Anti-Forensics: A Practitioner Perspective: Keywords

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International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)

Anti-Forensics: A Practitioner Perspective

Richard de Beer, Adrie Stander and Jean-Paul Van Belle
Department of Information Systems, University of Cape Town
Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa
[email protected]
[email protected]

With the increase in cybercrime, digital evidence is
becoming an integral part of the judicial system.
Digital evidence is to be found everywhere from
computers, to mobile phones, ATMs and
surveillance cameras, and it is hard to imagine a
crime that does not contain any element of digital
evidence. It is however not simple to extract such
evidence and present it to court in such a way that
there is no uncertainty that it was not changed in
any way. Thus the responsibility placed on a Digital
Forensics (DF) practitioner to present usable
evidence to a court is increasing fast. In some
respects, however, it is relatively easy to get rid of
digital evidence or to hide it. Many tools exist for
cybercrime criminals to prevent DF practitioners
from getting their hands on information of probative
value. Such tools and methods known as AntiForensics (AF).
The purpose of this study is to identify the abilities
of DF practitioners to identify the use of AF in their
active investigations. The research model used,
attempts to identify all the factors and constructs of
AF that impacts on investigations. This model was
then used to develop a survey instrument to gather
empirical data from South African DFs.
The research has shown that whilst South African
DF practitioners perceive DF as having an impact
on their investigations, they also perceive electronic
evidence as forming only part of the evidence
presented to court, and that even if most of the
usable evidence of lost, some will generally remain.
It was also found that while most DF practitioners
in South Africa are well versed only in the more
commonly known AF techniques. They do not rate
their abilities on more complex techniques well.
Finally, most DF practitioners appear not to actively
attempt to identify AF techniques as part of their
investigations. This combined with a lack of
understanding of more complex AF techniques
could leave South African DF practitioners exposed

by missing important evidence due to lack of

technical proficiency.

Digital forensics; anti-forensic tools; anti-forensic
methods; digital forensic evidence; South Africa.

Forensics as a scientific discipline is the
process whereby science is used to investigate
artefacts or transfer of evidence and interpret its
relevance to an investigation [1]. The goal of
the DF practitioner is the collection and
analysis of digital evidence with a view towards
presenting such evidence in a court of law or
other legal proceeding. Key to the success of
this process is the probative value of the
collected evidence [2].
Anti-forensics (AF) involves the use of
methods specifically designed prevent the use
of scientific methods and tools to collect and
analyse forensic artefacts for use in court
proceedings. This is mainly aimed at the
destruction or hiding of evidence. (Harris,
Due to the ever-increasing frequency of AF tool
use, greater vigilance by DF investigators will
be required to ensure the integrity of
investigative results [3]. The use of antiforensics is a difficult issue to overcome and
digital forensics investigators can expect these
techniques and tools to become much more
sophisticated and also more widespread as
suspects become more aware of the techniques
and tools used by digital forensic investigators.
It appears that this is a growing problem and
that investigators will have to ascertain that
they stay informed about the latest anti-forensic
techniques and countermeasures.


International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
All research into this phenomenon up to this
point has come out of the developed world,
with the USA, Europe and Australia leading the
way. The 2012 Verizon data breach report
states that one third of all DF investigations
undertaken by Verizon are affected by AF [4].
No similar research has been conducted in
South Africa, and as such the current scope of
the AF problem is South Africa is not known.
Due to the risks inherently posed by AF and the
fact the electronic evidence in South African
law is still in its infancy, a real risk exists that
DF practitioners in South Africa are either not
aware of the AF practices being used or are
incorrectly identifying information that
indicates the use of AF practices or
applications, and are negatively impacting court
rulings based on the acceptance of digital
This research aims to establish to what extent
the use of AF by the subjects of DF
investigations has affected the ability of DF
practitioners to complete such investigations
successfully in the South African context. In
this instance success is defined as the existence
of digital evidence of sufficient probative value
to ensure the presentation of admissible
evidence in a court or other legal proceeding.
The motivation for this research is the
furtherance of the knowledge of AF practices,
techniques and applications for the benefit of
practicing DF investigators and aims to provide
a basis for further research into this
phenomenon with a view to expanding the
academic knowledge in this area.
2.1 Digital Forensics and Digital Evidence
Digital forensics as a discipline is aimed at
identification, collection and analysis of digital
evidence following an attack [5]. The purpose
is to determine the identity of the attacker or
suspect (who), their actions (what), when their
actions were taken, how they perpetrated the
attack or crime and their possible motivations

