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Oueret + CWKUVOLUIOakmount& Partners Linked Date + ToAMpust 205, For the attention of wi cedd-mnitor ors sovrermons yee sind Me Cis ang 20:22 Mom ow 0x 54086 ens 3 URGENT. verre. F INTENDED LEGAL. PRO Dear Sis, Our clients: Glenn Jamie King, Oakmount and Partners Limited, Oakmount Global Management Limited ‘We write in respect of the above matter and further to aur eter dated 3 August 2015, copy of which we enclose for completeness. We note that we have yet to receive a response from you. ‘We are now instructed to commence injunctive relief proceedings and to instigate ‘claim in defamation arising from the aniele published on ww. red-1nonlior.o ‘We take this last opportunity to urge you to remove the offending post by 4pm on 11 August 2015; Proceedings will ensue without further recourse to youif you ful to respond to this eter Again, we take this opportunity to suggest that you obtain independent legal advice fon this mater. ‘Yours faithfully, eee For the attention of- ww seddemonton oe and COPY Me Chis Lang Fi Ta ee Hee 3 August 2015 soy 0k IRGENT [LETTER BEFORE ACTION Dea Sis, ur cients: Glenn Jamie King, Oakmount and Partners Limited, Oakmount Global “Management Limited We act for Glen Jamie King, Oakmont and Pariners Limited, and Oskmount Global Management Limited. Mr King isa director of both of those companies, Oakmount and Partners Limited caries on wading a8 a custodian and Intermediary in the Financial Investment Marke, Oakmoun Global Managemen snot presently trading. A blog oF article ented "Oskmount Managemen Parters, Oakwood Fisancal Management, Oakmount and Partners, Baron Trades, Emerald Knight, Onkmount Giotal Management, MH Carbon, DMD Media, Morgan Forbes, and Centum Capital Markets: A network of seam eompnies" (Offending Statement) is curetly being published on a websie page accessible via the URL: btipufwww.redd ‘monitor org/2015/0728/oakmount-managemen|-parines-oakwoodefingnesl- ‘mangement-sakmovnt-and-pariners-baron-iradersenserald-knight-oakmount ‘lobal-managemen.gh-carbon-dmnd-media-moruan-forbesand-centri. ‘apilal (Offending Webpage, ‘The Offending Statement is attibuted to Chris Lang. Me Lang is responsible fo its publication on the website wwv.ce-montorrs. Legal Viability for ks publication ‘sll also rest with any other persons who have cated or authorised its publication so far, c¢ who doso in Future. For ese of reference, we enclose a pin-out copy ofthe Offending Webpage. ‘The Offending Statement was brought to out clens attention on 29 July 2015 by Kession who are mentioned in the offending statement. K makes seriously defamatory allegations against our clients, in essence, that Mr King is guilty of fraud, being personally involved in and responsible for a network of companies engaged is scams" (dishonest schemes) involving the sale of carbon credits and that our corporate clients are part ofthat network of “scam” companies and are each engaged In such fraud 6. These allegations are untue and ae without foundation. The publication of these allegatioas has eased serious harm tothe reputation of Mr Kit, whois decir of both of eur corporate clients, and, If they continve 1 be publisted, further such harm is inevitable. So far as our corporat clients are concerned, the publication of these allegations is damaging to thet epuations and i ikely to res in serous nancial lose 7. Our purpose in wring at this siage isto request that this Offending Statement be withdrawn immediately. 1 appeas to us that tis within Me Ling's power to secure its immediate removal. We are writing also (9 seweredi-noiigcons (etl) 50 that any ther person involved ia that website is on noice ofthis complaint, We invite such person() 10 secure the ienmediate removal ofthe Offending Statement. ‘We aso invite you io iden the host of he website. 