This musical composition titled "Knife Edge" was written by Keith Emerson and transcribed by Brent Wood. The piece consists of a repeating rhythmic motif played across three octaves in the left hand with arpeggiated chords in the right hand. It builds in intensity through variations and extensions of the original motif.
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This musical composition titled "Knife Edge" was written by Keith Emerson and transcribed by Brent Wood. The piece consists of a repeating rhythmic motif played across three octaves in the left hand with arpeggiated chords in the right hand. It builds in intensity through variations and extensions of the original motif.
This musical composition titled "Knife Edge" was written by Keith Emerson and transcribed by Brent Wood. The piece consists of a repeating rhythmic motif played across three octaves in the left hand with arpeggiated chords in the right hand. It builds in intensity through variations and extensions of the original motif.
This musical composition titled "Knife Edge" was written by Keith Emerson and transcribed by Brent Wood. The piece consists of a repeating rhythmic motif played across three octaves in the left hand with arpeggiated chords in the right hand. It builds in intensity through variations and extensions of the original motif.