Courts of law base the adjudication of all cases

on evidence presented. In examining AF and its
effect on the punctiliousness of digital evidence
presented, it is first necessary to examine
digital evidence closely. Evidence can be
defined as anything presented to logically prove
or disprove an issue at hand in a judicial case
[6]. Digital evidence is information of legal
probative value that is stored or transmitted in
electronic form [3]. Digital evidence is similar
to traditional evidence in that it contains
information that is used to confirm or refute a
hypothesis placed before the court or legal
proceeding [7].The only difference is that such
information is stored digitally. As such the
quality of such evidence remains a critical
factor as with any other case.
The proliferation of electronic devices has
meant that digital evidence can be relevant to
any case and not just for computer crimes. By
its very nature digital evidence is fragile.
Incorrect handling, examination or intentional
destruction or modification can alter digital
evidence to a point where it is no longer usable.
The greatest challenge to using digital evidence
in court is the fact that manipulation or
alteration of the evidence can be achieved very
easily without leaving any indication of such
actions [5].
Whilst digital evidence is valuable as a source
of evidence in any variety of investigations, it
also introduces a new level of complexity that
could potentially confound digital forensic
investigators [3].
2.2 Anti-forensics
Anti-forensics (AF) in the digital realm is the
process of removal or obfuscation of digital
forensic artefacts with the aim of invalidating
digital forensic investigations [8]. Typically,
one or more of the following strategies are
used: data hiding, data destruction, trail
fabrication, file system attacks [9]. AF aim to
remove all traces of a digital event, invalidate
the data or increase the complexity of the
investigation, remove evidence of its own use,
or generally cast doubt on the investigation

International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
[10]. The various AF methods are discussed
below in more detail.
Data hiding
Data hiding refers to the practice of storing data
where it is unlikely to be found, or employing
the method of security through obscurity [9].
Simple methods such as extension renaming or
signature editing exist, but these are generally
easily identified by most current forensic
software. In data communications, data hiding
refers to the art of adding an obscure message
signal in a host signal without any perceived
distortion of the host signal. This composite
signal is typically referred to as the stego
signal, and employs a different communication
scheme than normal data communications [11].
One of the simplest and most effective methods
of data hiding is Steganography. Whilst the
practice of hidden writing has been around for
millennia, the ability to hide any form of digital
data within another carrier file poses a difficult
challenge for digital forensic investigators [8].
In addition to its versatility to hide any data,
Steganography is also very hard to detect. At
the moment the only Open Source tool that
effectively detects data hidden by modern
steganography tools is StegDetect by [12].
Some steganography algorithms hide the
information in such a way that it is impossible
to recover such information without knowing
the key to the algorithm. Whilst that may sound
like cryptography, it is accomplished
simultaneously with the cloaking of the
information in a masquerade file, and as such,
is still steganography [13]. The most obvious
steganography is that cryptography essentially
hides data by disguising it as completely
random data which is sometimes referred to as
random noise. Stenographic algorithms are
generally not trivial to break, even if the
examiner has learned that there is hidden data
to be discovered, which is often not simple to
achieve in the first place.

Encryption is simply a process of protecting
data by using an algorithm to scramble the data
and make it either intelligible or undetectable
unless a key is used to decrypt the data [14].
Encryption has been used since ancient times in
one way or another to protect against the
interception of messages [15]. Encryption is
used in many facets of digital data storage and
transmission. When seen in the context of AF
data-hiding, encryption tools provides the user,
who are attempting to thwart the efforts of the
DF investigator, with an extremely powerful
Open-source encryption software is becoming
more mainstream. Software such as TrueCrypt
even offers the ability to hide one encrypted
volume within another. TrueCrypt is a crossplatform encryption tool that uses On the fly
encryption (OTFE) to encrypt and decrypt files
as they are accessed, and makes all data within
the encrypted area available as soon as the
decryption key is entered [16].
The most popular forms of data storage
encryption include the encryption of a virtual or
physical disk or partition and system encryption
whereby the system (boot) files are encrypted.
Network traffic can also be quite easily
encrypted using standard protocols such as SSL
(secure sockets layer), SSH (Secure shell) or
TLS (transport layer security). Whilst these
protocols were developed as security protocols
for the legitimate protection of information
transmitted over either a public or private
network, they can be used by criminals to
transmit data securely.
Program packers
Program packers such as Armadillo and UPX
are used to encrypt and/or compress an attack
program and then incorporate the file in a new
packed file that is wrapped with a suitable
extractor. When the seemingly innocuous
process is run the packed attack application is
then run simultaneously.


