Seminar Report BRAIN CHIP
Seminar Report BRAIN CHIP
Seminar Report BRAIN CHIP
Submitted By
In fulfillment for the award of the degreeof
This is to certify that the Seminar report on BRAIN CHIP is a bonafide record of work
done by SETHULAKSHMI MOHANAN(Reg.No.12121372) , V1th Semester Bachelor of
computer application submitted partial fulfillment of the requirement of the award of degree In
Computer application under Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
We wish to extend our Heartfelt thanks to all the people those who helped us
for the successful completion our project.
First and foremost we are extremely thankful to God Almighty for the
successful completion of this Seminar work. We would like sincere and heartfelt thanking to our
respected guide, Asst. professor Mrs. Ceena Vargese for providing us with the right guidance and
advice at the crucial junctures and for showing us the right way. We extent sincere thank to the head
of the department Asst.proff. Mrs. Ceena Vargese for allowing us to use the facilities available.
Our respected principal Prof.V.T Kurian sincere effects have made to spell
bound. Finally, yet importantly we would like to thank all our friends and well wisher who save their
valuable bits to the successful completion of our Seminar work.
V1th BCA
Marsleeva college of Arts and Science
The evolution and development of mankind began thousands and thousands of years before. And
today our intelligence, our brain is a resultant of this long developmental phase. Technology also has
been on the path of development since when man appeared. It is man that gave technology its
present form. But today, technology is entering a phase where it will out wit man in intelligence as
well as efficiency. Man has now to find a way in which he can keep in pace with technology, and one
of the recent developments in this regard, is the brain chip implants.
Brain chips are made with a view to enhance the memory of human beings, to help paralyzed
patients, and are also intended to serve military purposes. It is likely that implantable computer chips
acting as sensors, or actuators, may soon assist not only failing memory, but even bestow fluency in
a new language, or enable "recognition" of previously unmet individuals. The progress already made
in therapeutic devices, in prosthetics and in computer science indicates that it may well be feasible to
develop direct interfaces between the brain and computers. This technology is only under
developmental phase, although many implants have already been made on the human brain for
experimental purposes
The study of the human brain is, obviously, the most complicated area of
research. It will be several years before we see a practical application of the technology we've
discussed. Let's hope such technologies will be used for restoring the prosperity and peace of the
world and not to give the world a devastating end.
The chips electronic neurons are able to signal others when a type of data light, for example
passes a certain threshold. Working in parallel, the neurons begin to organize the data into patterns
suggesting the light is growing brighter, or changing color or shape.The processor may thus be able
to recognize that a woman in a video is picking up a purse, or control a robot that is reaching into a
pocket and pulling out a quarter. Humans are able to recognize these acts without conscious thought,
yet todays computers and robots struggle to interpret them.A silicon chip relies on webs of
transistors similar to the brains neural networks. Credit I.B.M. The chip contains 5.4 billion
transistors, yet draws just 70 milliwatts of power. By contrast, modern Intel processors in todays
personal computers and data centers may have 1.4 billion transistors and consume far more power
35 to 140 watts.Todays conventional microprocessors and graphics processors are capable of
performing billions of mathematical operations a second, yet the new chip system clock makes its
calculations barely a thousand times a second. But because of the vast number of circuits working in
parallel, it is still capable of performing 46 billion operations a second per watt of energy consumed,
according to IBM researchers.
The TrueNorth has one million neurons, about as complex as the brain of a
bee.It is a remarkable achievement in terms of scalability and low power consumption, said Horst
Simon, deputy director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.He compared the new design
to the advent of parallel supercomputers in the 1980s, which he recalled was like moving from a
two-lane road to a superhighway. The new approach to design, referred to variously as neuromorphic
or cognitive computing, is still in its infancy, and the IBM chips are not yet commercially available.
Yet the design has touched off a vigorous debate over the best approach to speeding up the neural
networks increasingly used in computing. The idea that neural networks might be useful in
processing information occurred to engineers in the 1940s, before the invention of modern
computers. Only recently, as computing has grown enormously in memory capacity and processing
speed, have they proved to be powerful computing tools.
In recent years, companies including Google, Microsoft and Apple have turned to
pattern recognition driven by neural networks to vastly improve the quality of services like speech
recognition and photo classification. But Yann LeCun, director of artificial intelligence research at
Facebook and a pioneering expert in neural networks, said he was skeptical that IBMs approach
would ever outpace todays fastest commercial processors.
