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(Support, Opportunity, Achievement, Responsibility)

Cornell & Lake Holcombe After School Programs

Made possible, in part by the generosity of the Community Foundation of Chippewa County

Keep your TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation LOCAL!

To meet the needs of our communities, the Cornell and Lake Holcombe 21st Century Community Learning Centers are implementing Project
2015-2016 S.O.A.R. Program Objectives:

Encourage parents to take an active role in the educational development of their children
Increase student attendance and academic performance
Increase community support, participation, and awareness of CLC programming

This project will enable sponsors to support students and families in their life-long learning process by allowing the CLCs to continue
offering valuable programs. Your monetary support or volunteer hours help to sustain programs proven to improve academic achievement,
classroom behavior, and prevention of at-risk behaviors.

Our goal this year is for every child enrolled in After School Program to have a Project SOAR sponsor!

Please consider sponsoring a child in the After School Program




Or 10 Volunteer Hours


Or 20 Volunteer Hours


$200.00 or more
Or 40 Volunteer Hours

Sponsor Benefits

Monthly update letter from sponsored student

Recognition on school bulletin boards

Monthly update letter from sponsored student
Recognition on school bulletin boards

Certificate of Recognition
Monthly update letter from sponsored student
Recognition on school bulletin boards
Certificate of Recognition

Proud Member of Project SOAR t-shirt

Can I, my business or organization sponsor more than one student?

Yes! Any business or organization is welcome to sponsor any number of students. Your level of sponsorship and number of
students sponsored will be posted on the bulletin boards at Cornell & Lake Holcombe schools.
How does community sponsorship work?
Any family unable to sponsor their own student will request a community or business sponsor. CLC staff will match students
with sponsors and orchestrate the letter writing process.
What can I do as a volunteer? Individuals, organizations, or businesses are invited to read with/to students, share a hobby or
talent, be a guest speaker, or tutor students as needed. Background checks will be completed for all volunteers.
How will we receive communication letters from students?
Monthly student update letters will be scanned and sent to the email address we have on file for the chosen sponsor.
Is my monetary sponsorship tax deductible?
Yes, simply make checks payable to Communities United In Education. The CLCs 501(c)(3), will provide a receipt for your
tax records.

(Support, Opportunity, Achievement, Responsibility)

Cornell & Lake Holcombe After School Programs

Made possible, in part by the generosity of the Community Foundation of Chippewa County

Keep your TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation LOCAL!

For More Information Contact:

Andrea Smith, Community Programs Director at (715) 595-4241 ext. 249 [email protected]
or Jenny Blaisdell, Family Programs Director (715) 861-6960 [email protected]
Cornell/Lake Holcombe 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Cornell Elementary

Lake Holcombe School

111 South 4th Street

27331 Spooner Avenue

Cornell, WI 54732

Holcombe, WI 54745

Check us out anytime at

Or like us on Facebook
Cornell & Lake Holcombe 21st Century Community Learning Center
Return portion below to submit your sponsorship. A tax-deductible receipt will be emailed to you.

(Support, Opportunity, Achievement, Responsibility)

Cornell & Lake Holcombe After School Programs

Made possible, in part by the generosity of the Community Foundation of Chippewa County

Sponsorship Submission 2015-2016 School Year

____$50 Bronze ____$100 Silver ----$200 Gold
Gold Sponsor t-shirt

___ Other (Examples: $400 = 2 Students, $1000 = 5 Students)

___Green or ___Black

Adults Size ___S

___M ___L ___XL

___YES, I/we would like to volunteer in the After School Programs! Please contact me/us.
___10 hours
Name: _________________________________

____20 Hours

____40 Hours

Phone #:_____________________Email :_____________________________________

Business / Organization / Individual Represented: _______________________________________________

Please make all checks payable to Communities United In Education. Mail checks to one of the schools listed above or drop off in person.
On behalf of the students we serve, THANK YOU for your support!

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