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[H. R. 9620]
To encourage improvement in housing standards and conditions, to provide a
system of mutual mortgage insurance, and for other purposes.
479 J
So in original.
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SEC. 204. (a) I n any case in which the mortgagee under an insured
mortgage shall have foreclosed and taken possession of the mortgaged property in accordance with regulations of, and within a
period to be determined by, the Administrator, or shall, with the
consent of the Administrator, have otherwise acquired such property
from the mortgagor after default, the mortgagee shall be entitled,
upon the prompt conveyance to the Administrator of title to such
property satisfactory to him and the assignment to him of all claims
of the mortgagee against the mortgagor arising out of the mortgage
transaction or foreclosure proceedmgs, to receive the benefits of the
insurance as hereinafter provided. Upon such conveyance and
assignment the obligation of the mortgagee to pay the annual
premium charges for insurance shall cease and the Administrator
shall issue to the mortgagee debentures having a total face value
equal to the value of the mortgage on the date of the delivery of
the property to the Administrator, and a certificate of claim, as
hereinafter provided. F o r the purposes of this subsection, the value
of the mortgage shall be determined by adding to the amount of the
principal of the mortgage which is unpiaid on the date of such
delivery the amount of all payments which have been made by the
(2) I f such excess is equal to or less than the total amount payable under such certificate of claim, the Administrator shall pay
to the holder of such certificate the full amount of such excess.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law relating to the
acquisition, handling, or disposal of real property by the United
States, the Administrator shall have power to deal with, rent, renovate, modernize, or sell for cash or credit, in his discretion, any
properties conveyed to him in exchange for debentures and certificates of claim as provided in this section; and notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the Administrator shall also have power
to pursue to final collection, by way of compromise or otherwise, all
claims against mortgagors assigned by mortgagees to the Administrator as provided in this section.
^f) No mortgagee or mortgagor shall have, and no certificate of
claim shall be construed to give to any mortgagee or mortgagor, any
right or interest in any property conveyed to the Administrator or
in any claim assigned to him; nor shall the Administrator owe any
duty to any mortgagee or mortgagor with respect to the handling or
disposal oi any such property or the collection of any such claim.
SEC. 205. (a) Mortgages accepted for insurance under this title
shall be so classified into groups that the mortgages in any group
shall involve substantially similar risk characteristics and have similar maturity dates. Premium charges received for the insurance of
any mortgage, the receipts derived from the property covered by
the mortgage and claims assigned to the Administrator in connection
therewith, and all earnings on the assets of the group account, shall
be credited to the account of the group to which the mortgage is
assigned. The principal of and interest paid and to be paid on
debentures issued in exchange for any mortgage, payments made or
to be made to the mortgagee and the mortgagor as provided in section 204. and expenses incurred in the handling of the property
covered oy the mortgage and in the collection of claims assigned to
the Administrator in connection therewith, shall be charged to the
account of the group to which such mortgage is assigned.
(b) The Administrator shall also provide, in addition to the
several group accounts, a general reinsurance account, the credit in
which shall be available to cover charges against such group accounts
where the amounts credited to such accounts are insufficient to cover
such charges. General expenses of operation of the Federal Housing Administration under this title may be allocated in the discretion
of the Administrator among the several group accounts or charged
to the general reinsurance account, and the amount allocated to the
fund under section 202 shall be credited to the general reinsurance
(c) Whenever the credit balance in any group account exceeds the
remaining unpaid principal of the then outstanding mortgages
assigned to such group by an amount equal to 10 per centum of the
total premium payments which have theretofore been credited to
such account, the Administrator shall terminate the insurance as to
that group of mortgages (1) by paying to each of the mortgagees
holding an outstanding mortgage assigned to such group a sum
SEC. 206. Moneys in the Fund not needed for the current operations of the Federal Housing Administration shall be deposited in
the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Fund, or
invested in bonds or other obligations of the United States. The
Treasurer of the United States is hereby directed to pay interest
semiannually on any amount so deposited at a rate not greater than
the prevailing rate on long-term Government bonds, such rate to be
computed on the average amount of such bonds outstanding during
any such semiannual period. T}ie Administrator may, with the
approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, purchase, at not to exceed
par, in the open market, debentures issued under the provisions of
section 204. Debentures so purchased shall be canceled and not reissued, and the several group accounts to which such debentures have
been charged shall be charged with the amounts used in making
such purchases.
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SEO> 207. The Administrator may also insure first mortgages, other
than mortgages defined in section 201 (a) of this title, covering
roperty held by Federal or State instrumentalities, private limited
ividend corporations, or municipal corporate instrumentalities oi
one or more States, formed for the purpose of providing housing for
persons of low income which are regulated or restricted by law ox
by the Administrator as to rents, charges, capital structure, rate of
return, or methods of operation. Such mortgages shall contain
terms, conditions, and provisions satisfactory to the Administrator
but need not conform to the eligibility requirements of section 203.