The chip appears to be very limited in many ways, and the performance is not what
it seems, Mr. LeCun wrote in an email sent to journalists. In particular, he criticized as inadequate
the testing of the chips ability to detect moving pedestrians and cars.
This particular
task, he wrote, wont impress anyone in computer vision or machine learning. Mr. LeCun said
that while special-purpose chips running neural networks might be useful
for a range of
IBMs research was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a
research arm of the Pentagon, under a program called Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic
Scalable Electronics, or SyNapse. According to Gill Pratt, the program manager, the agency is
pursuing twin goals in its effort to design ultralow-power biological processors.
The first, Dr. Pratt said, is to automate some of the surveillance done by military drones.
We have lots of data and not enough people to look at them, he said. The second is to create a new
kind of laboratory instrument to allow neuroscientists to quickly test new theories about how brains
function. Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this article misstated the day on which the
report of a new computer chip was published. It was Thursday, not Wednesday.
An article on Friday about a new IBM computer chip that is said to mimic the way a human
brain works omitted the last word in the name of a program known by the acronym Synapse, which
funded IBMs research. It is Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electron.
feedback networks that looked very different from collections of neurons but functioned in a similar
way. He used that trick to emulate the data-processing circuits in the retina and cochlea, building
chips that performed tricks like detecting the edges of objects and features in an audio signal. But the
chips were difficult to work with, and the effort was limited by chip-making technology. With
neuromorphic computing still just a curiosity, Mead moved on to other projects. It was harder than I
thought going in, he reflects. A flys brain doesnt look that complicated, but it does stuff that we
to this day cant do. Thats telling you something.
IBM makes neuromorphic chips by using collections of 6,000 transistors to emulate the
electrical spiking behavior of a neuron and then wiring those silicon neurons together. Modhas
strategy for combining them to build a brainlike system is inspired by studies on the cortex of the
brain, the wrinkly outer layer. Although different parts of the cortex have different functions, such as
controlling language or movement, they are all made up of so-called microcolumns, repeating
clumps of 100 to 250 neurons. Modha unveiled his version of a micro column in 2011. A speck of
silicon little bigger than a pinhead, it contained 256 silicon neurons and a block of memory that
defines the properties of up to 262,000 synaptic connections between them. Programming those
synapses correctly can create a network that processes and reacts to information much as the neurons
of a real brain do.
Setting that chip to work on a problem involves programming a simulation of the
chip on a conventional computer and then transferring the configuration to the real chip. In one
experiment, the chip could recognize handwritten digits from 0 to 9, even predicting which number
someone was starting to trace with a digital stylus. In another, the chips network was programmed
to play a version of the video game Pong. In a third, it directed a small unmanned aerial vehicle to
follow the double yellow line on the road approaching IBMs lab. None of these feats are beyond the
reach of conventional software, but they were achieved using a fraction of the code, power, and
hardware that would normally be required.
A microchip developed at HRL learns like a biological brain by strengthening or weakening
synapse-like connections.
On a bench in a windowless lab, Narayan Srinivasas chip sits at the center of a tangle of wires. The
activity of its 576 artificial neurons appears on a computer screen as a parade of spikes, an EEG for a
silicon brain. The HRL chip has neurons and synapses much like IBMs. But like the neurons in your
own brain, those on HRLs chip adjust their synaptic connections when exposed to new data. In other
words, the chip learns through experience.
The HRL chip mimics two learning phenomena in brains. One is that neurons become more or less
sensitive to signals from another neuron depending on how frequently those signals arrive. The other
is more complex: a process believed to support learning and memory, known as spike-timingdependent plasticity. This causes neurons to become more responsive to other neurons that have
tended to closely match their own signaling activity in the past. If groups of neurons are working
together constructively, the connections between them strengthen, while less useful connections fall
Results from experiments with simulated versions of the chip are impressive. The chip played a
virtual game of Pong, just as IBMs chip did. But unlike IBMs chip, HRLs wasnt programmed to
play the gameonly to move its paddle, sense the ball, and receive feedback that either rewarded a
successful shot or punished a miss. A system of 120 neurons started out flailing, but within about
five rounds it had become a skilled player. You dont program it, Srinivasa says. You just say
Good job, Bad job, and it figures out what it should be doing. If extra balls, paddles, or
opponents are added, the network quickly adapts to the changes.
