GURPS Racial Templates For The Inhibitor Universe

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GURPS Racial Templates for the Inhibitor Universe.

Conjoiner (47 points).

Doesnt Sleep 20pts.
Detect (Electrical fields) 10pts.
Digital Mind (Extensive implants) 5pts.
Neural Interface (Radio, Reduced range {/10} 30%, Secure +20%, Sensie +80%) 17pts.
Unkillable 1 (Medichines, Achilles heel {Massive brain trauma} 50%) 25pts.
Chummy (Conjoiner mental contact) 5pts.
Fanaticism (Conjoiners) 15pts.
Social Stigma (Conjoiner) 10pts.
Conjoiners have a hive mind, but unlike the Borg of Star Trek, they retain free will and a sense of self.
Common advantages include: Regeneration, re-growth, extra attack, enhanced time sense, racial
memory, mind control (cybernetic only) and mind reading (cybernetic only).
Demarchist (12 points).
-1 perception 5pts.
Neural Interface (Radio, Reduced range {/10} 30%, Secure +20%, Sensie +80%) 17pts.
Demarchists use their neural interfaces to constantly vote on almost everything, they even vote on
what architectural features their nanite-controlled buildings should have. Demarchists also make largescale use of neural enhancements but do not have a hive mind or a fanatical devotion to the cause like
the Conjoiners do. Their implants are designed with firewalls and other methods to resist the
emergence of a hive mind.
Ultra (22 points).
Spacer IQ+2 4pts.
Environment Suit (Vacc Suit) DX+2 8pts
G experience (All) 10pts.
The ultimate spacemen, Ultras are born and live their entire lives on Lighthuggers (the star ships of the
Revelation Space Universe). Ultras make extensive use of cybernetic body enhancements, mostly
adaptations to living in space, indeed most of them dont even look human.
Base-line Humans (0 points).
A blank slate, do with it as you will. Not all characters will be nihilistic spacemen or cybernetic
Pigs (9 Points).
SM -1 0pts.
HT +2 20pts
HP +2 4pts.
Social Stigma (Minority group) 10pts.
Ham-Fisted (Trotters) 5pts
Many have Cannot Speak 15, and some have Intolerance (Humans) 5. Pigs were originally created
when human DNA was combined with the DNA of pigs (the non-intelligent variety) for the purposes of

organ donation, and as such they share human and (non-intelligent) pig morphology. They are
shunned by mainstream society and many of them fall in with criminal elements.

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