Joint Letter To OHCHR On OISL (With Covering Letter)

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Tamil Civil Society Forum

03 July 2015

His Excellency Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10,

Your Excellency,

Joint Letter from 15 Civil Society Organisations from
the North - East of Sri Lanka

Please see attached a joint letter from 15 civil society organisations from the North-
East of Sri Lanka on matters relating to the OHCHR Inquiry on Sri Lanka (OISL).

Thank you

Kumaravadivel Guruparan

Elil Rajendram
Co-Spokesperson, TCSF

Co-Spokesperson, TCSF

Email: [email protected]

* The Tamil Civil Society Forum is a network of more then 100 Tamil Civil Society Activists from the
North-East of Sri Lanka convened by Bishop Dr Rayappu Joseph. For more info see: and

02 July 2015

His Excellency Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10,

Your Excellency,

Sri Lanka: 1) Lack of consultation in the design of a domestic mechanism
2) Regarding the UN office in Sri Lankas decision
to support a domestic mechanism

We recall the letter sent by the Tamil Civil Society Forum (TCSF) to you on the 12th
of February 20151 prior to your decision to defer the release of the OISL report and
the TCSFs statement dated 20 February 20152 on the decision to defer the report.
We also refer to the TCSF memo to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of
Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence handed over to him in
Kilinochchi on the 1st of April 20153 wherein TCSF referred to reasons, which in
their opinion augur against the possibility of establishing a credible domestic
mechanism in Sri Lanka.

Your Excellency, in your opening statement to the 28th session of the UN Human
Rights Council in March 2015 you noted that one of the reasons for deferring the
release of the OISL report was the broad signals of cooperation that you had
received from the Government of Sri Lanka4. In your speech that day you noted that
Sri Lankan authorities must consult with the victims to design mechanisms that will
work and not repeat the failures of the past.

Similarly in your opening speech to the 29th session of the UN Human Rights

1 Available here:

2 Available here:

3 Available here:
4 UN Human Rights High Commissioner Zeid Raad Al Hussein, Opening Statement, 28th Session of the
UN Human Rights Council, Available at:

Council on 15 June 2015 you reiterated the importance of conducting a transparent

and inclusive consultative process in the design of a domestic mechanism for

We write to state with regret that we are unaware of any such process of
consultation that the Government of Sri Lanka has initiated with the victims. A huge
majority of these victims as you are aware are from the Tamil community and the
government has not had any consultation at all with the Tamil community in the
design of a mechanism.

It is in this context that we take note with serious concern the recent announcement
by the UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka that the UN has already decided to fund
a domestic mechanism6. The Resident Coordinator had said that the UN had decided
to provide technical support to establish an inclusive and credible domestic
mechanism to address human rights violations and accountability and provide
redress to victims and conflict affected groups, including families of the missing, in
line with international standards. This component, the announcement further
added, will be led by your office (OHCHR).

The following questions arise from this announcement:

A) How could the UN system decide on supporting a domestic mechanism in
abstraction when there has been no proposal or consultation about one?

B) Does this announcement not pre-empt the recommendations of the OISL report
and any possible follow up action by the UN Human Rights Council and other UN

As you are well aware the credibility of the UN in the eyes of the Tamil people
remains very low. The withdrawal of the UN during the height of the war in 2008,
the lack of action on the part of the UN in drawing the attention of the international
community for abuses being committed by all parties to the conflict, as they were
being committed during the war and the deferral of the OISL report are some

5 UN Human Rights High Commissioner Zeid Raad Al Hussein, Opening Statement, 29th Session of the

UN Human Rights Council, Available at:
6 Full text of speech made by Subinay Nandy, the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations, Sri
Lanka at the Donor Conference on the Comprehensive Policy Framework and Formulation of the
Resettlement Action Plan held in Colombo on June 4 2015, Available here:

reasons that have contributed to this lack of confidence. The announcement by the
UN office in Sri Lanka that they have already decided that a domestic mechanism is
the best way forward for accountability in Sri Lanka comes as a shock to those of us
who have been advocating for genuine accountability.

We urge you to take note of the contents of our letter and act swiftly to prevent any
undermining of the OISL process.


Tamil Civil Society Forum (TCSF)
Jaffna University Teachers Association
Jaffna University Science Teachers Association
Jaffna University Students Union
Mannar Citizens Committee
Vavuniya Citizens Committee
Centre for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights - Trincomalee
Organisation for the Families of Forcibly Disappeared Persons - North and East
Foundation of Changers - Batticaloa
East Civil society Activist Alliance - Batticaloa
Batticaloa Social Workers Network
Paduvaankarai Peoples Alliance
Commission for Justice and Peace of the Catholic Diocese of Jaffna
Mannar Economic and Social Development Organization
Hindu Development Society Karaithivu - Amparai

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