This approach might eventually let engineers create a robot that stumbles through a kind of
childhood, figuring out how to move around and navigate. You cant capture the richness of all
the things that happen in the real-world environment, so you should make the system deal with it
directly, says Srinivasa. Identical machines could then incorporate whatever the original one has
learned. But leaving robots some ability to learn after that point could also be useful. That way they
could adapt if damaged, or adjust their gait to different kinds of terrain.
The first real test of this vision for neuromorphic computing will come next summer, when the HRL
chip is scheduled to escape its lab bench and take flight in a palm-sized aircraft with flapping wings,
called a Snipe. As a human remotely pilots the craft through a series of rooms, the chip will take in
data from the crafts camera and other sensors. At some point the chip will be given a signal that
means Pay attention here. The next time the Snipe visits that room, the chip should turn on a light
to signal that it remembers. Performing this kind of recognition would normally require too much
electrical and computing power for such a small craft.
Despite the Synapse chips modest but significant successes, it is still unclear whether
scaling up these chips will produce machines with more sophisticated brainlike faculties. And some
critics doubt it will ever be possible for engineers to copy biology closely enough to capture these
abilities.IBM used this simulation of long-range neural pathways in a macaque monkey to guide the
design of neuromorphic chips.
Neuroscientist Henry Markram, who discovered spike-timing-dependent plasticity,
has attacked Modhas work on networks of simulated neurons, saying their behavior is too
simplistic. He believes that successfully emulating the brains faculties requires copying synapses
down to the molecular scale; the behavior of neurons is influenced by the interactions of dozens of
ion channels and thousands of proteins, he notes, and there are numerous types of synapses, all of
which behave in nonlinear, or chaotic, ways. In Markrams view, capturing the capabilities of a real
brain would require scientists to incorporate all those features.
The DARPA teams counter that they dont have to capture the full complexity of brains to get useful
things done, and that successive generations of their chips can be expected to come closer to
representing biology. HRL hopes to improve its chips by enabling the silicon neurons to regulate
their own firing rate as those in brains do, and IBM is wiring the connections between cores on its
latest neuromorphic chip in a new way, using insights from simulations of the connections between
different regions of the cortex of a macaque.
Modha believes these connections could be important to higher-level brain functioning. Yet even
after such improvements, these chips will still be far from the messy, complex reality of brains. It
seems unlikely that microchips will ever match brains in fitting 10 billion synaptic connections into
a single square centimeter, even though HRL is experimenting with a denser form of memory based
on exotic devices known as memristors.
At the same time, neuromorphic designs are still far removed from most computers we have today.
Perhaps it is better to recognize these chips as something entirely aparta new, alien form of
The traditional approach is to add more computational capability and stronger algorithms, but that
no longer scales.
They may be alien, but IBMs head of research strategy, Zachary Lemnios, predicts that well want
to get familiar with them soon enough. Many large businesses already feel the need for a new kind of
computational intelligence, he says: The traditional approach is to add more computational
capability and stronger algorithms, but that just doesnt scale, and were seeing that. As examples,
he cites Apples Siri personal assistant and Googles selfdriving cars. These technologies are not
very sophisticated in how they understand the world around them, Lemnios says; Googles cars rely
heavily on preloaded map data to navigate, while Siri taps into distant cloud servers for voice
recognition and language processing, causing noticeable delays.
Today the cutting edge of artificialintelligence software is a discipline known as deep learning,
embraced by Google and Facebook, among others. It involves using software to simulate networks
of very basic neurons on normal computer architecture (see 10 Breakthrough Technologies: Deep
Learning, May/June 2013). But that approach, which produced Googles cat-spotting software,
relies on vast clusters of computers to run the simulated neural networks and feed them data.
Neuromorphic machines should allow such faculties to be packaged into compact, efficient devices
for situations in which its impractical to connect to a distant data center. IBM is already talking with
clients interested in using neuromorphic systems. Security video processing and financial fraud
prediction are at the front of the line, as both require complex learning and real-time pattern
Whenever and however neuromorphic chips are finally used, it will most likely be in collaboration
with von Neumann machines. Numbers will still need to be crunched, and even in systems faced
with problems such as analyzing images, it will be easier and more efficient to have a conventional
computer in command. Neuromorphic chips could then be used for particular tasks, just as a brain
relies on different regions specialized to perform different jobs.