8. On behulf of Mr King, this leer also gives noice to require yo to cease processing personal data of which he i the subjet. The publication ofthe Offending Stslement ‘nthe Offending Website has involved processing of persona data of whieh Me King isthe dat subject. This is causing (and is lkely to continue to ause) him substantia ‘damage and distress, which is unwarranted. We refer you to section 10 of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). I appears to us tha it is reasonabl to require cessation ‘of processing within the nex 7 days (at the lates). Mr King’s ights under the DPA, Tike al ther ightsof cur liens, are reserved, 9. We ask you to acknowledge receipt of this leer immediatey. We invite you to confion forhividh chat yoo will rove the Offending Stalemen in its ents. We ‘would ask fora response by no Ini than 4pm on August 2018, 10. Our ction privity it secure the removal of tht Offending Statement, £0380 stp ‘any farther dissemination of the defamatory allegations. AN of thei righs are reserved. You wil appreciate th they have the eight to iaim damages from you and {to seck an injunction if necessary) The prompt removal in respons to ths lt wil Inform our cliens' couse ‘We look forward to hearing from you by 4pm on 4August 2015 Weaby Ze MEARY &.00 $01 C1TORSL ne. ‘A network of scam companies | REDD-Monitar Page tof 12 ‘SEARCH Oakmount Management Partners, Oakwooc Financial Management, Oakmount and Partners, Baron Traders, Emerald Knight, Oakmount Global Management, MH Carbon, DMD Media, Morgan Forbes, and Centrium Capital Markets: A network of scam companies ayovieg sparen 980008 257] company called Dakmount Management Parner ei offering people Ze whe nave Been scammed buying carbon ced as Investments an ek Strategy. Ofcourse there's an advance fe invlved, And ofcourse is sen, ‘ura eam nce str or ene ith Oakrnaune Management Partners ‘Theres a series of companies invohed Lets wort our way tough teas some of them and the man Eokng these companies: Glenn jamie King (ere may eins to ther companies and ther people I ook forward to hearing about hese nthe comments) Oakmount Management Partners ‘Oskmount Managemen Partners websce was exer anonymous in January 205. The company does appear tobe reser nthe UK although is adores 25 Canada Square, London A search ‘on open Corprates for Oakmeun Management Partars ves no resus, ‘Tha website ges nolnformaton about who i behind the company. Oakwood Financial Management REDD-Montorrecemly receives 3 copy of alee Lom company clad Oakwood Final ‘Managemen. Te ete sttes that Oakwood Finacial Management had been,“ app fia Ruidtr ofa numberof companies that have bean imohadin the carbon cred mark. Teeter continuts by expiring that Oakwood Fnanal Managements ak st “ict the ompanies making sure tree are any assets, they are sold on their hal zo has competion con bhupu?wwnwsedd-monior.orp/2015/07/28/eakmount-manasement-arinrt-oakweod-f. 03/08/2015 ‘A network of scam companies | REDD-Monitor Page? of 12 “Tocaataurapaopla hat tent aca, Oshvod Fnac Management ‘We are aware that chen mayexpertence col calls hom thd pony organizations claiming to bein 3 position 1a sl your carbon emision unis sdice me MUSE give 's¢tac you D0 NOT enetain these calls asthe mayory ofthe ul) under the ‘racket of Boiler Room Sc! “han Oshwcod Financial Management outines ts wn scam: (Oakwood Financial Managements now presenting al afectd parties with the following options. ation Daal of Opportunity Uquldation Of the Asset ‘Asset Management ‘Aaset Re-Reystraton. ‘aood Financial Managernent dees ve an ress ints eter, jst a phone number, (0n22 Api 2015, the Franca Conduct Author put ata waming about Oshwood Financia ‘Nanagerent whichis a one of an FCA authored er, ‘erga! ecient ofthe eter got «phone calla couple of dys ater roma “dedicate account manager who gave 3 company regsvation ruber (07101468) ond svggestedloking upon ‘ampanycneckcouk The number for 2 company called Oakmount nd Parinars Lid (We come "aces Oakmaunt and Pariners below, Notion ater th phone eal a “Contact of Sle" and an Ini for"CorprateRe-Diversion” avd in the post from a company called Ostmoune Managemen ariners eee above Thence wes dus in three working day, “Te "Contract of Sal” was signed by Glenn Janie King Orectar of Oakmount Partners. This contract fel a een proved wth Terms and Condon aid verte and sow te "ane le fr yor own recor. Aceeptaate the cnet tery lds i pant tchereee ‘ih the Term aud Condon Sale Conte nd Ahr By. es ‘Mr-Glem une King Cima o Oskar Pavers Oakmount and Partners ‘We know that Oakmoure Managerent Partners seam because aye soon the website of nether ‘hrm wih the srr name: Oakenount and Parner. And we know that Oakmaunt end Partners cant [p/w sedd-monitoror/2015/07/28loakmount-manaxementparners-cakwood-,. 