Love Spells
Love Spells
Love Spells
Love Spell
Supplies: materials to cast a circle,one red or pink candle, love oil, pin, red or
pink crayon or pen, a pink or red or piece of paper.
Step 1: Cast your circle
Step 2: Visualize the type of man you want to be with. Make sure to visualize
everything you are looking for in him, like looks, hair, job, sensitivity,
caring, understanding, not violent, sex, size of his "want not", honesty, loyalty,
respect, ect.
Step 3:write with pin into candle"love come to me" annoint the red/pink candle
with oil, starting at top to center change hands and do same from bottom to
center. All while concentrating on man and focusing energy into candle. Light
candle off of alter candle(white). Set on altar.
Step 4: Take piece of paper and write on it "love come to me" around the words
encircle it with touching hearts.(use red/pink crayon-better to use pink paper and
red crayon)Set paper under red candle.
Step 5: Say aloud(while concentrating on person)
"By the power of hope and truth
By the power of the old and youth
In true love with him i want to be
By the power of the universe let love come to me"
Step 6: Take piece of paper and set it on fire with red candle and repeat the
rhyme above, Throw the paper in pot and say "so mote it be".
Step 7: Close circle
There is no need to repeat but for the spell to be stronger repeat the next 2
nights/days. It worked for me I hope it works for you! BE CAREFUL though
not to let any negative thought enter your mind while doing this spell. It may also
help to visualize the outcome and try not to make the person anyone in
Attraction Spell:
You will need:
A mirror
1 Pink candle (friendship, romance)
1 Red Candle (passion, lust)
In a place that is fire-safe & comfortable for sitting a while, place the mirror with a
candle on each side. Light the candles...turn down, or off, any artificial light. Now, sit
down in front of the mirror, gaze at your reflection. Sit comfortably, and relaxed. Notice
all your good qualities...focus on them...then say aloud how wonderful this feature (eyes,
for ex.) are. notice their shape, and colour, speak of them this with all your best
features. smile at yourself :) Tell yourself, how wonderful you are...state all the positive
aspects of your personality, (your humour, your willingness to help others, etc) name all
the beautiful traits, that make you special...speak of them aloud, and with confidence.
Now comes the really hard part...hopefully, with practice, and by doing the above things,
this will be easier to do! Say these words or whatever suits you:
"I am beautiful (or handsome) on the outside
I am wonderful within
I am special unto myself,
So let the love come in!
Negative thoughts, they vanish
I now toss them out
Negative feelings, be banished,
to let my love shine out!"
Repeat this, at least 5 times per sitting. And do at least, once a day - you may re use the
candles, but please do not blow them out! (Some say that it is an insult, to the air & fire
elements) Use a snuffer or wet your fingers, and pinch them out. As you get more used to
doing this spell, you may repeat these words, or any words that you chose (spells are
great, when made personal...
Also - to make an attraction charm to wear, simply find a chain with a pendant that suits
you, and drape over the mirror while doing your spell...or wear it, so it is in sight, as you
do your spell. The charm gains strength, as you continue to work the spell. This spell
works! In time you will see a noticeable difference in the number of people who
approach you.
Perfect Mate Love Spell:
This love spell is intended to attract the perfect mate .
In the circle, ground and center. Meditate on all the ideas you have about the perfect
Maybe you have a particular candidate in mind for romance.
Release the thought of that person (it would be most unethical to work magick to make a
certain person love you; this would violate their free will, and put you in jeopardy by The
Law of Return).
Release all notions of what your perfect lover will look like. These are externals, and if
you cling to them then you run the risk of overlooking your ideal mate simply because
your conscious mind was focused on superficialities.
Equipment Needed:
2 candles: One white, One in your favorite color
2 candle holders
1 rose colored altar cloth
1 piece of red chalk
This love spell can be performed at any time. I usually find that the evening is the best.
When your mind is clear and open, hold the candle of your favorite color: this represents
you. Meditate, then speak aloud all the qualities and energies you are willing to bring to
an intimate relationship. Replace that candle on the altar, and pick up the white one. This
represents your ideal partner. Speak aloud the essential qualities you desire in a mate, and
ask Aphrodite to bring you together in this lifetime.
Now place the 2 candles in their holders at opposite ends of the altar. Draw a heart on the
center with the red chalk, large enough for both candle holders. Each day thereafter,
meditate on the perfect loving relationship for a few minutes, and move the two candles
an inch close together.
If you started on the new moon, then by full moon the candles should be touching in the
center of the heart. When they meet, draw two more hearts around the first one, raise
energy by singing your favorite love song, and charge the candles.
Every Full Moon, light a white (blessing) and a pink (happiness) and black candle in
to the Fates. View the Moon before you light them, then say:
"The kind Fates have blessed my home,
The kind Fates have blessed my heart,
The kind Fates have blessed my loved ones,
I offer thanks with a humble heart.
I thank the Goddess for my life,
I thank the Goddess for my love.
I thank the Goddess for continued blessings already on their way.
Blessed be."
Also burn some high-quality incense, the best you have.
