Boiler Design Data

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1 Boiler Design Data Type No. of Sets Maximum Continuous Steam Ganeration (at MCR) Peak Load Steam Generation (2 hour period in 24 hours) Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Main Steam Pressure at The Outlet of The Main Stop Valve Main Steam Temperature at The Outlet of The Main Stop Valve Feed Water Temperature (at Beo. Inlet) Air Temperature (at FDP Inlet) Draft System Firing System Heat Recovery System 22 MITSUI MB type Bottom Supported, 2-Drum, Natural-Circulation, Water-Tube Type Boiler Two (2) 55.0 te/h 60.5 te/h 109 bare 101 bara 311.8 (Saturated) 148 C 31.2 T Forced Draft Minyak Diesel Quality Oil Individual Firing & Minyak Diesel Quality 0il/Methyl Acetate Combination Firing Economizer JBOM1-03. JSW 1,2 Condensate Recovery and Feed Water System Description Reference is made to the “P & I DIAGRAM BOILER FEED PUMP SYSTEM” DVG. No. 33924, “P & 1 DIAGRAM L.P. STEAM & CONDENSATE SYSTEM” DWG No. 33925 and “P & I DIAGRAM REACTOR CONDENS. FEED PUMP SYSTEM” DWG No. 33987 for the system. This system includes the deaerator, L.P. flash drum, boiler feed water pumps, reactor condenser feed pumps, vent steam condensate pumps,I.P. steam flash drum, dump flash drum and vent steam condenser. Demineralized feed water is supplied to the boilers via the dezerator and the economizers and also supplied to the reactor condenser via L.P. Flash Drum. Feed water to the boiler is handled by three boiler feed water pumps two of which are put into service during normal operation and the other is made ready as stand-by. The boiler feed water pump takes suction from the deaerator and discharges to the economiser Feed water to the reactor condenser is handled by two reactor condenser feed pumps one of which is put into service during normal © operetion and the other is made ready as stand-by. The water can also be fed to deaerator, if condensate recovery water flow are more than the required amount for reactor cendenser. The reactor condenser feed pump takes suction from the L.P. flash drum through a strainer and dischages to the deaerator and reactor condenser. Drainage introduced to the drain pit through the dump flash drum. If the conductivity in recovered water becomes high, recovered water is led to drain pit via the dump flash drum without through L.P. flash drum. JBOM1-03. JSW 23 Dump from L.P, steam header and vent from dump flash drum is introduced to the vent steam condenser. Condensate from vent steam condenser is supplied to the L.P. flash drum by two vent steam condenser pumps one of which is put into service during normal operation and the other is made ready as stand-by. 1.2.1 Equipment Design (1) Deaerator (F1-2212) @ Type STORK type, Horizontal cylindrical vessel Capacity 122.2 T/H Design code : ASME Sec. W, Div. 1 (2) LP. Flash Drum (1-801) Type 1 STORK type, Horizontal cylindrical vessel Capacity : 166 T/H Design code : ASWE Sec. W, Div. 1 (3) Boiler Feed Water Pump (G1-2213A/B/C) Type Horizontal ring section type pump Capacity : 76.2 af /H Design code Manufacturer’ s standard (4) Rector Condenser Feed Pump (G1-802A/B) Type : Horizontal centrifugal Capacity 198af /H (Include by-pass 31. dug /H) Design code : API 610 (5) I.P. Steam Flash Drum (F1-2219) Type : Vartical eylindrical vessel Capacity 1. 2at Design code : ASME Sec. W, Div. 1 (6) Dump Flash Drum (F1-803) Type : Vertical cylindrical vessel Capacity 8. 5af Design code : ASME Sec. W, Div. 1 ‘JBOM1-03. JS¥ (7) Vent Steam Condenser (E1-805) Type : Vertical, shell and tube Capacity : 30 T/H Design code : ASME Sec. W, Div. 1 (8) For other equipment, refer to EQUIPMENT LIST. 1.3 Fuel Storage and Supply System Reference is nade to the “P & I DIAGRAM FUEL OFF LOADING AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, DRAWING NUMBER 33542” for the systen. This system includes the common diesel fuel oil filling piping from terminal point to the fuel oil day storage tank and the conmon diesel fuel supply piping to the boilers Diesel fuel oil is filled to a fuel oil day storage tank by a transfer pump. Diesel oil in the fuel oil day storage tank is pumped by the fuel oil puaps. Pump dischage pressure is controlled by PRV-553. A fuel oil strainer is provided on each fuel oil suction and discharge line. e 1.3.1 Equipment Design (1) Fuel Oi1 Day Tank (F1-2253) Type : Steel made, cone roof tank Capacity : Total 448af Design code : API 650 (2) Puel Oil Pump (G1-22614/B/C) Type : Serew type Capacity 4700 L/h Design code : Manufacturer's standard (3) Puel Oil Strainer Type : 4"Double (Manu. change) Capacity 19. 4af /H Design code : Maker std. JBOw1-03. 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