International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
Hiding data in system areas
There are methods available to hide
information in areas reserved as system space
or file slack (area between the end of the logical
file data and the end of the cluster). One such
tool is 'Slacker', by the Metasploit Project [17].
Creators of this project claim that Slacker is the
first ever tool that allows you to hide files
within the slack space of the NTFS file system.
In addition, custom attacks created using
software exploit frameworks such as the
Metasploit framework are generally delivered
using payloads created using tools such as
Msfpayload, which allow the creator to create
custom file signatures that will not be detected
by forensic signature analysis.
More advanced tools such as FragFS exist
that have the ability to store information in the
NTFS file systems Master file table ($MFT
file) [9].
Rootkits represent a malicious method of data
hiding. Such programs allow attackers
undetected administrative access to a computer
[18]. In this instance the attacker can affect
multiple states on the infected computer, such
as executing programs, logging keystrokes or
even storing data.
Rootkits are mostly installed on computers
through the binding of a malicious program to a
seemingly harmless one. An example of this is
where a user downloads an MP3 or e-book
from a file sharing site, and once the user runs
the file they inadvertently install the rootkit on
their computer. To further confound the issue,
many rootkits are self-healing, and will
automatically reinstate themselves if deleted or
uninstalled. An example of this is the
Computrace client that consists of both an
application agent and a persistence module.
Data destruction
The destruction of data by wiping of files is a
commonly used AF method which has been
used for a long time. For the cybercriminal the
wisest course of action is to simply remove all
traces that anything untoward took place [19].

A simple delete essentially leaves the data

intact. Though not visible to the general
computer user, such data is easily recoverable
using data recovery or forensic tools.
By using any one of a number of freely
available data wiping tools (Including, Eraser,
PGP etc.) the user is able to securely delete
files by overwriting the clusters occupied by
those files with random data, any number of
times, according to existing standards such as
Guttmann (35 times) and DoD standard
5220.22-M (US DoD, 1995) (7 times) [10].
Recovery of such securely deleted data is
normally not possible [8].
Other tools also exist that focus on securely
removing artefacts that pertain to activities of
the user, such as internet history, file access,
file downloads, peer to peer networking and
Internet Messaging. A good example of a tool
such is this is CCleaner by Piriform which is
available as a free download.
Tools such as these perform a secure delete of
the artefacts mentioned above to ensure that
such remnants are not recoverable, after
deletion. Such tools can also quite easily be
configured to securely wipe all hard drive free
space, including slack space, either manually or
automatically at scheduled intervals.
In addition to data destruction by wiping or
overwriting, there are also more drastic
measures that cybercriminals sometimes revert
to. These are degaussing the drive sweeping
the drive with a powerful magnet, thereby
rendering the data unstable or the physical
destruction of the storage media.
Trail obfuscation
Trail obfuscation follows three basic methods.
The first has the aim of obscuring required
information from the would-be investigator.
This is achieved by either replacing relevant
information with false information (such as IP
address spoofing) or using third parties to act as
proxies of the source data in order to remove all
traces of the origin of the data from the
transmission at the destination (such as mail
anonymizing services).

International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
The second form of obfuscation involves
altering the data associated with forensic
artefacts by altering metadata such as date and
time stamps.
Finally, trail obfuscation can also take the form
of log deletion or modification in order to hide
log entries that would identify the identity or
action of the perpetrator. Securely wiping or
modifying log files can be achieved by using
freely available tools such as Touch [8].

Data fabrication
This practice, also referred to as evidence
counterfeiting, is very similar to some of the
practices followed for trail obfuscation as
discussed elsewhere in this document. In
Windows, the Modified, Accessed and Created
dates are referred to as the MAC information.

