1998 Catalogue Combined

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K.1.5.S. ™ Keep It Super Simple KILS, - It's ono honoy of a knife! “Kaop t Super Simple” said Ed Haligan, Krifomakers’ Guild (Member, and designerfenginees of CRICT'S new IKLLS.S. knife, And itis! The compact, palm-size folder has two major components « Blade and Frarne- that are precision fine blanked for supesir fit ‘and smiaoth operation. ‘Tha ingenuity ofthe K.LS.S. Frame Lock" design is thatthe secure, safe and strong bladelock seoves. ‘not ony a part ofthe freme but also asthe handle itself A thumb stud is used ta oné-hand open the bode, and 2s te blade is fuly rotated open the Frame Lock sraps crisply in betind the blade to utente @ sound lock-up. And the blede can be closed by on-hand by simply releasing the FrameLock. ‘The blade shape is tante-inspired—Chisel-Pirt on the front and lat on the backside—so that when the biade is closed onto its handievframe, the precision it atectvely “seals the cutting edge tothe frame, even thoughit's exposed. An accessible hex-head fastener allows easy, privise adjustrint of ‘openingflesing tension. Both blade end frame ere high carbon stainless steel and ara fino boad blast irish as is the pocketlmanay clip an other hardware, ‘The design of the KISS, pocketmoney clip permits it tobe used in avarity of ways: clipped tothe pocket asa money clip knit; and with spit-ing o lanyard, 68 & key chain knife, 5500 K1.8.S. 5510 KISS. Biade: Taro, Cite Point Ground Blade: Taro, Chiseb Point Ground Bade Length: 21/4 (57 em) Combined Razor-Sharp ond Tile Piet Serated vera Length: 3172" 18 3em) Blade Length: 2 1/4" (6.7 cr} | vera Length: 8172" (28 em) The K.LS.S. features the Frame Lock, a secure, safe and strong blade lack. §-2 isa sleek, simple, powerful toal, It incorporates the Frame Lock” design that serves as one of the most secure, safe and strongest blade locks known. What's mare, the Frame Lock also serves as part of the precision machined Titanium GALAV handle, One-hand opening is smooth and fast assisted by Teflon” bearings. As the blade is fully rotated open, the Frama Lock snaps soundly in place behind the blade to guarantee 2 powerful lock-up. Furth 1 knife is gripped, additional pressure is applied to the lack arm thus increasing the safety of the Frame Lock. The hollow-ground ATS 34 stainless stee! blade hes outstanding edge retention and durability. Fine blanked and CNC machined for accuracy, the blade also features a ramped spine with broad friction grooves for safety and better blade control. Other features include a bead: blast finished grooved handle that “grips you back” and a removable Titanium pocket/clothing clip. Stylish, durable, and robust, the 8-2 is @ perfectly balanced, powerful work tool built to stay at your side for many years. S+2 Specifications Blade: Ovoral Length 3.63" (2.2.0m) 7803: RavorSharp Cutting Edge Cuting Edge - 3.38" (8.6.0m) ‘7513: Combined RanorSharp and Thickness - 012° (30m) Tiple-Point™ Serrated Hardoess 57-58 HRC 17823: Ful TeplePoint™ Seated Handle: Ciosed Length 4.4" (12.5 cm) Weight: 47 or (1349) | 4eacke Speci Apacke 1 Specifications [Blode: Overall Length - 4.08" (10.3.cm) Blade: Overall Length - 3.18" (8.1 em) ating Ege 3.78" (8.6 rn) Cutting Edge -2.87" (73) Thickness - 0.12° (0.3 een) Thickness - @.09° (0.2 em) Harness 57 - SE HAG Moréoess- 57-58 40 |Handie: Closed Length -5.12° (13.0 cm) Handle: Closed Length -4.12" (10.5 2m) Weight: 48.02 (1579) Weight: 2908 (82 9) 17008; RazorSharpCuting Fogo TON: Razor Sharp Cuting Eg frais: Combined RezarShp and 7012 Combiewd Razr-Sharp and TrglePoit”"Serated Trp Point Seated ozs: Ful Tiere Serated 7022: Ful eiplPoie™ Sorted The Apache group of locking liner folding krives meets andi exceeds the demanding standards for multi-function cutting tools. Held under close scrutiny the combination of materials advanced:-technology manufacturing and purpese-driven design, produces knives that mare than fulfil tha needs of the owner. Each ATS 34 stainloss stoe blade is blanked, ground and machined for a precision ft to the T420 Stainless Stee Locking Linar and bead-blast finished to be non-reflective. ‘The Blades pivot against Teflon” bearings and can be opened