Case Report: Surgical Management of Compound Odontoma Associated With Unerupted Tooth

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Case Reports in Dentistry

Volume 2015, Article ID 902618, 6 pages

Case Report
Surgical Management of Compound Odontoma Associated with
Unerupted Tooth
Andrea Pacifici, Daniele Carbone, Roberta Marini, and Luciano Pacifici
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Caserta 6, 00161 Rome, Italy
Correspondence should be addressed to Roberta Marini; [email protected]
Received 4 May 2015; Accepted 15 June 2015
Academic Editor: Junichi Asaumi
Copyright 2015 Andrea Pacifici et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Odontomas represent the most common type of odontogenic benign jaws tumors among patients younger than 20 years of
age. These tumors are composed of enamel, dentine, cementum, and pulp tissue. According to the World Health Organization
classification, two distinct types of odontomas are acknowledged: complex and compound odontoma. In complex odontomas, all
dental tissues are formed, but appeared without an organized structure. In compound odontomas, all dental tissues are arranged in
numerous tooth-like structures known as denticles. Compound odontomas are often associated with impacted adjacent permanent
teeth and their surgical removal represents the best therapeutic option. A case of a 20-year-old male patient with a compound
odontoma-associated of impacted maxillary canine is presented. A minimally invasive surgical technique is adopted to remove the
least amount of bone tissue as far as possible.

1. Introduction
According to the 2005 World Health Organization classification, odontoma is an odontogenic benign tumor of the young
age [1]. Despite this, odontomas are clinically considered
as tumor-like formations (hamartomas of dental tissues)
or developmental anomalies, rather than true odontogenic
neoplasms [2]. Two main types of odontoma are described:
(a) complex odontoma, an amorphous and disorderly pattern
of calcified dental tissues, and (b) compound odontoma, multiple miniature or rudimentary teeth [37]. The compound
odontoma has predilection toward the anterior maxilla (61%),
whereas only 34% of complex odontomas occur in this area;
the complex type shows a predilection for the posterior jaws
(59%) and lastly the premolar area (7%). Both variants are
made of all dental tissues such as enamel, dentin, cementum,
and pulp [7, 8].
Compound odontomas have numerous tooth-like structures (with altered size and shape) known as denticles.
At X-ray evaluation, compound odontomas appear as well
delimited lesions with a radiotransparent halo containing
radiodense zones which represent small denticles, separated
by fibrous septae, while in the complex types the radiodense
elements appear as irregular and disorderly masses with no

similarity to dental structures [2, 9]. These lesions are often

associated with impacted permanent teeth [10, 11]. Impaction
has been defined as the prevention of the eruption of a tooth
to the expected times into a normal functional position due
to the presence of an obstacle or reasons of different nature
[8, 12]. In all cases, surgical removal represents the best
therapeutic option and the prognosis after treatment is very
favorable, with very low recurrences incidence [7, 8, 1217].
The aim of this case report is to describe a minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove a compound odontoma
localized in the premaxilla area associated with an unerupted
permanent maxillary canine. The purpose of this technique is
to preserve as much as possible the surrounding bone tissue
in order to promote healing and cause less discomfort to the
patient during postoperative time.

2. Case Description
A 20-year-old male patient in apparently good health conditions was referred to the Odontostomatological Clinic Unit,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences (Sapienza
University of Rome, Italy), by his orthodontist for the absence
of the right upper permanent canine. The subject had no
significant medical history and had not reported oral trauma

Case Reports in Dentistry



Figure 1: Intraoral examination (frontal and occlusal view).

Figure 2: Panoramic X-ray (detail).

or infections. Intraoral examination showed the presence

of the primary right canine over the physiological period
of exfoliation, which meant no correspondence between
chronological and dental ages (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)).
A radiographic examination (panoramic X-ray) showed
multiple radiopaque structures compatible with a provisional
diagnosis of compound odontoma and the unerupted right
canine in mesial standing (Figure 2).
A computed tomography (CT) with the Dentascan
program (Siemens Rs Somaton Volume Zoom Kv 120 mA
140; Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) was performed in order
to define the extension of the lesion and the anatomical
topography, showing the unerupted permanent tooth orally
positioned compared to odontoma (Figures 3(a) and 3(b)).
In accordance with the patient and his orthodontist, surgical removal of the odontoma and the associated impacted
canine was planned. The patient received a single dose of 2 g
of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid 1 h before surgery. Surgery
was performed under local anesthesia (2% mepivacaine with
1 : 100,000 epinephrine). A mucoperiosteal flap was etched
and raised and bone was removed on vestibular side using
a low-speed dental hand-drill and a tungsten carbide bur
until the crown of the permanent impacted canine was
exposed (Figure 4). After separation of the crown from the
root using a high-speed dental hand-drill and a diamond
bur, the tooth and its follicular sac were extracted (Figures
5(a) and 5(b)). The extraction of deciduous canine was
also performed (Figure 6). A second flap was performed on

