Endangered Animals

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Endangered Animals

What are Endangered

Endangered animals
are animals that are
in danger of
becoming extinct.
This means that
there will be no more
of these animals
alive on earth. An
animal is considered
endangered or

Some animals are more

threatened than others. To
keep track of how at risk of
becoming extinct a species
may be, scientists
categorize the level of risk
with a different name. From
the most threatened animal
to least threatened these
names are:
1) critically endangered
2) endangered
are also some animals that only exist
3) vulnerable
in captivity (for example in a zoo) these
animals are called "extinct in the wild".

How are endangered animals

Many countries throughout the
world have laws that protect
endangered species. n the
United States there are a
number of laws that protect
endangered animals. These
laws are part of the
Endangered Species Act which
was signed into law by
President Nixon in 1973.
Throughout the world there are
also wildlife or nature
preserves. These preserves are
large areas of land where

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