Liceo de Cagayan University: Objectives

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College of Information Technology IT-103 Programming 2

Name : _____________________________ Score: _____________

Instructor: ____________________________ Date: _____________

EXERCISE NO. 9: Graphical User Interface

1. Learn about basic GUI components.

2. Explore how GUI Swing and AWT components work.

3. Discover the event handling and concept of event-driven programming.

Computer, Internet and Handouts

A. Copy the codes to JCreator.
What is the output? _____________________________

What are AWT components? _____________________________

What are Swing components? _____________________________

B. Modify the program on Problem A by the given below:

1. Declaration :

2. Add to the Constructor :

3.Change :

What is the output?

C. Modify the program on Problem B by the given below.

1. Declaration :

2. Add to the Constructor :

3. Change :

4. Encode the class ActionListener that handles the action event before the main


What is the output?

D. Using the GUI. Input the following

Length = 35; Width = 23

What is the area? ____________________

What is the perimeter? _______________________

E. Conclusion




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