ST Dominics Day Prayer
ST Dominics Day Prayer
ST Dominics Day Prayer
practice our Lords counsel and do all he could to relieve the wants of the dying poor. He sold all
his belongings, even his books, which he very much needed in that city. Establishing a center for
almsgiving, he distributed his goods and gave them to the poor. This example so stirred the souls
of his fellow-students and masters in theology that, seeing how stingy their own help had been in
comparison with this young mans liberality, they began to give alms in greater abundance.
Gospel Reading
Luke 9:57-62
As they were going along the road, a man said to Him, "I will follow you wherever
you go." And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of
man has nowhere to lay His head." To another he said, "Follow me." But he said, "Lord, let me first
go and bury my father." But he said to him, "Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but as for
you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but let me first
say farewell to those at my home." Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and
looks back is fit for the kingdom of God."
a reflection on who Dominic is to us as DYA members and friends of DYA all over the country)
To me, being Dominican means to be fully alive, and open to possibilities, Its sharing the love and
goodness of God with people to empower them to be their truest selves. Marie Positano,
Amityville Dominican Associate
As a Dominican Sister, I love being part of a community, an Order and a family that shares a
common focus which is grounded in study, spirituality, service and community. Dominican life
reflects both prayer and action! It is a wonderful life and vocation! I am grateful to God for this
beautiful calling! Sister Diane Capuano, O.P., New York
Being Dominican means being part of a gigantic family all over the world, most of whom you
havent met yet. - Krystine Abberton, New York
Being Dominican means being part of something bigger than yourself; a worldwide group of people
living their lives in the pursuit of truth with a profound focus on social justice and protecting the
poor and marginalized. Andrew Abberton, New York
Being a Dominican means preaching with the wall street journal in one hand and a crucifix in the
other. Its all about educating yourself about your environment so you can efficiently serve your
community. Im also a firm believer that embracing the Dominican spirit involves loving and caring
for animals, especially dogs! - Blake M. Rose, Dominican University of California
Being Dominican means being free to be who you are, and knowing that in doing so, you are
preaching God's word. As a Dominican, you preach with every step, every breath, every existence
of your being, leading oneself and others to a life of holiness, and of course, happiness. -Jessica
Abejar, New York
Being Dominican to me means that no matter where I go I carry that name as I carry my own last
name. There always seems to be someone there for me wherever I go. When in need of a job, the
Dominican's got me on my feet. After I was established I found a way to give back to a
community service organization. I am still in great contact with the great Dominican Family and I
hope I can continue to have this bond. -Edgar Nieto, Chicago
Being Dominican means that I am connected to a worldwide community and worldwide support.
-Kayla Herold, Michigan
Being Dominican is living out my faith through prayer, service, and bringing the Catholic
community together. -Allison Rumptz, Michigan
Being Dominican means always having family around you no matter where you go and being able to
share something bigger than ourselves with those around us. -Brianna Frazer, Michigan
Being Dominican means taking advantage of the privileges God has given us to spread His word
through actions, thoughts and words to others. Being a Dominican helps encourage me to study
for truth and for higher understanding of the world God has given us. Dominicans are supportive
to those who want to live a life of study and for those who wish to help others who are
impoverished and in need. -Erin Russell O.P., Michigan
Hymn of Praise (Optional after the Reading and Reflection) Mary Frances Fleischaker, OP
In Dominic we claim to be,
through all the world one family,
O praise God, laudare!
A living heritage we share,
of study common life and prayer.
Refrain: Laudare, Alleluia, Benedicere, Alleluia! Praedicare!
To east and west to south and north;
O sisters, brothers now go forth,
Be a blessing, benedicere!
Throughout the universe release,
Gods reign of justice, love and peace!
Refrain: Laudare, Alleluia, Benedicere, Alleluia! Praedicare!
How beautiful upon the earth