Data contraception

Modifying the MAC information on the

computer serves both the purpose of
obfuscating the original data and also can be
seen as fabricating data [18].

Data contraception, also referred to as evidence

source avoidance, is the process whereby the
perpetrator uses software and methods that
have been designed to leave no traces on the
host operating system. A number of different
methods can be used [20]:

Another data fabrication practice that is

employed, is the creation of excessive amounts
of data of a certain type in order to side-track
and investigation to the point where costeffectiveness becomes the deciding factor in the
continuance of the investigation.

File system attacks

Portable applications these applications

do not install any files on the host computer
(e.g. TrueCrypt and FTK imager lite).
Live distros these are fully functional
operating systems from bootable devices
such as CDs or Flash drives. As all
functions run in memory, no traces are left
on the local hard drive, as the local hard
drive is in fact not even required (e.g.
Windows CE or BartPE) [18].
Syscall proxying A local system call or
function is proxied to another system to
Remote library injection Information
(typically a Dynamic Link Library) is
inserted directly in RAM of the host leaving
no traces on the hard drive.
DKOM (Direct Kernel Manipulation) The
process whereby the memory space utilized
by kernel objects are penetrated and used
by other inserted processes.
Utilizing in-private browsing on web
browsers such as Mozilla Firefox will keep
all cache and history in memory and will
not write any information to disk for later

When an attack of sufficient severity is

launched on a file system, it might inhibit the
ability of a forensic application to make sense
of the data contained therein.
An example of such sabotage would be to
damage the master file table of an NTFS file
system to such an extent that a forensic analysis
of the logical drive is unable to extrude any
meaningful data.
2.3 Trace Evidence of Anti-forensic Tool Use
As with many other computer applications, the
actual use of an AF tool to remove forensic
artefacts might in itself leave trace evidence.
Steganography is probably one of the most
difficult methods of data hiding to detect and
decipher and combines the art of hiding data
from human perception and cryptography [9].
The DF practitioner must therefore first
develop the knowledge or suspicion that
steganographic data hiding is present in any
given case, and then the practitioner has to
establish which files out of all data that falls
within the scope of the investigation could be
affected. As there could potentially be hundreds
of thousands of files on a suspect computer this
is often difficult.

International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
In this instance the detection of files affected by
Steganography will often depend on the
intuition and experience of the DF examiner. In
the event that Steganography is suspected and
the DF practitioner has identified files to target,
the practitioner may use methods similar to the
one below to confirm the presence of
steganography and to attempt to decipher the
Encryption is often quite obvious to detect. An
example of this may be where a DF practitioner
has attempted to image a suspect computer and
is not able to access any of the data on the drive
due to full disk encryption. In such examples
the DF practitioner will not be able to access
any of the data on the suspect drive unless such
a password is provided, and it is often more
practical to attempt to extract the password
from the suspect using legal means than it
would be to use technology.
Some forms of encryption may not be as easy
to detect, such as a virtual encrypted disk. In
this instance the DF practitioner will have to
rely on other methods of detection such as
identifying suspiciously large files and files
with an unknown or no file signature. However,
even in the event of detecting an encrypted
volume, the challenge of decrypting such a
volume still remains. Without the passkey
required to decrypt and mount such a volume it
is near on impossible to decrypt the information
contained therein [15].
Attempting to break the password of the
volume using any number of traditional
methods such as brute force attacks, dictionary
attacks or rainbow tables may take years to
achieve [18]. In this instance the most viable
option is often to attack the human factor. Often
it is simply not possible to decrypt an encrypted
volume using current technology and the only
means available in such a case is the use of a
Most forensic software will detect signatures of
commercial file packers. The forensic
investigator should also be aware that such file
packers typically have file signatures that can
be searched for manually. An example of the

