News Release: Riverside Police Release Results of Labor Day Traffic Enforcement Campaign

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31 Riverside Road
Riverside, Illinois 60546

September 11, 2015


Contact: Sgt. Jeff Miller

708 447 2127 [email protected]

Riverside Police Release Results of Labor Day Traffic Enforcement Campaign

From August 24-September 7, you probably noticed an increase in police activity
around Riverside. The Riverside Police Department participated in the national
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over drunk driving enforcement campaign, showing zero
tolerance for impaired driving. The local effort was part of a nationwide campaign in
partnership with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Illinois
Department of Transportation.
During the campaign, The Riverside Police Department ramped up its
enforcement efforts.
The Riverside Police Department implemented six, four hour saturation patrols over
the two week time period.
During the campaign Riverside Officers issued a total of 22 citations and 7 warnings to motorists for
various offenses. The majority of these citations were issued for speeding violations.
The recent law enforcement crackdown was coordinated by the Illinois Department of Transportation as
part of the statewide Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket campaigns.

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