and closed smmoothy and quickly with one hand. The thumb stud is mounted for tight hand opening but can be removed and reversed for let hand opening, ‘The Apache blade design integrates & double quard with friction grooved surfaces to measurably increase safety and ‘control regardless ot how the knifeis hold. Plus, the locking liner is accessible anly atthe bottorn ofthe frame to minimize ‘accidental release under extreme conditions. The Apaches are confortable to grip. The grooved handle accommodates: ovary sao hand and its chape parmits tho Seives to be held and used ina variety of positions. The lightweight, precision mechined 6061 T6 hard anodized black aluminum handles have & bead bast finish that improves rip. ‘Al models re equipped with a SK7 black belupocket clip for ‘ease of use and the chp eds leverage in ane hand opening. The Seahai'spuwvertu hawkabinbad \worihorse, The radius ofthe cutting edge “Teed” the matarish tobe cut inte theblade so thet is doesnt sip away. I's ial for marine and industil eopheations where peternance counts The Seahawk shares the same combination of materials ‘and advanced manufacturing techniques as the ' Apache, Seadaswé Spocitications Blade: OveralLengih-287° (8.0m) ating Edge -8 37" 6 cr) Thickness 112" (03 en) Hardness - 52 58 HRC Renda: Cesed Length 5.12" (130 em) Weoht 46 02131 a) 7073: _Ful Tile Fon Serates Seahawk COMMANDER The knife that’s as rugged as it sounds. If you demand hard work from a folding knife, the Commander is a great choice. Its skeleton, zinc alloy frame eliminates weight without compromising strength, and the frame extended guard, generous size and bead-blast finish give you extra gripping power. High-carbon, chromium stoinless steel blades stand up to ch tackle tougher jobs. The grooved thumb stud and lacking liner design allow you to comfortably open or close the blade with a single, smooth, one-handed motion, Hex-head fasteners let you tighten the blade, praviding the proper blade tension even under heavy, sustained workloads. The Commander is a highly -purpose folding knife, and its convenient pocket/belt clip keeps it always ging day-to-day tasks, with Triple-Point ™ serrations on hand to S601 Aco $811 Paton 6513 Mee fe wand Bear seve Tape Gi Op ot fe rine Bop et Saectenth Pi en [Somehow they Dennett Sa Dre Sa 04am) Tipe tant Serna rot Surn 6602 Red Dog (Blade Length: 21/2" [6.4 cm) Blade Leng 31/2" (10.1 cmb ‘Blade: Toper-Groun Drop Point ‘vera Length: SSN" (14.8 cmb (eoal Langit: 83/4" (25-2cem) Baden 1 6612 ditto 662 Meaty She: Te Soar op Fom Bae Tone Grd ap a seca biz Conte Sey fant Snoe pees ea aol Pad Tie for Sered Bocntmenes neo Seavurgn: 0 ee baie FOr Oeeat rnc te Gado Sanit te patie Grote (0 ea) | BIG EDDY FILLETS ‘When you pick up @ Big Eddy fillet knife, you'll immediately feal its balance and comfort. The unique Twin-Fused™ handle is 3 rigid, high-impact pelypropylane core wrapped with & soit, comfortable checkered grip for a firm, safe hold. On tho business end, Big Eddy features a Fazor-Sharp blade with perfectly placed mid-point flox and Triple-Point™ Serrations to help you handle the toughest cutting chores. Its streamlined sheath is injection molded for tough weor and style, and the polypropylene lanyard adds extra convenience. Big Eddy builds in all the quality of the world’s finest filleting knives at 008 Big Edd 3010 Big Eddy a remarkably fair price. Fazer Sharp Fileting rife with ‘azoc-Shaip Fileting Knife with Triple Point ™ Sercations TiplePoint ™ Serrations lage: Taper Ground Blase: Taper Ground | lage Length: & 34” (17.1 em) Blade Length: 8° (22.9 cm) | (Overall Length 12° (205 cen) Overall Length: 14 1/2 (26.8 em) 6 IOVBin Clan Peck Sameas 2010 in Clam Pack BIG SKY HUNTERS =) | Sharp and Strong, these rugged knives are designed for field and camp chores. They have | heavy-gauge 3.5 mm blades for toughness when | skinning and field dressing game. Friction | grooves onthe blade spines increase safety. | Big Sky Hunters have a eheckered grip and | ribbed guard to provide secure, non-slip | aripping when cleaning your quarry. Razor | Sharp cutting edges mean clean smooth cuts | while Triple-Point™ Serrated edges handle the | rugged cutting chores that could damage