Do this each month to make your good fortune last.
There is One Power
which is perfect love
and I ( your name here) a complete individualization of the Power
Hereby draw to myself the most appropriate, fulfilling, perfect love
relationship , which is right for me.
This takes place in a perfect exchange of love with the right person,
for the good will of all,
and so it must be.
You can also insert a release
"I hereby release all loneliness, despair, negative emotional patters, etc.
Put a few drops into your favorite aftershave or cologne and wear it every 4 days.
The magic stays after the scent fades.
You will need:
pink candle
jasmine incense
Light the jasmine incense.
As you do so imagine the kind of person that you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Note: this should not be a specific person but the things that you want in a person.
Say the qualities that you want in true love out loud as you light your pink candle.
Then say this as you sprinkle rosemary over the flame:
These are the things I want in you
A man/woman who's loving, loyal and true
I ask of the spirits of all those above
To send me my one and only true love
Say this as many times as needed and then extinguish the candle.
Every Full Moon, light a white (blessing) and a pink (happiness) and black candle in gratitude
to the Fates. View the Moon before you light them, then say:
"The kind Fates have blessed my home,
The kind Fates have blessed my heart,
The kind Fates have blessed my loved ones,
I offer thanks with a humble heart.
I thank the Goddess for my life,
I thank the Goddess for my love.
I thank the Goddess for continued blessings already on their way.
Blessed be."
Also burn some high-quality incense, the best you have.
Do this each month to make your good fortune last.
Go to a flower shop and find a red rose, the best one that you can find.
Take it home and say these words,
"Whatever it is that (she) is attracted to is contained within this rose."
Visualize rose colored energy coming from your genitals into the rose.
Now crush the rose into powder and keep it in a small package.
Lace some of your key chain with it everyday you know that you will see her.
When you do, put your hand in your pocket and touch the keys.
For this spell you will need:
Green goddess candle Red god candle A new unused pink taper candle
pink rose buds red rose buds with petals ground damiana herb
rose oil lavender oil
Before you begin your circle mix the red and pink rose incense and the damiana together.
To begin the spell cast your circle as you usually do.
When invoking the god call in Cupid and then light the red
candle. For invoking the goddess call in Venus and light the green candle.
Next pick up the pink candle and the rose oil.
As you anoint the candle with the rose oil speak the following words:
"With the oil of rose I do anoint this candle.
Now may this candle perform magic of love and friendship for those who use it."
After you have gone all around the candle rubbing the oil into it place it in a candle holder
and speak the following words:
"Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty, Cupid God of Love,
I ask you to bring to me the one true male/female I am destined to spend my life with in love."
Light the candle and say:
"As the flame is lit, so may it burn to you my request."
Next go to your cauldron. If you don't have a cauldron you will need something to burn incense in.
Take a small pinch of the incense you mixed earlier and sprinkle it on the coal or
whatever you use to burn and speak the following words:
"I make to you Venus and to you Cupid this offering of incense to increase the strength of my magic."
Next take the rose oil again and say as you sprinkle one drop of oil on the coal:
"I add the essence of rose to this brew."
Pick up the lavender oil and again with a drop of lavender say:
"I add the essence of lavender to this brew."
Then take a moment sitting on the ground to look into the flame of the pink candle
and visualize the outcome you seek.
Once you have completed that release the Goddess and God and then undo your circle.
Your ritual is now complete.
Items needed: A large, Flat plate A small picture of yourself (no one else should be in it)
Ground Cinnamon Dried Basil A ceramic bowl A pink candle
A candle holder A small piece of pink cotton cloth Pink yarn
Matches (and a heat-proof container for the spent matches)
This ritual can be performed at any time. Hold the candle between your hands.
Close your eyes. See yourself as a loving person. Fill yourself with love.
Push that loving energy into the candle. Place it in its holder and light the candle.
Next, place the plate before the candle. Put the small picture of yourself on the middle of the plate.
Using a spoon or the bottle of spice itself, pour a
small circle of ground cinnamon on the plate around the picture. Say:
Pour a larger circle of basil around the cinnamon ring, saying once again:
Now pour a third, larger circle of cinnamon around the basil circle saying:
Hold your hands, palms down, over the three herb circles and your picture for a few moments.
Sense the energies that are rising from the herbs. Raise energy. Visualize.
Carefully pour the herbs and the picture into the bowl.
Place your hands into the bowl and mix the herbs with your fingers, sending energy into them,
while saying these or similar words:
Dust off your hands. Pour the spices and the picture into the center of the pink cloth.
Gather up ends, twist them together, and tie them shut with the pink yarn.
Place the love talisman beside the candle. Let sit there at least 18 minutes.
Afterward, pinch out the candles flame (or snuff it) and carry the talisman with you to attract love.
Burn the candle at approximately the same time each day for at least 7 minutes. Love will find you.
You should make another one in about 7 months.
Create or find a charred stick. You will also need a few dried rose petals & a piece of paper.