As has usually been the case throughout the history of computing, the first such systems will
probably be deployed in the service of the U.S. military. Its not mystical or magical, Gill Pratt,
who manages the Synapse project at DARPA, says of neuromorphic computing. Its an architectural
difference that leads to a different trade-off between energy and performance. Pratt says that UAVs,
in particular, could use the approach. Neuromorphic chips could recognize landmarks or targets
without the bulky data transfers and powerful conventional computers now needed to process
imagery. Rather than sending video of a bunch of guys, it would say, Theres a person in each of
these positionsit looks like theyre running, he says.
This vision of a new kind of computer chip is one that both Mead and von Neumann would surely
Computers are incredibly inefficient at lots of tasks that are easy for even the
simplest brains, such as recognizing images and navigating in unfamiliar spaces. Machines found in
research labs or vast data centers can perform such tasks, but they are huge and energy-hungry, and
they need specialized programming. Google recently made headlines with software that can reliably
recognize cats and human faces in video clips, but this achievement required no fewer than 16,000
powerful processors.
A new breed of computer chips that operate more like the brain may be about
to narrow the gulf between artificial and natural computationbetween circuits that crunch through
logical operations at blistering speed and a mechanism honed by evolution to process and act on
sensory input from the real world. Advances in neuroscience and chip technology have made it
practical to build devices that, on a small scale at least, process data the way a mammalian brain
does. These neuromorphic chips may be the missing piece of many promising but unfinished
projects in artificial intelligence, such as cars that drive themselves reliably in all conditions, and
smart phones that act as competent conversational assistants.
Modern computers are inherited from calculators, good for crunching numbers,
says Dharmendra Modha, a senior researcher at IBM Research in Alma den, California. Brains
evolved in the real world. Modha leads one of two groups that have built computer chips with a
basic architecture copied from the mammalian brain under a $100 million project called Synapse,
funded by the Pentagons Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Brains compute in parallel as the electrically active cells inside them, called neurons,
operate simultaneously and unceasingly. Bound into intricate networks by threadlike appendages,
neurons influence one anothers electrical pulses via connections called synapses. When information
flows through a brain, it processes data as a fusillade of spikes that spread through its neurons and
synapses. You recognize the words in this paragraph, for example, thanks to a particular pattern of
electrical activity in your brain triggered by input from your eyes. Crucially, neural hardware is also
flexible: new input can cause synapses to adjust so as to give some neurons more or less influence
over others, a process that underpins learning. In computing terms, its a massively parallel system
that can reprogram itself.
Mead finally built his first neuromorphic chips, as he christened his brain-inspired
devices, in the mid-1980s, after collaborating with neuroscientists to study how neurons process
data. By operating ordinary transistors at unusually low voltages, he could arrange them into
feedback networks that looked very different from collections of neurons but functioned in a similar
way. He used that trick to emulate the data-processing circuits in the retina and cochlea, building
chips that performed tricks like detecting the edges of objects and features in an audio signal. But the
chips were difficult to work with, and the effort was limited by chip-making technology. With
neuromorphic computing still just a curiosity, Mead moved on to other projects. It was harder than I
thought going in, he reflects. A flys brain doesnt look that complicated, but it does stuff that we
to this day cant do. Thats telling you something.
IBM makes neuromorphic chips by using collections of 6,000 transistors to emulate the
electrical spiking behavior of a neuron and then wiring those silicon neurons together. Modhas
strategy for combining them to build a brainlike system is inspired by studies on the cortex of the
brain, the wrinkly outer layer. Although different parts of the cortex have different functions, such as
controlling language or movement, they are all made up of so-called microcolumns, repeating
clumps of 100 to 250 neurons. Modha unveiled his version of a micro column in 2011. A speck of
silicon little bigger than a pinhead, it contained 256 silicon neurons and a block of memory that
defines the properties of up to 262,000 synaptic connections between them. Programming those
synapses correctly can create a network that processes and reacts to information much as the neurons
of a real brain do.