fine | sutting edges, Sheathe sown from extersterdy E-vence Blade: Hobow-Ground, BowietHunting Blade: Taper-Ground Skinning | shoulder leather are crated for durability. Combined Root Shar and Blade Length.) (85 em) | ‘The handle:cover has no straps of snaps ta Trpl-Pent ™ Serated ‘Over Length; $ (229em) catch on brush causing you to loose your knife. Ger rey 11 a hae They are polyethylene lined to help prevent 2003 Partner 4 200 five ade: Tapr-Grourd, accidental cut through, ph tenia ‘Bade: TeperGrourd.Drop-Point Drep-Peint Skinning icky. " Shicning wih Gut Hock ‘ade Length 4 34” (121 em) a (Bade Length 43/4" (12.1 em) ‘Ovorab Length #4" (248m) Length: 924" (24.8:6m) J | - COBRA GOLD KOMODO GOLD Created by custom knife maker Jim Hammond, the Cobra Gold and Komodo Gold knives are beautifully crafted, thoughtfully designed toats. These Locking Liner Folders: offer smooth ane- hand opening, assisted by Teflon” bearings, thet canbe accamplished by both right and left handers and the handle's cl i designed to give easy, yet sat locking liner for one: stainless steel foeking linar cr lock by meking maximum contact with the back of the blade, ‘The Cabra Gold and Komodo Gold's handle is formed from an injection-molded Zytel® frame that's durable and strong enough to stand up to ‘inde Dae Hote ‘the big jobs. It incorporates a dauble guard for Geen, ip Pant (lot. Corie CipPin. Ful Tg for safety and control. Contoured and ‘Bide erg 326° (88 ond Same Srarp and Tite Vt” Saad sculptured, this handle gives you relaxed control during lang periods of use and permits the knives to be held more secure during heavy work. Soft Kraton” scales mean a nar-s ny kind ‘of weather, with raised ribs edding an additional measure of safety. Hex-head fastenors at the blade pivot and stop allow tightening the blade, providing tha propar blade tension aven andor sustained workloads. ‘Overal Leng 9 (22.8 cmp Pee Sertas ia eng 318° (2.8 em ae Lergh: 3 7 (2.8 cm) Over Large (2259) vera beogt (22.9 ‘Tho Cobra Gole's bead-blast fi double-hollow ground to maxis efficiency-with as much mass as possible lft at the blade tip to increase durability. The blade area ahead of tho integral top guard is unground to maximize blade strength in an are suscepti to heavy crass-stressing. And three different cutting edges fit every work and s porting requirement ‘The Komado Gold's powerful blade is a Tanto 8 ¥ pired, Chisel Paint-Ground blade that is de Chel Pant Gaon, ia Chan Gre, ae APE ea i“ last non-reflective finished, It too has beon’ ieounek 06 haat Laneenees Take Til Pe designed to maximize cutting efficiency, blade co an ele Pie™ Serod ‘ Corumangacer 20uch Sous oe eae asen) stoma nd dr ) and affers three different Blase Legon 37 I9emt Owed Lang 9 (z24em) SUNG ages. Sealleun teas All Cobra Gold and Komodo Gold models include webbed belting scabbards that can be warn vertically or horizontally an the belt, KOMODO : ¥ od 2200L with Leather Sheath with Boot/Belt Clip 2207L with Leather Belt Sheath Komodo builds upon the strengths of the SEALTAC®, the tough dual function fixed-blade knife designed by custom knife maker Jim Hammond. The Komodo features an impressive Tanta-inspired, Chisel-Point Ground blade. The High-Carbon Chromium Stainless Stool blade has a bead.blast non-reflective finish and is ground only on the front side, creating a perfectly balanced blade with increased mass for maximum strength. Ahead of the integral guards, the blade is not ground to maximize blade strength in the cutting ‘most subject to cross-strass, The Razor-Sharp cutting edge provides maximum cutting efficiency. Plus, full tang construction gives the Komodo design superior strength and balance—improving performance and reducing fatigue. 