the vestibular side for the extraction of single structures of the

odontoma (Figure 7). The wound was carefully irrigated with
physiological solution and cleaned with a sterile dressing; the
flap was repositioned and sutured with 3.0 absorbable suture
(Vicryl, Johnson & Johnson, Sint-Stevens-Woluwe, Belgium)
(Figure 8).
The histological examination confirmed the clinical and
radiographic diagnosis of compound odontoma.
The postoperative period was uneventful. Postoperative
treatment consisted of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (1 g
twice a day for 5 days), paracetamol (500 mg twice a day for
2 days, and then as needed), and digluconate chlorhexidine
(CHX, 0.2%) spray.
The patient was referred to the orthodontist to continue
the treatment and subsequently the surgery will be programmed for implant placement.
After 2 years, the implant rehabilitation was planned: the
implant (BioHorizons implant, BioHorizons Inc., Birmingham, Alabama) was placed and traditional two-stage loading
protocol was adopted. Periapical radiographs taken at the
time of implant placement showed no signs of recurrence
or complications at the surgical site (Figure 9). After three
months, the definitive prosthetic restoration will be performed with a cemented porcelain-fused-to-metal singleunit crown.
We confirm that we have read the Helsinki Declaration
and have followed the guidelines concerning this report.

3. Discussion
The term odontoma was introduced by Paul Broca in 1867 to
describe tumors formed by the overgrowth of transitory or
complete dental tissues. Odontomas are intraosseous lesions
mainly located in the anterior maxilla and anterior mandible,
although lesions localized in gingival soft tissues have also
been reported [7, 16]. The majority of odontomas are asymptomatic, although swelling, pain, suppuration, bony expansion, and displacement of teeth have been rarely observed.
Their pathogenesis has been associated with a number of
causes including trauma during primary dentition [9, 17],
hereditary anomalies such as Gardners syndrome, Hermanns syndrome, and basal cell nervous syndrome, odontoblastic hyperactivity, or alterations of the genetic components responsible for controlling dental development [8, 16].

Case Reports in Dentistry



Figure 3: CT Dentascan: sagittal and axial view.

The development of the odontoma is commonly associated

with eruption failure of permanent teeth, impaction, and
delayed exfoliation of primary teeth [1721]. In this case, the
presence of odontoma prevented the physiological eruption
of permanent maxillary canine. In accordance with the literature, the patient had no pain but the lesions pathogenesis
resulted unknown: there were no reported previous traumatic
or infective episodes and medical history was negative.

The treatment of choice for compound odontomas is

surgical removal, followed by histopathological analysis to
confirm the diagnosis [7, 2225]. According to the literature,
the optimal management of the impacted tooth should allow
its conservation and repositioning in the arch [2224]. On
the other hand, impacted teeth are frequently reported to
be extracted simultaneously with the odontoma [25]. In this
case, the permanent canine was not retrievable and therefore

Case Reports in Dentistry

Figure 4: Mucoperiosteal flap reflection and bone removal.



Figure 5: Permanent canine extraction.

Figure 7: Surgical removal of compound odontoma.

Figure 6: Deciduous canine extraction.

it was removed together with the compound odontoma in

order to rehabilitate the patient with an implant-supported
In this case, the removal of odontoma was followed from
the extraction of the deciduous and permanent canines. The
surgical difficulty was determined by necessity to adopt a
technique as much conservative as possible in prediction of
the subsequent intervention of implant insertion. Therefore,
the bone tissue removal around the wound was minimized,
making the surgical steps of lesion and tooth removal more
A careful evaluation with panoramic and CT Dentascan
X-rays revealed a buccal position of the permanent canine to
the odontoma. For this reason, a double access was chosen,

creating two small bone gaps with the use of low-speed

dental hand-drill and a tungsten carbide bur to extract the
components from two different small sites instead of a single
large one. This conservative approach allowed saving precious
bone ridge and avoiding the formation of tissue defects;
therefore it was not necessary to use filler materials or to
perform guided bone regeneration procedures unlike other
cases reported in the literature [25].
A histological analysis was finally taken in order to confirm the odontomas diagnosis.
In conclusion, the presence of odontoma in association
with the impacted canine needs an early diagnosis and
a surgical removal treatment. A careful knowledge and
an excellent evaluation of X-ray documents are essentials
to resolve adequately each clinical case. The adoption of

Case Reports in Dentistry

Figure 8: The flap repositioned and sutured.

Figure 9: Radiographical control at 2-year follow-up.

a conservative surgical approach is advisable, in order to

preserve the dental tissues and obtain optimal tissue healing.
A histological evaluation is necessary to confirm the correct
diagnosis of odontoma.

Written informed consent was obtained from the patients
parents for publication of this case report and any accompanying images.

Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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