2015-16 Blueprint
2015-16 Blueprint
2015-16 Blueprint
Materials Needed:
1 box of photographic enlargement paper to use in the darkroom. This can be purchased at Richmond Camera on Patterson Ave.
Ilford RC 8x10 paper. You can get glossy or matte, whichever you prefer.
Instructional Philosophy:
Students will experience hand on learning through the use of materials and processes utilized by photographers and the
graphics/communication industry. Through demonstrations and direct instruction, the teacher will communicate procedures and
processes for the lab. Students take responsibility for classroom and lab maintenance. Computers are to be used as a tool for learning
only. Students will use both laptops and classroom computers to aid in learning the processes of the industry. Students are highly
encouraged to work together in this class to foster a higher level of learning and understanding of material.
Prepare students for post-secondary education and/or careers in the field of photography, graphics,
communications and media by developing skills and understanding related to those career fields.
Explore careers available in the graphics, communications and media industry.
Instill positive work ethic, positive thought process and problem solving skills.
Expand students creativity as it pertains to imaging processes and graphics, as well as expanding
students knowledge of these processes.
Support cross curricular Virginia SOLs by focusing on state competencies.
Assessment Plan:
Projects = 50%
Google Classroom will be used to submit assignments. In addition to Google Classroom there is a class website that will be used
regularly in class. All class material will be available on the site. Our daily journal photo will be found here. The class calendar and all
important information will be found here as well. You should bookmark this site!
not able to work on a project. Students should have one complete by the
end of 1st quarter and two complete each quarter after that.)
5. Safety
15. Review: file sizes and how to save for web vs. print
17. HDR
Students Signature
Parents or Guardians Signature
When taking pictures during school hours students must remain on school property.
Students must not go into any classroom, unless permission has been received from the teacher of that
classroom ahead of time.
Students are not allowed to roam the halls; they must be focused and working on the photography project.
When a camera is needed overnight the student must sign out a camera, if there is one available, from Ms.
If a camera is signed out the student MUST return the camera the following day BEFORE first period to
Ms. LaBrie (unless other arrangements have been made with Ms. LaBrie and the student).
If a camera is signed out overnight, the student must use a case to carry the camera and are responsible for
keeping the camera safe.
To maintain safety procedures, during class the camera usage policy will be adhered to at all times.
School cameras must only be used for appropriate school related projects.
I understand that failure to follow any of these rules will result in loss of camera and equipment usage
I also give consent for my (my childs) photo to be taken during class. This photo may be used in a portfolio or on
the class website. If you do not consent write that here:
Student Signature___________________________________________ Date______________
Student email: ___________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________ Date______________
Parent email: ___________________________________________________________
I am looking forward to an exciting year.
There are 7 basic rules for this class:
Beginning of class: Enter the room and take your seats. Begin working on your
journal entry. I will instruct you when it's time to move on. If you finish early, you may
work on something else, but you must remain in your seat quietly.
Leaving the room: I expect you to make bathroom stops etc. before and after class.
Should you absolutely need to leave, ask for permission at a time that you wont be
interrupting class. Take the bathroom pass with you (only 2 students allowed out of the
room at a time unless there is an emergency).
Makeup Work: When coming back to school after an absence, go to the makeup
work box at the front of the room to see if there is anything you missed. If so you will find
the work with your name on it. If there is nothing in there see Ms. LaBrie. THIS IS
YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed.
Camera if needed
Any work to be turned in
Anything else you may need
o After using any school equipment, make sure it is clean and in one piece, then
gently place it back where it belongs. You will not be dismissed until this is done
o Talking quietly while doing work is permitted (unless otherwise noted). However, if
the room gets too loud, I will flick the lights and tell you to quiet down.
o Talking while the teacher or another student is talking to the whole class is
considered disrespectful and will not be tolerated as per rule #1.
Late-work: This is a project based class. I will give you sufficient time to finish a
project, so I do not expect late work. Should you need more time due to absence or an
amazingly awesome idea speak with me about it. If I approve extended time, it is your
responsibility to work outside class time. If you turn something in late without approval,
points will be deducted accordingly.
Class Ending: The class will be dismissed when all equipment is put away neatly.
(DO NOT line up at the door).
I expect all of these procedures to be followed everyday with me as well as any substitute
or other school official who may be in the room.
1st time ___________________________________________________
2nd time ___________________________________________________
3rd time ___________________________________________________