8, The Komado’s super strength injection-malded Grilon® handle is sculpted | with swells at both hend end pommel for maximum contol. It provides a non-slip grip regardless of use end ellows the knife to be held more securely during high-stress heavy load situations. The Kemade models are shown above with tough 9 02. Shoulder Leather Showths, a superior grade selected for its durability, All models are also available with Kydex® shoaths; @ thormo- plastic that provides exceptional impact and tensile strength, rigidity, and abrasion resistance. Optional shoulder harness and bolt carry extendar aro available for Kydax Balt Sheeth Models Blade Length: 4 1/4" (10.8 em) vera Length # 1/8" (20.6 em) Includes: Nydex Sheath with 380° Rating Clp Blade Length: & 1/4" {10.8 om) Over Length 8 1/8" (206 cm) Includes: Leather Sheath with BooyBen Cip Blade Length: § 1/2 (14.0 cm) Over Length: 10112" (28) em) Incudes: Kydex Hot Shea 22061 Komodo Blade Length: 5 1/2" (04.0 em) (Overall Leng: 10:/2" (28.7 een) Incas: Loathar Sheath with Boot Belt Cip Blade Length: 6 172 (16.5 em) (a14 em) Includes: yx Belt Sheath Blade Length 6 172 (16.5 em) Overall Length: 12.978" (31.4 co) lnchdes: Leather Bet Sheath SEALTAC® 2100K with Kydax*Sheath with 360° Rotating Clip Designed by custom knife maker Jim Hammond, the SEALTAC is @ tough, dual-function knife. Its double-taper ground, bead-blast finished blade incorporates @ Razor-Sharp cutting edge with a Triple-Point"™ Serrated spine: the sharp edge is for routine cutting tasks; the serrated edge rips through tough materials like hemp rope in a flash. The double-taper grind leaves as much metal at the blade point as possible for maximum strength. Perfectly balanced, he SEALTAC blade provides maximum cutting efficiency with the knife point slightly teised for superb tracking. The blade are of the integral quards is left ungound-maximizing blade strength in ‘the area subject to the most cross-stress. Full tang construction ‘gives SEALTAC superior strength and balance. performance and reducing fatigue. proving ‘SEALTAC’s injection molded Griton” handle is: scul both the hand and pommel for maximum control, You ge regardless of conditions. The grip's overall thickness givos mare re: ‘control during periods of long use and allows the knife to be held more securely during high stress hoavy-load cituations, The SEALTAG models are shown above with Kydex sheaths. Kydex is @ therma-plasti¢ that provides the superior impact strength rg sil strength, and abrasion resistance for tough use in the field. Optional ‘shoulder harness and belt Carry extender are available for Belt Sheath ‘models. Plus all SEALTAC models are available with tough, durable $ o. should ‘2107K SEALTAC It with Kydlex Belt Sheath ‘210K Weetor Blade Length: 4 1/4" (10.8 em) ‘Overal Length: 8 1/8" (2046 comp Uncles: Kyver Sheath with ‘360° Rotating Cap 21001. Vector Bede Length: 4 1/4"{10.8 em) ‘Overat Length: 1/E" (206 om) Includes: Leather Sheath with Booted Clip 2106 SEALTAC Blade Lengen:§ 1/2" (14.0 em) veal Length: 10°1/2" (26.7 om) lnchdes: Kydex oh Sheath 2106L SEALTAG Blade Length: 5 1/2" {84.0 cm) Overall Legth: 101/2" (26.7 cx) Includes: Leather Seat with BoovBek clip 2107K SEALTAC II Bade Leng: 1/7 (16 em) Over Length: 12 34° (4 em) Inoue: Kyoae Bot Sheth 21071 SEALTAC Il Blade Length: 6 12° (1650) Overall Lange: 12 3/8" (37.8 em) Includes: Leathae Halt Sheath - x a FOLDING HAND TOOLS Cut ‘n Gap ™ This unique tool was invented and patented by a professional mechanic who knows exactly how pro's tools have to ‘work. Designed to take the hard use a ‘mechanic can dish out, the Cut 'n Gap has a rugged main cutting blade, plus a precision spark plug gapping gauge. Built into a single framo, both of those frequently used tools are always within ‘easy reach. To make work easier, the ‘cutting blade can be opened with one hhand. Lika the Cattleman (shown below), @ soft Kraton® case covers the 6200 Cut‘n Gap intemal bress frame. It’s perfectly sized Blades: 3 (7.6m Hollow-Ground, Clip Point +0 fit your poe! 3° (7.6 eth Precision Gapping Tool Overall Length: 7 1/8" (18.1 enn) an The right too! for farmers, ranchers, construction workers-or anyone who uses a knife for rugged, two-handed work. This two-bladed to combines a Razor-Sharp cutting blade for precise work with a Triple- Point™ Serrated blade for jobs that damage most cutting edges. Far fast access, the Razor-Sharp blade can be ‘opened with one hand. Like the Cut'n Gap (shown above), the Cattleman’s handle features a soft, non-slip checkered grip, It's ‘contoured to fit yaur hand for relaxed Sc control during heavy jobs. Blades: 3° (7.6 cm) Hollow-Ground, Clip Point with Razor Sharp Cuting Edge ¥ (2.6 