UPX file packer a manual keyword search can

be completed for the search term UPX, which
will identify executable files that have been
packed using this packer.
When using a tool such as slacker to hide
information in system areas, the forensic
investigator will likely have no specific
indication that such an indication has occurred
as the only change to the file assigned to
legitimately occupy that sector, will be a
change in the date modified field. AF users
who is thorough in their attempt at data hiding
will then quite simply, use another tool such as
Timestomp to change that metadata attribute
back to a value that would not arouse suspicion
The data written to the slack area is not
encrypted, but the metadata of the files written
in slack space is encrypted. This is intended to
complicate efforts to locate a list of files
created using Slacker by doing metadata
analysis. The most likely indication of the use
of slacker will be the discovery of the Slacker
executable on the suspect drive or in the event
of volatile memory analysis or virtual memory
analysis, a keyword search may indicate that
the program had been loaded into memory. In
the absence of such trace evidence the DF
practitioner may still find information relating
to the case in slack space by making use of a
simple keyword search. Whilst this information
may relate to the case, it will not provide any
proof that a product such as Slacker was used to
place it there.
Most anti-virus software claims to be able to
detect rootkits. The reality is unfortunate that
most Anti-virus software may stop a computer
from being infected with new rootkits, but
established rootkits will often remain
undetected [9].
This does not mean that the DF practitioner
need not run an antivirus scan on the acquired
forensic image, as this remains a possible tool
for detecting rootkits and viruses and can be
useful in the event that the suspect decides to
pursue a Trojan- defence.


International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
When assessing the ability to detect rootkits
from a forensic analysis perspective, it is
important to look at two basic modes of
forensic operation. These are live incident
response i.e. volatile and non-volatile data
analysis on a live computer, and dead
forensics, the analysis of static system data
Data destruction is often time consuming and
very often the applications used do not destroy
all data, as advertised. In addition to these
factors, there will very often be indications that
data destruction applications have been used on
a computer [22].

attempt to establish whether digital forensic

practitioners experience anti forensic tool
use on a regular basis.
3.2 Research Methodology and Proposed
A positivistic research philosophy was adopted
for this research. A cross-sectional timehorizon is used, as the study will aim to
understand the status of the situation at a
particular point in time. The research used a
deductive approach. To that end, a research
model was developed as is shown in figure 1.

Finally, commonly used trail obfuscation tools

often leave certain artefacts behind e.g. by
changing time/date stamps in only one system
area but not others.
3.1 Research Question and Hypotheses
The core research question is whether the use of
AF is affecting the ability of South African DF
practitioners to complete DF investigations?
To answer the main research question the
research aimed to find answers to the subquestions listed below:

What AF tools are being used, and how

they are being used? Not only did the
research aim to determine which
applications are used for Anti forensic
purposes, but also how suspects use such
software or tools. In addition, the research
looked at the success rate of such tools in
achieving the intended purpose and if any
artefacts remained after the use of a
particular tool. This research will identify
which of the available AF tools are being
used and for what purpose.
Are South African DF practitioners able to
identify AF tool use by the artefacts that
such tools leave behind? As with many
other computer applications, the actual use
of an AF tool to remove forensic artefacts,
will in itself leave trace evidence.
How prevalent is AF tool use in the South
African environment? This research will

Figure 1. Proposed research model

Some of the constructs warrant further

Characteristics, DF refers to the Digital
Forensics experience and skills, including DF
experience, formal DF training, any
qualifications obtained and the industry
environment in which they are deployed (DF
vertical: civil, criminal or corporate
The AF abilities refer to specific Anti-Forensic
tool and method abilities. The value of AF
artefacts refers to the knowledge of and ability
to identify AF artefacts (i.e. evidence left
behind by AF tools) including the knowledge of

International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
artefacts left behind by AF tools and
techniques, the ability to identify AF tools by
their artefacts and knowledge of the evidentiary
value of the artefacts left by AF use.
The impact of AF is measured by evidence
recovery (the DF practitioners ability to
presentation (the DF practitioners ability to
present evidence of probative value) and
acquittals (where AF leads to acquittals). The
Impact of AF as part of all evidence refers to
the impact AF has on electronic evidence when
seen as part of the entire case and all other
types of evidence presented and convictions
refers to the impact of AF on convictions when
seen as part of the entire case and all other
types of evidence presented.
The sample size needed to test the model
statistically, far exceeded the number of digital
forensics practitioners in South Africa, which
made testing the multiple relationships
simultaneously impossible.
Instead, the model served as a guide for the
development of constructs to include in the
questionnaire, generating descriptive statistics
and doing limited inferential statistical tests
such as construct correlations and ANOVA.
3.3 Research Instrument and Sampling

civil, and corporate environments. The aim was

to include practitioners that deal with evidence
in traditional, mobile and internet / e-commerce
forensics. Thus a probability-sample using the
stratified random-sampling technique was used
in order to identify forensic practitioners
functioning across the strata. Figure 2 illustrates
the employment sectors of the respondents.
Figure 2. Employments sectors