Subject to the right of the Administrator to impose a premium
charge in excess of, or less than, the amount specified for mortgages
defined in section 201 ( a ) , the provisions of sections 204 and 208
shall be applicable to ^mortgages insured under this section: Provided.
T h a t the insurance with respect to any low-cost housing project shall
not exceed $10,000,000.
(b) Any number of natural persons, not less than five, may apply
to the Administrator for authority to establish a national mortgage
association, and at the time of such application shall transmit to the
Administrator articles of association, signed and sealed by each of
the incorporators and acknowledged before a judge of any court of
record or a notary public, which shall contain (1) the name of the
association, (2) the place where its principal office or place of business is to be located, and (3) such information with respect to its
capital stock as the Administrator may by regulation require. I f the
Administrator is of the opinion that the incorporators transmitting
the articles of association are responsible persons and that such
articles of association are satisfactory in all respects, he shall issue
or cause to be issued to such incorporators a certificate of approval,
and the association shall become, as of the date of issuance of such
certificate, a body corporate by the name set forth in its articles of
(c) Each national mortgage association created under this section
shall have succession from the date of its organization unless it is
dissolved by act of its shareholders, or its franchise becomes forfeited
by order of the Administrator as hereinafter provided, or it is dissolved by Act of Congress, and shall have power
(1) To adopt and use a corporate seal.
(2) To make contracts.
(3) To sue and be sued, complain and defend, in any court of
law or equity, State or Federal.
(4) To conduct its business in any State of the United States
or in the District of Columbia and to have one or more offices in
such State or in the District of Columbia, one of which offices
shall be designated at the time of organization as its principal
(5) To do all things as are necessary or incidental to the proper
management of its affairs and the proper conduct of its business.
(d) No association shall transact any business except such as is
incidental to its organization until it has been authorized to do so
by the Administrator. Each such association shall have a capital
stock of a par value of not less than $5,000,000, and no authorization
to commence business shall be granted by the Administrator to any
such association until he is satisfied that such capital stock has been
subscribed for at not less than par and paid in full in cash or
Government securities.
(e) Each national mortgage association, for the purpose of all
actions by or against it, real, personal, or mixed, and all suits in
equity, shall be deemed a citizen of the State in which its principal
office is located.
(f) No individual, association, partnership, or corporation, except
associations organized under this section, shall hereafter use the
words " national mortgage association ", or any combination of such
words, as the name or a part thereof under which he or it shall do
business. Every individual, partnership, association, or corporation
violating this prohibition shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall
be punished by a fine of not exceeding $100 or imprisonment not
exceeding thirty days, or both, for each day during which such
Pub. No. 479
SEC. 804. Subject to such rules and regulations as the Administrator shall prescribe, any national mortgage association shall have
power to deal with, rent, renovate, modernize, or sell for cash or
credit, or otherwise dispose of, with a view to assuring a maximum
financial return to the association, any property acquired by it as a
result of foreclosure proceedings.
SEC. 305- The Administrator shall have power to provide for the
periodic examination of the affairs of every national mortgage association and shall have power to terminate the existence of any such
association and order its liquidation and the winding up of its affairs
in any case in which the Administrator finds that the association is
violating any provisions of this title or any rule or regulation thereunder, or in any case in which he finds that the association is conducting its business in an unsafe and unbusinesslike manner. I n
any case in which the Administrator finds, upon examination of the
affairs of any such association, that the capital of such association
is substantially impaired, and i i , within thirty days after the Administrator has notified the association of the existence of such impairment, the capita? is not restored to the satisfaction of the Adminis-
SEO. 307. National mortgage associations shall be subject to taxation to the same extent as State-chartered corporations, except that no
State or political subdivision thereof shall impose any tax on any
such association or its franchise, capital, reserves, surplus, loans,
income, or stock, or its securities or the income therefrom, at a
greater rate than that imposed by such State on corporations, domestic or foreign, engaged in similar business within the State. Nothing herein shall be construed to exempt the real property of such
associations from taxation by any State or political subdivision
thereof, to the same extent, according to its value, as other real property is taxed.
So In original.
(b) The term " insured member " means an individual, partnership, association, or corporation which holds an insured account.
(c) The term " insured account" means a share, certificate, or
deposit account of a type approved by the Federal Savings and
Loan Insurance Corporation which is held by an insured member
in an insured institution and which is insured under the provisions
of this title.
