Biopesticides, including entomopathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and plant secondary metabolites, are gaining increasing importance
as they are alternatives to chemical pesticides and are a major component
of many pest control programs. The virulence of various biopesticides
such as nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV), bacteria, and plant product
were tested under laboratory conditions very successfully and the selected
ones were also evaluated under field conditions with major success.
Biopesticide products (including beneficial insects) are now available
commercially for the control of pest and diseases. The overall aim of
biopesticide research is to make these biopesticide products available at
farm level at an affordable price, and this would become a possible tool in
the integrated pest management strategy. Moreover, biopesticide research
is still going on and further research is needed in many aspects including
bioformulation and areas such as commercialization. There has been a
substantial renewal of commercial interest in biopesticides as demonstrated by the considerable number of agreements between pesticide companies and bioproduct companies which allow the development of effective
biopesticides in the market. This paper has reviewed the important and
basic defection of major biopesticides in the past. The future prospects for
the development of new biopesticides are also discussed.
S. Senthil-Nathan (*)
Division of Biopesticides and Environmental
Toxicology, Sri Paramakalyani Centre for Excellence
in Environmental Sciences, Manonmaniam
Sundaranar University, 627 412 Alwarkurichi,
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]
Biopesticides are developed from naturally occurring living organisms such as animals, plants, and
microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, fungi, and viruses)
that can control serious plant-damaging insect
pests by their nontoxic eco-friendly mode of
S. Senthil-Nathan
Microbial Pesticides
S. Senthil-Nathan
Metarhizium anisopliae
S. Senthil-Nathan
Steinernema (Rhabditida)
Release of
Host finding
Infective juvenile
Host Killed
[Inside Egg]
Adult stage
S. Senthil-Nathan
Botanical Insecticides
CH3C - O
borer, rice gall midge, rice leaffolder, and grasshopper (Dhaliwal et al. 1996; Nanda et al. 1996;
Senthil-Nathan et al. 2009).
Melia azedarach
The promotion of botanicals as eco-friendly pesticides, microbial sprays, and insect growth regulators has been a major concern amid the presence
of other control measures like beneficial insects,
all of which demand an integration of supervised
insect pest control (Ascher et al. 1995). Plantbased insecticides are developed naturally from
plant chemicals extracted for use against serious
insect pests. As a result of concerns about the
ecological continuity of synthetic pesticides and
their potential toxicity to humans, nontarget beneficial insects, and some domestic animals, there
is a regenerated interest in natural products to
control insect pests. From this conclusion, the
development of biopesticides seems to be a logical choice for further investigation. Meliaceae
and Rutaceae species have received much attention due to the fact that they are a rich source of
triterpenes known as limonoids (Connolly 1983).
The Meliaceae plant family is known to hold
an assortment of compounds with insecticidal,
antifeedant, growth-regulating, insect-deforming,
and growth-modifying properties (Champagne
et al. 1989; Schmutterer 1990; Mordue (Luntz)
and Blackwell 1993; Senthil-Nathan and
Kalaivani 2005, 2006; Senthil-Nathan 2006;
Senthil-Nathan et al. 2004, 2005a, b, c).
Biochemical Pesticides
S. Senthil-Nathan
Nowadays, pheromones and other semiochemicals are applied to monitor and control
pests in millions of hectares. There are several
advantages of utilizing pheromones for monitoring pests, including lower costs, specificity, ease
of use, and high sensitivity (Wall 1990; Laurent
and Frrot 2007; Witzgall et al. 2010). Insect pest
monitoring by using pheromone lures can profit
management conclusions such as insecticide
application timing (Leskey et al. 2012; Peng et al.
Pheromones produced by insects are highly
species specific. Virgin female insects are developing sex pheromones when expecting for a mate
and males along the concentration slope for the
female producer. Aggregation pheromones are
released by insects such as wood-invading beetles to show to others the presence of a good food
source (Copping and Menn 2000).
Some of the alarm pheromones are developed
by insects that are beneath approach from a predator and this contributes to a movement of the
insect pest aside from the production source and,
therefore it becomes dangerous. Plants and its
derived attractants are also known that interact
with the insects to a valuable food source and,
while combine with insect-derived attractants
will be developed a potent attraction to some
insect pests (Copping and Menn 2000).
In previous studies, Mayer and McLaughlin
(1991) proposed that all insects produce approximate form of pheromone and companies subsist
that synthesize a pheromone for any customer.
Recently, 30 mating-disruption pheromonebased products are registered by the US EPA as
biocontrol agents of lepidopteran pest species
that can cause agricultural damage (Copping and
Menn 2000).
The utilization of natural products with commercial value is directly manifested by the
numerous compounds present in the market and
that have remained there in many cases after
many years. These values of natural products
are considered as a source of new mechanisms
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