A limitation is the relatively small size of the

South African DF fraternity. The researchers
have access to a large proportion of the South
African digital forensics practitioners, since due
to the small size of the group, practitioners tend
to meet on a regular basis and it was felt that a
representative sample was obtained.
No personal interviews were conducted and no
personal information was collected about any
of the practitioners or their places of
4.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents:
The majority (85.7%) of respondents were male
and most fall in the 31-40 year age range.
These sample characteristics are fairly
representative of the DF practitioner
community in South Africa.

Collection of data was by means of a survey to

assess the state of events as experienced by DF
A mostly original survey
instrument was created. Due to the large
number of constructs, usually only one question
(test item) was formulated for each of the
South African DF practitioners were targeted to
include practitioners that operate in criminal,

Figure 3. Age distribution of respondents


International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
Most DF practitioners were practicing although
nine respondents (25.7%) indicated that they
were not practicing DF investigators. Six of
these non-practicing AF investigators (67%) are
in the corporate environment. It is possible that
the 9 (25.7%) survey participants have
branched into other areas of their organization,
some even into managerial positions.
A wide spread of experience in DF was borne
out by the respondents. In line with the
satisfactory spread of employment sectors was

More than half (56%) of respondents claim to

have had training in AF techniques and tools.
The same respondents who have completed AF
training have also tested AF tools and
Most respondents rate their knowledge of AF
tools and techniques as average to good but
their prior exposure to AF was lower as can be
seen in tables 2a &b. Very few respondents rate
their prior exposure to AF as excellent.
Tables 2a & 2b. Knowledge of AF tools and techniques
and prior exposure to AF

Table 1. DF qualifications
Education and training level
Do you have a Digital
forensics qualification?
(EnCe, ACE etc.)
Do you have a tertiary
Have you completed any
Anti-forensic tool testing?
Have you had any Antiforensics training?
Have you had any formal
digital forensics training?


%(Yes) No


3 33.33%

6 66.67%

8 88.89%

1 11.11%

2 22.22%

7 77.78%

5 55.56%

4 44.44%

8 88.89%

1 11.11%

How would you rate your

knowledge of anti-forensics
tools and techniques?











How would you rate your

prior exposure to antiforensics?









4.2 Interesting Correlations between

Independent Variables

Figure 4. Experience.

Whilst most respondents (89%) indicated that

they had received formal DF training, only a
few respondents followed such training up with
a qualification. However, on the other hand,
89% of them had a tertiary qualification.

Possible correlations between demographic

variables and other independent variables were
For instance, there was a
significant difference between the sectors in
which an FP was employed and their
investigation environments. FPs employed in
the law-enforcement and private sectors tend to
investigate computer/networks, internet/ecommerce whereas those in corporate
environments tend to limit their investigations
mainly to computer/network forensics and, to a
lesser extent, internet/e-commerce (Chi-square
2 value=7.79, DF=2, p-value = 0.0203).


International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
However, there was no statistical evidence to
suggest that a difference exists between the
knowledge, qualifications and training in AntiForensic investigators between the 3
employment sectors, or that they were exposed
to different types of AF threats. Not
surprisingly, there is a statistically significant
correlation between completed AF tools
training and a respondents own rating of
knowledge of anti-forensics tools and
techniques (2 value=8.241, DF=1, pvalue=0.0041). In fact, respondents with AF
tools Training completed are 8.4 times more
likely to rate their knowledge of AF tools and
techniques as Good/Excellent.
Formal Forensics training, Digital Forensics
Qualification and Tertiary Qualification show
no association (or relationship) with
respondents prior exposure to AF. However,
specific AF training has an association (or
relationship) with prior exposure to AF (2
value=4.61, DF=1, p-value=0.0318) and
persons with AF training are 4 times more
likely to rate their prior exposure to AF as
GOOD. Even more so, specific AF tools
testing has an association with prior exposure
to AF (2 value=12.61, DF=1, p-value=0.0004)
with those who have completed AF tools
testing are 18.7 times more likely to have
GOOD prior AF exposure.
This shows that generic formal digital forensics
training is deficient in imparting AF-specific
skills or knowledge. This should be remedied
by addressing the curricula of (generic)
forensics training courses.
On the whole, respondents seem to be familiar
with the more common AF techniques i.e. data
hiding and data destruction. The twelve (34%)
respondents that rate their prior AF exposure as
poor have hardly any familiarity with the AF
techniques of data contraception, trail
obfuscation, data fabrication and file system
attacks, although half of them were exposed to
data hiding and data destruction.
These respondents are familiar with an average
of only 1.2 AF techniques whereas respondents
who rate their prior exposure as average to