(d) The term " d e f a u l t " means an adjudication or other official
determination of a court of competent jurisdiction or other public
authority pursuant to which a conservator, receiver, or other legal
custodian is appointed for an insured institution for the purpose of
tion, of any officer, attorney, or employee of any board, corporation, commission, establishment, executive department, or
instrumentality of the Government. The Corporation, with
the consent of any board, corporation, commission, establishment, executive department, or instrumentality of the Government, including any field service thereof, may avail itself of
the use of information, services, and facilities thereof in carrying out the provisions of this title.
(d) F o r the purposes of this title, the Corporation shall have
power to borrow money, and to issue notes, bonds, debentures, or
other such obligations upon such terms and conditions as the board
of trustees may determine. Moneys of the Corporation not required
for current operations shall be deposited in the Treasury of the
United States, or upon the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, in any Federal Reserve bank, or shall be invested in obligations
of, or guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States.
When designated for that purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Corporation shall be a depositary of public money under
such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the
Treasury, and may also be employed as fiscal agent of the United
States, and it shall perform all such reasonable duties as depositary
of public money and fiscal agent as may be required of it.
(e) All notes, bonds, debentures, or other such obligations issued
by the Corporation shall be exempt, both as to principal and interest, from all taxation (except surtaxes, estate, inheritance, and gift
taxes) now or hereafter imposed by the United States, by any Territory, dependency, or possession thereof, or by any State, county,
municipality, or local taxing authority. The Corporation, including its franchise, capital, reserves, surplus, and income, shall be
exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed by the United
States, by any Territory, dependency, or possession thereof, or by
any State, county, municipality, or local taxing authority; except
that any real property of the Corporation shallT>e subject to State,
territorial, county, municipal, or local taxation to the same extent
according to its value as other real property is taxed.
(f) The Corporation shall make an annual report of its operations to the Congress as soon as practicable after the 1st day of
January in each year.
(g) No individual, association, partnership, or corporation shall
use the words " Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation ",
or any combination of any of these words which would have the effect
of leading the public in general to believe there was any connection,
actually not existing, between such individual, association, partnership, or corporation and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
Corporation, as the name under which he or it shall hereafter do
business. No individual association, partnership, or corporation
shall advertise or otherwise represent falsely by any device whatsoever that his or its accounts are insured or in anywise guaranteed
by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, or by the
Government of the United States, or by any instrumentality thereof;
and no insured member shall advertise or otherwise represent falsely
by any device whatsoever the extent to which or trie manner in
which its accounts are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan
SEC. 403. (a} I t shall be the duty of the Corporation to insure the
accounts of all Federal savings and loan associations, and it may
insure the accounts of building and loan, savings and loan, and homestead associations and cooperative banks organized and operated
according to the laws of the State, District, or Territory in which
they are chartered or organized.
(b) Application for such insurance shall be made immediately by
each Federal savings and loan association, and may be made at any
time by other eligible institutions. Such applications shall be in
such form as the Corporation shall prescribe, and shall contain an
agreement (1) to pay the reasonable cost of such examinations as the
Corporation shall deem necessary in connection with such insurance,
and (2) if the insurance is granted, to permit and pay the cost oi
such examinations as in the judgment of the Corporation may from
time to time be necessary for its protection and the protection of
other insured institutions, to permit the Corporation to have access to
any information or report with respect to any examination made by
any public regulatory authority and to furnish any additional
information with respect thereto as the Corporation may require,
and to pay the premium charges for insurance as hereinafter provided. Each applicant for such insurance shall also file with its
application an agreement that during the period that the insurance
is in force it will not make any loans beyond fifty miles from its
principal office except with the approval oi, and pursuant to regulations of, the Corporation, but any applicant whicn, prior to the date
of enactment of this Act, has been permitted to maKe loans beyond
such fifty mile limit may continue to make loans within the territory
in which the applicant is operating on such date; will not, after it
becomes an insured institution, issue securities which guarantee a
definite return or which have a definite maturity except with the
specific approval of the Corporation, or issue any securities the form
of which has not been approved by the Corporation; will not carry
on any sales plan or practices, or any advertising, in violation of
regulations to be made by the Corporation; will provide adequate
reserves satisfactory to the Corporation, to be established in accordance with regulations made by the Corporation, before paying dividends to its insured members; but such regulations shall require the
building up of reserves to 5 per centum of all insured accounts within
a reasonable period, not exceeding ten years, and shall prohibit the
payment of dividends from such reserves, or the payment of any
dividends if any losses are chargeable to such reserves.