Using the charred part of the stick as you would a pencil, draw two inter-linked hearts on paper
as you visualize yourself enjoying a satisfying relationship. Draw with power.
Hold the rose petals in your projective hand & send fiery, loving energies into them.
Sprinkle the petals over the linked hearts. Do this with power. Wrap the package around the petals.
Still visualizing, throw the package into a fire.
(Or, light it in the flame of a red candle & throw into a heat proof container.)
As it burns, the power is released.
Gather seven small stones and place them in a circle.
In the middle of the circle, scatter a handful of rose petals and apple seeds.
Place a lodestone directly in the middle of the circle. Chant the following:
Rose petals and apples Dragons and stone
Draw nigh true love So I am no longer alone
Mist of the Dragon Breath of the night
Draw from the universe Perfect love that is right.
Tie A Knot For Love:
Take 3 cords or strings of various, pleasing pastel colors, perhaps pink, red, and greenand braid them very tightly together. Firmly tie a know near one end of the braid, thinking of your
needs of love. Next, tie another knot, and another, until you have tied seven knots.
Wear or carry the cord with you until you find your true love.
After that, keep the cord in a safe place, or give it to one of the elements,
burn and scatter the ashes in the ocean or a stream.
To make an oil that will help attract the attention of others, mix
together twenty drops of synthetic musk, two drops of jasmine, and one drop
of ylang ylang in a small bottle and leave where the full moonlight can
strike it for three nights. Be sure to bring it inside before the Sun
can find it. Meanwhile, leave a rose petal, a small piece of crystal
quartz, and 1/8teaspoon of powdered cinnamon in a place where the Sun can
see them, making sure to move them before moonlight can strike them. On
the forth day, mix together the two sets of ingredients and leave in a
dark place. Wear when you wish to draw love and admiration to yourself.
It will also enable your employers to see what they love about your work for them.
Materials: three pieces of small ribbon, colored black pink and dark blue nine black bird feathers,
ravens or crows preferably. Braid the ribbons together chanting: spider woman weaving her web
spider woman weaving her web weaving weaving weaving her web weaving weaving weaving
her web then tie the knots one at a time around the feathers saying this,
One with each knot of one the spells begun
knot of two love shines all through
knot of three my love loves me
knot of four my love knows no door
knot of five my loves alive
knot of six my love be blessed by Nyx
When invoking the god call in Cupid and then light the red
candle. For invoking the goddess call in Venus and light the green candle.
Next pick up the pink candle and the rose oil.
As you anoint the candle with the rose oil speak the following words:
"With the oil of rose I do anoint this candle.
Now may this candle perform magic of love and friendship for those who use it."
After you have gone all around the candle rubbing the oil into it place it in a candle holder
and speak the following words:
"Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty, Cupid God of Love,
I ask you to bring to me the one true male/female I am destined to spend my life with in love."
Light the candle and say:
"As the flame is lit, so may it burn to you my request."
Next go to your cauldron. If you don't have a cauldron you will need something to burn incense in.
Take a small pinch of the incense you mixed earlier and sprinkle it on the coal or
whatever you use to burn and speak the following words:
"I make to you Venus and to you Cupid this offering of incense to increase the strength of my magic."
Next take the rose oil again and say as you sprinkle one drop of oil on the coal:
"I add the essence of rose to this brew."
Pick up the lavender oil and again with a drop of lavender say:
"I add the essence of lavender to this brew."
Then take a moment sitting on the ground to look into the flame of the pink candle
and visualize the outcome you seek.
Once you have completed that release the Goddess and God and then undo your circle.
You'll need a few large apples, cinnamon, yarrow, spring water, salt, and a enameled or cast-iron
These are often associated with love and passion.
If it is to your orientation, it is often helpful to bless or consecrate these components.
Concentrate on your goal while preparing this potion:
Slice the apples place them into the saucepan, coat with cinnamon, and cover with yarrow.
Put in enough water to submerge the contents and add a small sprinkling of salt.
Stir clockwise on low heat, incanting a love charm of your own making.
Bring to a simmer for about 90 minutes, strain and place into a dark jar.
Put a few drops into your favorite aftershave or cologne and wear it every 4 days.
The magic stays after the scent fades.
Supplies: materials to cast a circle, one red or pink candle, love oil, pin, red or pink crayon or
pen, a pink or red or piece of paper.
Step 1: Cast your circle
Step 2: Visualize the type of man you want to be with. Make sure to visualize everything you
are looking for in him, like looks, hair, job, sensitivity, caring, understanding, not violent, sex,
size of his "want not", honesty, loyalty, respect, etc.
Step 3:write with pin into candle "love come to me" anoint the red/pink candle with oil, starting
at top to center change hands and do same from bottom to center. All while concentrating on
man and focusing energy into candle. Light candle off of alter candle(white). Set on altar.
Step 4: Take piece of paper and write on it "love come to me" around the words encircle it
with touching hearts.(use red/pink crayon-better to use pink paper and red crayon)
Set paper under red candle.
Step 5: Say aloud(while concentrating on person)
"By the power of hope and truth
By the power of the old and youth