Portfolio Lesson Plan Artifact 3

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Jessica Beasley


Lesson Summary: This lesson is for 4th grade students and focuses on
the writing subject. Students will choose a holiday from another culture and
learn about it. They will compile the information into a book and present it to
the entire class. Students will be taken to the library for one day to gather
information. The outcome for the kids writing lesson plan is a finished book
complete with contents, an introduction, pictures and text. The children will
also have to design the cover for their book.

1. Objectives:
Standards: -CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.3 Write narratives to develop real or
imagined experiences
or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and
clear event sequences.
-CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.5 With guidance and support from
peers and adults,
develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,
revising, and editing.
-Students will complete a finished book and improve their
writing skills as well as
their presentation skills.
Objectives: -Students will be able to write a story and present it to the
-Students will be able to create a book about a holiday from
another culture.
Multicultural Objective: Students will be able to develop an educational
environment that promotes respect for differences.
Learning Styles: Visual learners will be able to be able to observe examples
of books. Auditory learners will be able to use oral discussions with peers for
support on their book. Kinesthetic Learners will be able to benefit by doing
this activity because they will have to read their stories aloud to the class.
Spatial intelligence will be used for the students because they must make an
outline before they begin their stories. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence will be
at use when the students will read out their stories. Intrapersonal Intelligence
will be used by students who are thoughtful about making decisions and
choices on their book. Linguistic intelligence will be used in this lesson
through writing a story.

2. Materials/Equipment:

Instruction Sheet
Gel Pens
Hard Paper
Construction paper
Computer with Internet
Grading Rubric

3. Instruction: What is your favorite holiday? Besides the all-time

favorite Christmas, did you know there are many more different kinds
of holidays celebrated throughout the entire world? I would like for
each of you to research a holiday from another culture, other than your
own and write a short book about it.
Day 1
1. Teacher will give a visual example of what the book should look like and
handout an instruction sheet along with the grading rubric.
2. Students will be taken to the library to research what holiday they will
choose from another culture.
3. Teacher should give children about 30 minutes to research what holiday
they want to write a book about. They are welcome to use the
computers, one person per computer, and/or they can check out books.
4. Students are allowed to consult with peers orally to discuss their book.
5. Students then have to write an outline of their ideas for their storyline.
Day 2+3
1. Teacher will have gel pens, markers, pens, felt, paper, construction
paper, stickers, hard paper, fabric and a stapler on the table by the
teachers desk. Students may go up and pick anything they desire
whenever they want.
2. Students will get hands on when creating the book and may get into
small discussion groups for peer help and review.
3. Teacher will be assisting any students who need help.

4. Students must use creativity. Students can also bring in any of their
own decorations for the book.
5. Teacher should go around the classroom and monitor work production.
Day 4

Students will draw pictures and/or add stickers to their book.

Students must design a cover with the title and their name.
Teacher will proof read and make corrections to the students books.
Students will complete their book and bind it using a stapler at the
teachers desk.
Day 5
1. Teacher will have students read aloud their book and act it out as well.
2. Students will be called up in alphabetical order to present their project.
3. Students may ask the presenter any questions about the holiday they
chose and the presenter must answer the best they can.
4. Teacher will ask presenter some questions about the holiday they
Why did you choose this holiday?
When is this holiday celebrated?
Who celebrates this holiday?
When and where was this holiday founded?
5. Teacher will grade according to the grading rubric that was handed out
the first day.

4. Closure:
Did you gain a level of respect and understanding for other cultures
through learning about their holidays?
Was writing a story and making a book out of it more engaging to you?
What did you like best about this project?

5. Assessment:
Cultural Holiday Book Grading Rubric
Book has a creative cover, contents, pictures, color and
Student promoted respect for cultural differences while
presenting and it is demonstrated in the book



Book has a narrator, sequence of events and a conclusion

The cultural holiday is explained well in the story
Presentation is done with a nice projected voice and
questions are answered at the end of the presentation
Total points:


/ 50

6. Bibliography:
Blooms Taxonomy Action Verbs." Clemson.edu. N.p., 23 Oct. 2013. Web. 2
Dec. 2013

"English Language Arts Standards Writing Grade 4." Common Core State
Initiative. Common Core State Standards Initiative, 23 Sept. 2013. Web.
04 Dec. 2013.

Kelly, Melissa. "Kinesthetic Learners." About.com Secondary Education.

About.com, 2 Dec.
2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.

"Making Books with Children." - Creating Handmade Books. Homeschoolingideas.com, 2 Dec.

2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.

"On Common Ground." Ccsd.net. Clark County School District, 16 Aug. 2012.
Web. 2 Dec. 2013.

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