Assent Form

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Sample Minor Assent Document

Project Title:
We are doing a research study about purpose in simple language.
A research study is a way to learn more about people. If you decide that you want to be part of this study,
you will be asked to description, including time involved.
There are some things about this study you should know. These are procedures, things that take
a long time, other risks, discomforts, etc.
Not everyone who takes part in this study will benefit. A benefit means that something good happens to
you. We think these benefits might be description.
If you do not want to be in this research study, we will tell you what other kinds of treatments there are for
you. This statement applies to research projects that offer treatment or
When we are finished with this study we will write a report about what was learned. This report will not
include your name or that you were in the study.
You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be. If you decide to stop after we begin, thats
okay too. Your parents know about the study too.
If you decide you want to be in this study, please sign your name.
I, _________________________________, want to be in this research study.
(Sign your name here)


Parts in Italics should be modified for your specific project. Other parts may need
to be modified as well depending on your research methods.

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