excellent have an exposure to an average of 2.9


Table 3. Familiarity with AF techniques.

forensic %No
techniques are you most
familiar with?


Data Hiding



Data destruction



Trail obfuscation



Data fabrication



File System attacks



Data contraception



None of the above



As with AF techniques, most respondents

appear to be familiar with the more commonly
known AF tools such as data wiping and
Table 4. Familiarity with AF tools (all respondents)
Familiarity with AF Tools





Data wiping and history

removal (CCleaner, Eraser




Encryption tools
(Truecrypt etc.)




Steganography tools
(Quickstego etc.)





Timestomp (by









Transmogrify (by




The complete A-Z of open

source tools out there.




No relationship (association) were found

between respondents rating of the probative
value of artefacts that AF tools leave behind,
and their familiarity with AF tools. (Chi-Square
tests performed). Neither is there a relationship
(association) between respondents rating of

International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
their efforts to actively identify anti-forensics
as part of investigations, and their familiarity
with AF tools. (Chi-Square tests performed)
The following graph summarizes respondents
view of AF techniques that most affected their
cases. The more common techniques appear to
be more prevalent, however respondents
previously indicated that they are less familiar
with the more complex techniques such as data
contraception, which may indicate that such
techniques are not identified.

Figure 6. AF tools most prevalent in investigations

4.3 Respondents Rating of Their AF Abilities

Respondents were asked to rate their own AntiForensics abilities by means of three questions:
their own knowledge of AF, their prior
exposure to AF and their ability to counteract
the use of AF tools. The 3 items were
considered as a single construct as they
logically represent respondents abilities to
investigate AF.
The items were subjected to a reliability
analysis to determine the internal consistency
between items to measure a single construct.
The overall Cronbach Alpha was 0.825 which
is considered a very good reliability. A mean
score of approximate 2.8 for this construct was

Figure 5. AF Techniques that most affect investigations

As with the AF techniques, respondents feel

that the commonest AF tools are most prevalent
during their investigations. Data destruction
and Data-hiding are the most common AF
techniques that respondents experience. Data
contraception, Trail obfuscation, System file
attacks and data fabrication are the least seen
AF techniques.

The influence of the biographical profile of

respondents, employment sector, and type of
forensic investigation participation, education
and training level was tested using ANOVA. In
the absence of normality, a non-parametric test
(Mann-Witney U test for 2 groups and KruskalWallis for more than 2 groups) was performed.
If the variances of the scores of the groups are
unequal, the result of the Welch test is reported.
The male respondents rate themselves
significantly more highly in AF ability than
their female counterparts (Welch test p =
0.0361). The age groups 31-40 and 41-50 years
also rated themselves significantly higher than
the two other (smaller) age groups i.e. those
younger than 31 or above 50 years old (Welch
test p = 0.0088).
Respondents who are practicing digital forensic
investigators rate themselves significantly
higher than those who are currently not
practicing (Welch test p = 0.0385). Finally,
respondents with more than 2 years of
experience rate their AF abilities higher than
the group with 2 or less years experience (p =
However, there was no significant correlation
between the AF ability of the respondent and:

International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
the sector in which employed, the type of
forensic participation or the respondents
training and education level.
4.4 The Impact of Anti-Forensics upon
Figure 7 summarizes the responses to the
questions related to the impact of AF on

Two new constructs were created: the Effect of

AF on evidence, which was composed of four
test items (Cronbach Alpha of the resulting
construct was 0.8433) and the Impact of AF.
The influence of: Biographical profile of
respondents, Employment sector, Type of
forensic investigation participation, Education
and training level, Knowledge of AF tools and
techniques (own rating), Prior exposure to AF
(own rating), Familiarity with various AF
techniques, Exposure to various AF Tools upon
the constructs (Impact of AF and Effect of AF
upon evidence) was investigated using Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA) since the mean scores
derived from the Likert scale statements can be
viewed as continuous variables and their
distributions were found to be roughly normally
Table 5. Construct creation after factor analysis.