Setting that chip to work on a problem involves programming a simulation of the
chip on a conventional computer and then transferring the configuration to the real chip. In one
experiment, the chip could recognize handwritten digits from 0 to 9, even predicting which number
someone was starting to trace with a digital stylus. In another, the chips network was programmed
to play a version of the video game Pong. In a third, it directed a small unmanned aerial vehicle to
follow the double yellow line on the road approaching IBMs lab. None of these feats are beyond the
reach of conventional software, but they were achieved using a fraction of the code, power, and
hardware that would normally be required.
A microchip developed at HRL learns like a biological brain by strengthening or weakening
synapse-like connections.
On a bench in a windowless lab, Narayan Srinivasas chip sits at the center of a tangle of wires. The
activity of its 576 artificial neurons appears on a computer screen as a parade of spikes, an EEG for a
silicon brain. The HRL chip has neurons and synapses much like IBMs. But like the neurons in your
own brain, those on HRLs chip adjust their synaptic connections when exposed to new data. In other
words, the chip learns through experience.
The HRL chip mimics two learning phenomena in brains. One is that neurons become more or less
sensitive to signals from another neuron depending on how frequently those signals arrive. The other
is more complex: a process believed to support learning and memory, known as spike-timingdependent plasticity. This causes neurons to become more responsive to other neurons that have
tended to closely match their own signaling activity in the past. If groups of neurons are working
together constructively, the connections between them strengthen, while less useful connections fall
Results from experiments with simulated versions of the chip are impressive. The chip played a
virtual game of Pong, just as IBMs chip did. But unlike IBMs chip, HRLs wasnt programmed to
play the gameonly to move its paddle, sense the ball, and receive feedback that either rewarded a
successful shot or punished a miss. A system of 120 neurons started out flailing, but within about
five rounds it had become a skilled player. You dont program it, Srinivasa says. You just say
Good job, Bad job, and it figures out what it should be doing. If extra balls, paddles, or
opponents are added, the network quickly adapts to the changes.
This approach might eventually let engineers create a robot that stumbles through a kind of
childhood, figuring out how to move around and navigate. You cant capture the richness of all
the things that happen in the real-world environment, so you should make the system deal with it
directly, says Srinivasa. Identical machines could then incorporate whatever the original one has
learned. But leaving robots some ability to learn after that point could also be useful. That way they
could adapt if damaged, or adjust their gait to different kinds of terrain.
The first real test of this vision for neuromorphic computing will come next summer, when the HRL
chip is scheduled to escape its lab bench and take flight in a palm-sized aircraft with flapping wings,
called a Snipe. As a human remotely pilots the craft through a series of rooms, the chip will take in
data from the crafts camera and other sensors. At some point the chip will be given a signal that
means Pay attention here. The next time the Snipe visits that room, the chip should turn on a light
to signal that it remembers. Performing this kind of recognition would normally require too much
electrical and computing power for such a small craft.
Despite the Synapse chips modest but significant successes, it is still unclear whether
scaling up these chips will produce machines with more sophisticated brainlike faculties. And some
critics doubt it will ever be possible for engineers to copy biology closely enough to capture these
abilities.IBM used this simulation of long-range neural pathways in a macaque monkey to guide the
design of neuromorphic chips.
Neuroscientist Henry Markram, who discovered spike-timing-dependent plasticity,
has attacked Modhas work on networks of simulated neurons, saying their behavior is too
simplistic. He believes that successfully emulating the brains faculties requires copying synapses
down to the molecular scale; the behavior of neurons is influenced by the interactions of dozens of
ion channels and thousands of proteins, he notes, and there are numerous types of synapses, all of
which behave in nonlinear, or chaotic, ways. In Markrams view, capturing the capabilities of a real
brain would require scientists to incorporate all those features.
The DARPA teams counter that they dont have to capture the full complexity of brains to get useful
things done, and that successive generations of their chips can be expected to come closer to
representing biology. HRL hopes to improve its chips by enabling the silicon neurons to regulate
their own firing rate as those in brains do, and IBM is wiring the connections between cores on its
latest neuromorphic chip in a new way, using insights from simulations of the connections between
different regions of the cortex of a macaque.
Modha believes these connections could be important to higher-level brain functioning. Yet even
after such improvements, these chips will still be far from the messy, complex reality of brains. It
seems unlikely that microchips will ever match brains in fitting 10 billion synaptic connections into
a single square centimeter, even though HRL is experimenting with a denser form of memory based
on exotic devices known as memristors.