cm) Taper-Ground Shoepsfoot ‘with with Trigl-Point™ Serrations Overall Length: 7 1/8" (18.1 cm} | | An ultra-light, fiberglass-reinforced-nylon frame builds tremendous strength into this slim profile lock back. Designed to fit in your pocket, the Wrangler’s taper- | | ground, drap-point blade opens and closes with a minimum of effort. This beefy blade is so durable it greatly reduces chipped edges and brokes tips. A heavily checkered handle gives you a comfortable and steady grip that makes your work easier, The Wrangler is a precision-built lack back at a surprisingly fair price. Overat Length: 9B" (13.7 em) vera Length: 71/2" (8.1 em) Includes: Webbed Being Blade Length: 31/4" (8.3m) Overall Length: 71/2" (18.1 cm) Seabbard Includes: Webbed Belting 5401 Colt Scabbard Blade: Taper-Grourd, 6411 Badger Drop-Foint Blade: Taper-Ground, Drop-Po | Blade Length: 2 374° (7.0.0) ‘Combined Ragor-Shaep and | Overall Length: 6 1/8" 415.9 em) ‘Tiple Point” Serated ‘Blade Length: 23/4" (7.0 em] | ‘vera Length: 61/4" (18. em) 5400 Angus 6407 Mustang 5412 Coyote Blade: Tape-Ground, blade: Teper Ground, Blade: Taper-Ground, Drog-Paint | Drop Paint Drop-Point (Combined Razor Sharp and | Blade Length: 21/4°(8:7 cm) Blade Length; 2 1/4" (83 em) ‘iple Point Seated Over time, all blades can loosen. CRKT builds Wrangler Lock Backs with a spacial hex head fastening system so you can tighten its blade for proper tansion throughout the knife's long life Knives are serious tools, that’s why they're part of our name. CAKT builds ious knives, engineered to orinthe ithaut letting yeu down, All cur hard- more comfortable, and less fatiguing in use. They are practical. purpose driven designs created by ‘some of the mast innovative Knifemakers* Guild Members and our ‘restive designers. ‘We build goed products because materials are the best avaiable ane fare matched to the performance requirements of each model. All inde steels are high-carbon chromium stainless ~ AUSEM, AUSBA, ATS24 heat traated to 55-58 HRC. The blade hardness is varied by product graup to bast mact the typical application ef models within the foup. Handla and frame materials are some of tha most technatogi- cally advances and they too are varied by praduct greup to produce the best combination of materials for the performance requl We're able to control all manufacturing processes, beginning to end, which permits us to build knives without compromising quality in any part of thair creation. Furthor, our accessories are crafted to the same 6 shen and seabbard ves up qual in quality tothe best production knives in the market and we work hard to make sure aur prices a We hope this catalog will provide all the information you need about ‘our current product offerings, But if it doesn’, please callus, We ‘would enjoy speaking with you and answering any ‘questions in detail i Paul Gillespie 6 Rod Bremer ‘Wrangler-and Commander models are a perfect and highly effective way to keep your company name, logo or product in front of your customers. CAKT folders are your advertising billboard to present a strong image for your company. A variety of durable colors are available for the high quality, dotailed printing of your unique identity. Plus ORKT Pocket Billboards are remarkably affordal Please call or fax for the few details needed to get your customized sales promotion started. Warranty it any of our knives over breaks or fats because of materia er manvfectoring detect, we itrepece it. This 48 9 mites fifetime werrenty, geod ve long a8 you owe veur kaif. Having said that, we'd also like te point cut thet knives this good raraly break ar fail from defect. ‘they break or fail fram what we call “tool ng them for unsuitable tasks like prying oF pounding. So please match the tool to the tazk, and ‘use your knife enly fer cutting. The knife will Inst your knife for something just remember the words of one of ‘A knit is the least effective and east expensive pry bar you'll aver own. A |COLUMBI Barve &TOOL 9720 S.W. Hillman Court, Suite 805 Wilsonville, OR 97070 USA Tel: 503/685-5015 800/891-3100 Fax: 503/682-9680 & hin “eZ”. uPert rth Gros” MS Osmo” Reed © Cover Phen by Urarenoe Hote

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