03/08/2015 ‘A network of seam companies | REDD-Monitor Page 3 of 12 ossly bea scam because the company's website estes the words "neprty- Ts ~ Reputation” Inarge eters Heres a screensot rom Oakmount and Parcnrs website That sereenshet was ake from an archive copy of Gakmount and Partners webs. as archived 12920 Api 2015. Threemonths ote, he noice ll hee, and Oskrrount Management Poin s Dieu to beleve sm Surely akmoune ana Primers were aeptimate company hatha taken ‘mmedate legal and professional recourse” nd tol the Poe, Banks, Financial Conduct Authority, {and Action Fraud, Oakrount NanagerantParners transparent obvcus scam would by now have ‘been stopped? As far as fm aware, the Francil Conduct Authoryhes not even pout 2 wacring thet ‘Oskmounc Managemen Partners is dering Oakmeunt ang Parnes. Precctaby enaugh, a dose lok a Oakmount and Parner suggests thatthe words Integy Trust = ‘Repucation”on ne company’s website have nahin whatsoever to do withthe way the company Baron Traders "frst came across Oaknounc and Partners in 2013, when lwrate about a scam compar called Baron ‘Traders received an eval rom James Reha, the decor of Baron Traders asing eo remore the aie. The post abet Baron Traders ssl avaible on REDO-Maniter a5 fchards request Pat remove the pos. _Ae bottom of ich emall as an email aeenc anny aroneadars om ut cling on that ‘email adress brought p an emalladsress belonging to Oakmount and Partners info@astmounpariners ck 12013, OatmouncandPariers website looked he this huge sedemonitr.4/2015/07/28loakmount-manggemen-paRner-cxkwoodst.. OS82015 ‘A network of seam companies | REDD-Moni Page dof WE Emerald Knight Cakmount and Parner ha ink with Emerald Knight sti rach for an ovestment in something called “Carbon Neutral Oling” shows, Emerald night afeed a maruhy return of Bh Ane tecless to s/s 2 vansparendy obvious sam. {mera ight was a Boer rom operations webs has now gone, bt an achive is avalble Sere). REDD- Monitor has reporteg on Emerald Kngh’s olen Sling the flowing doggy investments ‘9 members ofthe pub. + REDD carbon eres rom Bea and Papua New Guines for Industry RE (a company that wos ordered no qulsten in September 2073) + Investmenes in teak plantations in ral for Global Forestry knvestrints (ects year, he Serious Fraud Offi opened sina investigation into GF Inrote about mera Knight sales pitch and how it soceedd In duping the Fnac Times toy FT Gakmount Global Management _Atthe top of Cakmeunt and Partners website ican announcement explaining that"Our New and Irnovaive Webstes are Currey Uncee Construction Tw company names are lted:Obkmountand aries id 52008 and Cakrnaurt Global Manageme E8201), futhere's what Oskmount Global Managements webste looked kein November 2014, ack wher the company was seling nea-werthiess carbon crete a investments fo members ofthe pubic tps cedd-monitrer/2015/0728/eukinvunt-mnagementpariner-ookwood-f., 03/08/2015 ‘A nesworc of scam companies | REDD-Monitor Page Sof 12 errsa- (Sarsa~ oars @ cotercun cia Management Ltd | > 3 copa mean Ss Lorre i SS What is a Carbon Credit? | ee | et ye Pca an rama eee Ue tn Femewe Cons on np vo ae ass a ie unique ottosr sasremson tena ene UE MH Carbon (Oakmont Global Management was one ofthe companles an ais of supperscutodion of carbon reds provided by MH Caroon Nomineesin 2013, after scam company MH Cen went ino valureary Tguidacon. Uke the other companies runing tis sot of scam, Oakmount Global Managemen’ webste featured misleading staternents ue carbon markets Lk ths one Carbon offering isin ts early stages but market growth being deventy ‘egstanen ara ne oackng of ames every county nthe word A recert NewYork Times