Remembrance Day: Why Do We Wear Poppies?

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Remembrance Day

Why do we wear Poppies?

November is the time of year when

we wear a red poppy in memory of
those who sacrificed their lives for
us during wars.

Why November?

The eleventh hour of the eleventh

day of the eleventh month marks
the signing of the Armistice, on
11th November 1918, to signal the
end of World War One.

Why did Poppies become a

symbol of Remembrance?

During the 1st World War, Flanders in Belgium saw some

of the worst fighting and devastation. Everything was
destroyed. All homes, trees, plants and life simply

The only thing to remind the soldiers of LIFE was the

flowering poppy. Its seeds like to grow in bad soil. The
beautiful red flowers brought hope and colour to those still

A Canadian Doctor called

JOHN McCRAE was so moved
by the sight of thousands of
poppies growing in the battle
field he wrote a poem..
In Flanders Fields.

Johns poem was so popular the poppy

became a symbol to remember those
who died in battle.

Londons Cenotaph

Wear your poppy on 11th November

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