Lauren Pettitt
Conventionally, the speed of editing starts off slowly before gradually becoming
faster and faster. This type of editing builds up tension and creates suspense and
also adds excitement for the audience. It does this because when it starts slowly,
you are able to get a clear understanding of the basic narrative, for example
when we are introduced to the antagonist, then as the speed builds up more and
more on the action scenes, it prepares the audience for a final burst of action at
the end, which is known as the sting. Again to support this is the ever increasing
speed of the non diegetic sound. Not only does this speed and style of the trailer
create excitement and suspense, but it also creates fear and a sense of eeriness
that makes the audience jump out of their skins. This is a use of action editing to
fit a lot of action into a small amount of time. This could also link to Esters frame
of mind of her being confused by all these feelings and unsure how to show them.