arielecesribved crbon tracing sone ote lastest growing species in ‘inanciat serices and compares are scrambling to ge ase of mare now worth about 130 blfan wt eportsinceaing it could grow to 1 rllen by 2020 |ntp/orwwredé-monitrorg/2015I07/28/oskmount-managemen-parners-oskwood-f...OVOS/2015 ‘A network of seam companies | REDD- Monitor Page 6 of 12 COakmaunt Global Management cefersto 0 New York Times article wa wien in 2007, and ines {quotation om Lois Renshaw, then head of envionment markets a Sicays Copia “carbon wi be the works Blages commecly marke adit oul become the ori Oggest marke ver a= Redshaw res ged rom Barclays Captalin Api 202, andin March 2014 he set ups own constng frm, Redshaw Advisors. Hes witten a arte responding tthe fac thats quotation hasbeen misused by scam companies: Some of these companies have used the quote atthe tap of thispage 258i vel ‘orworthless carbon credits that they attemp fo ofa oles experienced Investors thievery facts the metaaton far ning sail Ivestment in any Carbon erect is peculative bt untke compliance driven carbon markets where sensible supply and éemand eras can be dane anda view aren. analysis and price views ofthe ofset market are very unreliable Couple his with there noe Deinga lique marke to cash in an investment ane ugly carbon markets are 3 very iy proposition Private investment hous be eiced Redshaw Advisors doesnot invest in ungulates cacon markets, despite Be companys many yeas experience athe carbon market, Glenn Jamie king Catmount Globe Management was registeredin 201, nd he rector Glenn jamie King Kings als drector of akmount and Parnes. From ay wo September 2010, lenn King wasa recor of a company cles DMD Meda when he et, he was replaced by Michael Nascimento. Tony Hetheringlon wrote about Nascerie company ‘Morgpn Forbes adits eublous ivastent schemes inthe Daly alin August 201. Morgan Forbes "wae ssfring an investment in aoe Panta do Pargo on Mada. Te campany promised ature ck "1am ater fire years, Another seam, obvious. From his Linkin page, we learn char Glen King ses himself a an, experienced proessona with aby to manage porto, assess and manage ‘pontao risk exposures, and develop investment srtepes and poy guidelines forthe most ensve chen relaionshes Kang wasa cofounder and pares of Centrum Capital Markets Lt. The company, which was cnglstered in Apri 2013 curently drmare The eampany's websites behind 2 lamer nce ‘explaining that, "Te investment opportuties on this website are only avalble to professional investors" and tht “There ae rise asroited withthe aie and invests nat may be outined fying ie not ensuring tht the words, “Trust tery, Opportuni/’ appeer onthe web Centum Captl Markets snot epstered withthe FCA. Instead note ae bot ofthe website informe that hupv7ww cedd-monitororp/201S107/28loakmount-management-parines-oskwood-f.. 03/08/2015 ‘A network of seam companies |REDD-Monitor Page 7 of 12 enor Capital Markets Limite (FRM: 648207 ian aognted epresentaive of ‘Kession Captal Limite (FAN. SR2160 which i uthoried and regulated by the Fanci Conduct uthocy nthe Uk On ts webs, Ksson tls that provides FCA Umbralla Services and Regulatory Hosting. Here's @ screens: NY N AN (Riu eteleen Aas WHAT WE DO. Cece eae rae ession rite with he FCA. The FOA apparent dase mind tat Kesion is lng is FCA permissions fo other companies. uta act ome ofthese companies look es though the only erie Invent approach would invlve te use of on extra long bargepal. thea Gloel Consuking for ‘example In Apel 2015 Spars Comin Naconal de ereao de Valores warnes that te comp and ks director Manuel Noguera Resalt was not authored te provide Investment avis in Spa, festa company adress in Barcelona. Final for now we lear rom his Linkedin photograph tat King seems to bleve thatthe best way of demonstrating “seg - Teust-Reputatiort, swith aselfe taken nthe gets |hupshvwo.redd-menitor og/201/07/28/seknwuieunimayementpariers-cakWood-f.. 03/08/2013 ‘A network of seam companies | REDD-Monitor Related dual Response ram Kession apical: We request thet you this atl om dhe internet REDD Inthe news: 2028 uly 2015 