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New Road!

Fort Langley Monday January 22, 1862 1 page

two cents
Miners and travelers do
not despair for Governor
Douglas had come to you
need. He has realised how
dangerous the trails are for
you travel to the mines by
Barkerville so has decided to
build a new road called the
Cariboo Wagon Road.

Map of Wagon Road

The distance of the road
will be approximately 650 km

Governor Douglas has
hired miners as well as a
detachment of the royal
engineers to build this road.
The Road will be able to
easily fit two wagons
travelling side-by-side.
Douglas has estimated this
road will take only 3 years to
build at a cost of 750,000
dollars. The real question is
How will we pay for this road?
Will taxes be raised? Budgets
cut?(More on page 2)

The Route

Hudson Bay Company trail
that ran ran from the head of
Harrison Lake to Lillooet Lake
and by passing the Fraser
River Rapids. The new wagon
road will begin at Yale then
will be running northwards
along the steep walls of the
Fraser Canyon all the way to
the town Lytton. It will then
go directly overland to
Quesnel and then eventually
reach Barkerville, leading the
miners directly to the

long. The trail will enable

miners to safely cross rivers
and hills without having to
make alternative routes.
Miners will also be able to
easily be able to bring
wagons and carts with them
on the smooth trail.

The route for the road

was originally surveyed in
1858 but the plans were not
made public until yesterday.
The Royal Engineers shall
widen an old

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