"Lightning Plot": Grade Level/Subject: Targeted: CCSS - ELA-Literacy - RL.6.3
"Lightning Plot": Grade Level/Subject: Targeted: CCSS - ELA-Literacy - RL.6.3
"Lightning Plot": Grade Level/Subject: Targeted: CCSS - ELA-Literacy - RL.6.3
Grade Level/Subject:
Standards Targeted:
Describe how a particular storys or dramas plot unfolds in
a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond
or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
Goal Statement:
Multimodal Text/Resource:
Materials Needed:
Lesson Outline:
Introduction: Today we will be reviewing what weve learned about
story structure and Plot. We will do this by reading a graphic novel,
which is a novel that has been transformed into a comic strip!
Part 1
1) Activate students prior knowledge by asking them to discuss the
elements of plot structure. This should have been previously taught
before doing this lesson.
2) Revisit the Plot Powerpoint by going over each element of the plot
briefly as a review.
3) Be certain that all students completely understand plot structure,
and can accurately define exposition, rising action, climax, falling
action, and resolution.
4) Once the Plot review is complete, introduce the graphic novel with
any anticipatory activities you choose. This can be a questionnaire,
excerpt from the actual novel, research activity on Greek Mythology,
or even an interesting scene from the movie adaptation. (The
introduction to the graphic novel is at the teachers discretion)
Part 2
5) For the next 3 days, have students read the entire graphic novel.
Divide the novel into to three sections, so that students can read
one-third of the graphic novel each day. This can be done with a
partner, in guided reading groups, or even independently. To keep
students accountable, after reading, the teacher can create exit
tickets with brief comprehension questions that assess the students
reading progress, or evaluative questions that require students to
analyze the text through extended response. (optional)
6) Inform students that the images in graphic novels are meant to help
increase their understanding of the text, and be sure to use the
pictures to help them visualize the elements of the plot.
7) Pass out the Plot Diagram Template. Tell students that they will need
to keep their graphic organizers for the entire week, as they will be
completing them each day as they are rereading the story.