Ihupyfwww.redd-menitoro 2015107728loakmount-management-parner-oskwood-f. corporates 2m FE Wealth Managements ‘unninga carbon cred Rotrsteln Capital & Partners Response rom Ketclon Capital: "We request thot you case and desist and remove his arte from the teres» os/on0s ‘A network of scam companies| REDD-Monitor Page 9 of 12 3 Comments ry Raj Suri fo apmenseen was 01 CER 2013 by company cles abl Aterave nvesiens GAN wo ded hat (simount and Poriners(te cuore were Fok rept. se Emerals oh. Alas gone nt qudaton have recent been rol het Glenn ing is outa alter being srastedby the MET on Ol lethere anything tna can be done about tis? Chris Lang, (02)28 jay 2015820 9m (| Surv) ~ Tanks fortis. Whats your source forthe story about Glen King bing ares bythe MET? Chris Lang (£3729) 201821255 rm (Ra Sur(#1}~ Thanks forthe emalyou sen. think’ reasonable to sy that thats a lable foure fr your satement that Glenn King aut on bo after berg arrested by tne MET, Leave a Reply Youre aes wit ot be pbed al Wiebe ‘Commit Ihtpswwwted- monitor ern/2015/0728/oakmount-manazement-ariners-oskwood-f. 0/08/2015 ‘A network of scam companies | REDD-Monitr Page 10 of 12 Post Comment Dinca me oft cnmiants ty eal Chay ew pons by ema 8e00 Subscribe: ter your email address to receive updates of new posts ed aren, Suc REDDismms: Itis worth recalling that the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, later characterized by the heads of the UN Environment Program and the World Meteorological Organization as ‘one of the great international achievements of the century, was negotiated by only -about 30 nations in nine months, with delegations seldem exceeding six persons and with minimal attention from outside observers and media. {doubt ‘whether the ozone treaty could have been achieved under the currently ‘fashionable global format. — henara «bones, chief US negotiator of the Montreal Protocol, 2007 Next quate » p/w. redd-monitorsg/2015/07/28/eakmount-managementparner-ookwood-f.. 03/08/2015 ‘A network of seam companies | REDD-Moritor Page 11 of 12 Tweets fete. Chuls Lang @resmonior an Soft Commodity Forest Risk Too! a satuakaptaldecantionsrgsotcommodiyt.via || Geekcious t Chris Lang eresmanioe a» REDD is ut! paperi/redémonitor/I2.. tris via ‘Grate Stewart David Locke @sienanotocke an EDD pie dust in Cambodia and continued 1 detoretation ‘edé-manitororg/2025/07/30/red uted by Cisne v ‘wet @xecemontr Recent comments: © cos an on scr as, recovery som scams, and wy ving of some become mere sing. rot (@Chrisina (425)-Fm sory to hear about th but hanks or. FP coisa on sates. ecnrcam cae a wy cst ame became mre gt (@ covs tang on tre cas: Stein ond ond Voletnernaonal and Veet ses (Gian redman(99)- Howe ee Goldberg get yur contact deta? © ores tangon ayer onsen ace arenshmen arpa ol sigan be ramon re operations {@TomLlgh(#1)- Thanks Fortis “Mat et comment abou Peter F¥ianredmanon ors Sring and ond Vip nenaealané Veet Ases ver elost coupe of wel have been contated several ines FP romtsien on eyo London Poe sess mena cf vegan ino baer room bon cet operations In Sepuember as yeor was approuened by a company cling tse tp e- monitor ong/2015/07/28/oakmount-mansgement-partner-cakwood-t... 0308/2015 ‘A network of scam companies | REDD-Monitot Page 12012 PV searchers en chy tonden Pte sre "dort ondersand wy Caburengets wh have scam so many peple ar Countries: sctcoqay Issues & organisations: ‘4832 acre Caucus Ble room Bonn Cancun Can EDD sve." Carbanaccouning Carbon Cede Carbon ‘ffs COM Consewation Iternsonsl COPTS Wasa Copenhagen Deeesaon Butban COP? Envronmental Defense Fund 5 FCPF FERN Franc REDO iP Fees enon 2 Friend of arth {Gc Talore Greenpeace Guest postncigencus Popes NGO steers Pornsn RM true REDDY Parnes REDD aris REDD in the nes Rk Solan Senge Stabe Fret Managemen The Nature Conservancy Us Maen ULREDD UNFCCC Wl ak WM WH onten writen by Chis Lang /#EDD Mentors censed under 2 Crestwe Commons Atibuton ‘Noncommercial Shar Ae 30 Unported tense Intpetwwsedkbmonitor.org/2015/07/28oakmount-managemen-parnersoakwood-f.. OBO8/20I9

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