘spai0es65 Preseure Swich, Compressor Ol Fier Dire ‘speioez72 Pressure Tranemer O-minus 0 ma, net A Fite ferential ‘9P4i06253 PreseureTranemator et Stage Ar Pressure, (-4 Bar) ‘5P4196250 Pressure Tana, 2nd Stage and Recah Pressure, (0-16 Ba) ‘spaivezs2 Pressure Tranamfer, Ol Pressure (0-5 Bar) ‘spai9e291 Fle Vabe, Back Up Line Between iA and SA Systems) ‘spaioeso1 Feet Vate, it Stage, (Compress nesta» ‘$Pai07-388 FeletVate, 2nd Stage, (Pusstion Vessel) ‘spe197-300 ‘Seonodd Drain Vas, ie, Condensate 'sps196205 ‘Seonosd Vato, Water, 12 ‘spai9e296 Temperature Gauge, yinder Discharge Ar Tomps:aiure (0800 Deg C) ‘spate 256 ‘Temperature Gauge, Interoole A and Water Temperature (-100 Deg) Spe194-255, Temperate Swen, Ol Sump and Aferoolr A Dsenarge (0-100Deg¢) | SPaia4273 Temperature Transmit, Cyinder Ai Discharge (0-300 Deg ©) spenge-275 ‘Temperature Transmit Intercooler A charge, (0-100 Beg) spaigea7e ‘Thermal Rel Valve, Recher ssper97-000 iter Pow inceator, ARerenole 'Spa194-265 later Pow incicator, Compressor SPai94-264 yworso) 9

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