Team Disney / WILL AND GOING TO)

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Alejandra Castilleja
Lizbeth Larraga
Denisse Mena
Silvia Chavarra
Diana Zamarripa

Will and going


When to use it?

We use going to:

To talk about our future plans
and intentions.
Hes going to see a dentist
tomorrow evening. (Hes
planning to)
To make predictions based on
what we see or know.
Its going to rain. There are
dark clouds in the sky. (I can see
the clouds.)

We use will:
But we use will for on-thespot decisions.
Im thirsty. Ill have a soda.

But we use will to make

predictions based on what we
think or imagine.
I think hell become a successful


We use "Will" to Express a Voluntary Action:

"Will" often suggests that a speaker will do something
voluntarily. A voluntary action is one the speaker offers to do
for someone else. Often, we use "will" to respond to someone
else's complaint or request for help. We also use "will" when
we request that someone help us or volunteer to do something
for us. Similarly, we use "will not" or "won't" when we refuse to
voluntarily do something.
We use "Will" to Express a Promise:
"Will" is usually used in promises.

We use "Be going to" to Express a Plan:

"Be going to" expresses that something is a plan. It expresses
the idea that a person intends to do something in the future. It
does not matter whether the plan is realistic or not.
We use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the
We use 'going to' when we want to make a prediction based
on evidence we can see now.



Going to:

Affirmative: Iwill sendyou the

information when I get it.

Affirmative: Iamgoing

Affirmative: Iwill translatethe email,

so Mr. Smith can read it.

Affirmative: You'regoing

Negative: Iwill not doyour homework

for you.

Negative: Iamnotgoing

Negative: Iwon't doall the housework


Negative: You'renotgoing

Interrogative: Willyouhelpme move

this heavy table?

Interrogative: AmIgoing

Interrogative: Willyoumakedinner?

Interrogative: Areyougoing



Affirmative Sentences:
Subject + "will" + main verb.
Theywill [They'll] behappy to see you.
Negative Sentences:
Subject + "will" + "not" + main verb.
Shewill not [won't] arrivelate.
Interrogative Sentences:
"Will" + subject + main verb.
Willyouringme tonight?

Going to:
Subject + be + going + to-infinitive
Affirmative Sentence:
I am going to buy a new car.
Negative Sentence:
He is not (isnt) go to take the bus.
Interrogative Sentence:
Are you going to paint the house?

Thank you!

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