Test Item (Question)

Figure 7. Impact of Anti-Forensics

Factor analysis was performed on the above test

items to see if the five statements can be
summarized into meaningful constructs. This
was done using Principal Component extraction
and Varimax (orthogonal) rotation techniques.

During your investigations, antiforensics has an effect on the

ability to recover evidence.
Anti-forensics has impacted your
ability to present usable evidence
in a case
In your environment anti-forensics
has directly led to acquittals due to
unavailability of evidence
Anti-forensics regularly impacts
your ability to present usable
evidence in a case
Convictions for your cases are
generally not affected by AF tool
use, as there is always some usable
digital evidence.
Anti-forensics has no marked
effect on case outcomes as
electronic evidence is only a
portion of the evidence presented
to court or legal proceeding.















The factor analysis yielded 2 underlying

constructs (factor loadings > 0.4), although
item 4 (Anti-forensics regularly impacts your
ability to present usable evidence in a case) is
ambiguous as it loads strongly upon both

International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
However, only one factor was found to exert a
significant influence and that was one particular
type of forensic participation that significantly
influences the mean score of the Impact of AF,
namely mobile device investigations (2
statistic=4.26, DF=1, p-value =0.039). It is
possible that this is an artefact of the data or
small sample size.
The main purpose of this research was to
establish the impact of AF on DF investigations
in a South African context.
characteristics did not show a significant
influence of respondents rating of their
knowledge of AF tools and techniques. More
familiarity with the various AF tools and
techniques, nor their exposure to AF appeared
to affect score for Effect of AF upon evidence
or their score for impact of AF.
Perhaps contradictorily, although practitioners
rate the value of AF artefacts highly, they dont
make an effort to identify them as part of their
investigations, as can be seen in table 6a & b
Table 6a & 6b. Probative value of AF artefacts and
relative effort used to identify AF.
Rating of probative value of
artefacts that AF tools leave









Rating of efforts to actively

identify anti-forensics as part of




Critically valuable
Very valuable
Moderately valuable











The concern is that investigators who do not

place a high value on AF artefacts and do not
employ significant efforts to identify AF as part
of their investigations could potentially be
overlooking evidence of AF use, or indeed the
opportunity to recover usable evidence.
Whilst the current research attempted to
understand the impact of Anti-forensics on
evidence, a troubling trend emerged as part of
this research. Whilst most respondents (89.9%)
list their knowledge of AF tools and techniques
as average to good, it appears that that exposure
is limited to certain types of AF tools and
From the findings, it is clear that investigators
are quite familiar with the more common AF
techniques such as data hiding and data
destruction, but much less familiar with the
more complex techniques such as data
contraception amongst others.
Correspondingly, respondents were much more
familiar with the tools related to data wiping
and encryption than they are with the more
complex tools such as steganography, rootkits
and data contraception. This trend is also
supported by the finding that most respondents
feel that their cases are affected mainly by the
more common AF techniques such as data
destruction and data hiding.
The risk is that DF investigators are not
properly versed in the more complex
techniques and tools, and as such does not have
the skills to identify the use of such tools and
may be ignorant of their presence and effect on
the cases that they participate in. This
combined with the results that show a lack of
active identification of AF as part of
investigations, due to the low value placed on
AF artefacts leaves a potential gap for usable
evidence of probative value to be overlooked,
as the AF technique or tool used to destroy or
misrepresent that evidence is not identified.

International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 4(2): 390-403

The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015 (ISSN: 2305-0012)
The main contributions of this paper to the
body of academic knowledge is the application
of a model-driven empirical investigation as
well as a number of findings which partly
collaborate and partly extend current
knowledge. For the practitioner community, it
is clear that additional effort and resources must
be deployed to inform and educate practitioners
about common anti-forensic tools and activities.
Apart from further empirical research to
establish comparative baselines in other
countries or, longitudinally, one or two years
into the future, we also strongly recommend
additional in-depth research into the advanced
AF techniques and tools to establish the actual
effect of these advanced techniques in
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