At the same time, neuromorphic designs are still far removed from most computers we have today.
Perhaps it is better to recognize these chips as something entirely aparta new, alien form of
The traditional approach is to add more computational capability and stronger algorithms, but that
no longer scales.
They may be alien, but IBMs head of research strategy, Zachary Lemnios, predicts that well want
to get familiar with them soon enough. Many large businesses already feel the need for a new kind of
computational intelligence, he says: The traditional approach is to add more computational
capability and stronger algorithms, but that just doesnt scale, and were seeing that. As examples,
he cites Apples Siri personal assistant and Googles selfdriving cars. These technologies are not
very sophisticated in how they understand the world around them, Lemnios says; Googles cars rely
heavily on preloaded map data to navigate, while Siri taps into distant cloud servers for voice
recognition and language processing, causing noticeable delays.
Today the cutting edge of artificialintelligence software is a discipline known as deep learning,
embraced by Google and Facebook, among others. It involves using software to simulate networks
of very basic neurons on normal computer architecture (see 10 Breakthrough Technologies: Deep
Learning, May/June 2013). But that approach, which produced Googles cat-spotting software,
relies on vast clusters of computers to run the simulated neural networks and feed them data.
Neuromorphic machines should allow such faculties to be packaged into compact, efficient devices
for situations in which its impractical to connect to a distant data center. IBM is already talking with
clients interested in using neuromorphic systems. Security video processing and financial fraud
prediction are at the front of the line, as both require complex learning and real-time pattern
Whenever and however neuromorphic chips are finally used, it will most likely be in collaboration
with von Neumann machines. Numbers will still need to be crunched, and even in systems faced
with problems such as analyzing images, it will be easier and more efficient to have a conventional
computer in command. Neuromorphic chips could then be used for particular tasks, just as a brain
relies on different regions specialized to perform different jobs.
As has usually been the case throughout the history of computing, the first such systems will
probably be deployed in the service of the U.S. military. Its not mystical or magical, Gill Pratt,
who manages the Synapse project at DARPA, says of neuromorphic computing. Its an architectural
difference that leads to a different trade-off between energy and performance. Pratt says that UAVs,
in particular, could use the approach. Neuromorphic chips could recognize landmarks or targets
without the bulky data transfers and powerful conventional computers now needed to process
imagery. Rather than sending video of a bunch of guys, it would say, Theres a person in each of
these positionsit looks like theyre running, he says.This vision of a new kind of computer chip
is one that both Mead and von Neumann would surely recognize.
interact freely, as well as, through networking, share experiences with others. The wearable
computer project envisions users accessing the Remembrance Agent of a large communally based
data source.
As intelligence or sensory "amplifiers", the implantable chip will generate at least four benefits:
It will increase the dynamic range of senses, enabling, for example, seeing IR, UV, and chemical
It will enhance memory;
It will enable "cyber think" - invisible communication with others when making decisions, and
It will enable consistent and constant access to information where and when it is needed.
Brain chip technology is a technology which involves communication based on neural activity
generated by the brain. It gives paraltzed patients greaterability to interact with their
environments. The brain gate neural interface creates a direct link between a persons brain and
a computer, translating neural activity into action. A new breed of computer chips that operate
more like the brain may be about to narrow the gulf between artificial and natural computation
between circuits that crunch through logical operations at blistering speed and a mechanism honed
by evolution to process and act on sensory input from the real world. Advances in neuroscience and
chip technology have made it practical to build devices that, on a small scale at least, process data
the way a mammalian brain does. These neuromorphic chips may be the missing piece of many
promising but unfinished projects in artificial intelligence, such as cars that drive themselves reliably
in all conditions, and smartphones that act as competent conversational assistants. Brains compute in
parallel as the electrically active cells inside them, called neurons, operate simultaneously and
unceasingly. Bound into intricate networks by threadlike appendages, neurons influence one
anothers electrical pulses via connections called synapses. When information flows through a brain,
it processes data as a fusillade of spikes that spread through its neurons and synapses. You recognize
the words in this paragraph, for example, thanks to a particular pattern of electrical activity in your
brain triggered by input from your eyes. Crucially, neural hardware is also flexible: new input can
cause synapses to adjust so as to give some neurons more or less influence over others, a process that
underpins learning. In computing terms, its a massively parallel system that can reprogram itself.