Simulation Modeling and Analysis - Chapter 1 - Basic Simulation Modeling Slide 1 of 51
Simulation Modeling and Analysis - Chapter 1 - Basic Simulation Modeling Slide 1 of 51
Simulation Modeling and Analysis - Chapter 1 - Basic Simulation Modeling Slide 1 of 51
1.1 The Nature of Simulation
1.2 Systems, Models, and Simulation
1.3 Discrete-Event Simulation
1.4 Simulation of a Single-Server Queueing System
1.5 Simulation of an Inventory System
1.6 Alternative Approaches to Modeling and Coding
1.7 Steps in a Sound Simulation Study
1.8 Other Types of Simulation
1.9 Advantages, Disadvantages, and Pitfalls of Simulation
But now have better modeling software more general, flexible, but still
(relatively) easy to use
But now have faster, bigger, cheaper hardware to allow for much better
studies than just a few years ago this trend will continue
However, simulation will also continue to push the envelope on computing
power in that we ask more and more of our simulation models
Theres a lot more to a simulation study than just coding a model in some
software and running it to get the answer
Need careful design and analysis of simulation models simulation
Approaches to modeling
Event-scheduling as described above, coded in general-purpose
Process focuses on entities and their experience, usually
requires special-purpose simulation software
Why expected?
A continuous-time average
Area under Q(t) = queue length at time t, divided by T(n) = time simulation
ends see book for justification and details
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Interarrival times:
Service times:
Density function
1.4.5 C Program;
1.4.6 Simulation Output and Discussion
Refer to pp. 30, 31, 42-48 in the book (Figures 1.8, 1.9, 1.191.27) and the file mm1.c
Single-product inventory
Decide how many items to have in inventory for the next
n = 120 months; initially (time 0) have 60 items on hand
Demands against inventory
Occur with inter-demand time ~ exponential with mean 0.1 month
Demand size = 1, 2, 3, 4 with resp. probabilities 1/6, 1/3, 1/3, 1/6
1.5.4 C Program;
1.5.5 Simulation Output and Discussion
Refer to pp. 64-66, 73-79 in the book (Figures 1.43-1.46, 1.571.67) and the file inv.c
Web-based simulation
Central simulation engine, submit jobs over the web
Wide-scope parallel/distributed simulation