^c) The Corporation shall reiect the application of any applicant
if it finds t h a t the capital of tiie applicant is impaired or tnat its
financial policies or management are unsafe: and the Corporation
may reject the application of any applicant i i it finds that the character of the management of the applicant or its home financing
policy is inconsistent with economical home financing or with the
[PUB. 4704
institution; except that no member or investor of any such institution shall be insured for an aggregate amount in excess of $5,000.
^b) I n the event of a default by any insured institution the Corporation shall promptly determine the insured members thereof and
the amount of their insured accounts, and shall make available to
each of them, after notice by mail at his last-known address as
shown by the books of the insured institution, and upon surrender
and transfer to the Corporation of his insured account, either (1)
a new insured account in an insured institution not in default, in
an amount equal to the insured account so transferred, or (2) at
the option of the insured member, the amount of his account wnich
is insured under this section, as follows: Not to exceed 10 per centum
in cash, and 50 per centum of the remainder within one year, and
the balance within three years from the date of such default, in
negotiable noninterest-bearing debentures of the Corporation. The
Corporation shall furnish to all insured institutions a certificate
stating that the insurance of accounts in such institution is to be
paid in the manner described in this subsection.
SEC. 407. (a) Any institution which is insured under the provisions of this title may, upon not less than ninety days' written
notice to the Corporation, terminate its status as an insured institution upon a majority vote of its shareholders entitled to vote,
or upon a majority vote of its board of directors or other similar
overning body which is authorized to act for the institution,
'hereupon its status as an insured institution shall immediately
cease and all rights of its insured members to insurance under this
title shall immediately terminate; but the obligation of the institution to pay the premium charges for insurance shall continue for
a period of three years after the date of such termination.
(b) The Corporation shall have power to terminate the insured
status of any insured institution at any time, after ninety days'
notice in writing, for violation of any provision of this title, or of
any rule or regulation made thereunder, or of any agreement made
pursuant to section 403. I n the event the insured status of any
insured institution is so terminated it shall be unlawful thereafter
for it to advertise or represent itself as an insured institution, but
the insured accounts of its members existing on the date of such
termination shall continue as such for a period of five years thereafter, and the institution shall be required to continue the payment
of the premium charge for insurance during such five-year period.
SECTION 501. Section 10(a) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act
is amended to read as follows:
" SEC. 10. (a) Each Federal Home Loan Bank is authorized to
make advances to its members, upon the security of home mortgages, subject to such regulations, restrictions, and limitations as
the board may prescribe. Any such advance shall be subject to the
following limitations as to amount:
"(1) If secured by a mortgage insured under the provisions of
title I I of the National Housing Act, the advance may be for an
amount not in excess of 90 per centum of the unpaid principal of
the mortgage loan.
"(2) If secured by a home mortgage given in respect of an amortized home mortgage loan which was for an original term of eight
years or more, or in cases where shares of stock, which are pledged
as security for such loan, mature in a period of eight years or more,
the advance may be for an amount not in excess ot 65 per centum oi
the unpaid principal of the home mortgage loan; but in no case
shall the amount of the advance exceed 60 per centum of the value
of the real estate securing the home mortgage loan.
"(3) If secured by a home mortgage given in respect of any other
home mortgage loan, the advance shall not be for an amount in
excess of 50 per centum of the unpaid principal of the home mortgage loan; but in no case shall the amount of such advance exceed
40 per centum of the value of the real estate securing the home
mortgage loan."
SEC. 502. The Federal Home Loan Bank Act is further amended
by adding after section 10 thereof the following new section:
" SEC. 10a. Until J u l y 1, 1936? each Federal Home Loan Bank is
authorized to make advances to its members, in order to enable such
members to finance home repairs, improvements, and alterations.
Such advances shall not be subject to the provisions and restrictions
of section 10 of this Act, but shall be made upon the security of
notes representing obligations incurred pursuant to. and insurable
under, section 2 of the National Housing Act. Advances made
under the terms of this section shall be at such rates of interest
and upon such terms and conditions as shall be determined by the
Federal Home Loan Bank Board."
SEC. 503. Section 11 of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act is
amended to read as follows:
" SEC. 11. (a) Each Federal Home Loan Bank shall have power,
subject to rules and regulations prescribed by the board to borrow
and give security therefor and to pay interest thereon, to issue
debentures, bonds, or other obligations upon such terms and conditions as the board may approve, and to do all things necessary for
carrying out the provisions of this Act and all things incident
" (b) The board may issue consolidated Federal Home Loan Bank
debentures which shall be the joint and several obligations of all
Federal Home Loan Banks organized and existing under this Act, in
order to provide funds for any such bank or banks, and such debentures shall be issued upon such terms and conditions as the board
may prescribe. No such debentures shall be issued at any time if
any of the assets of any Federal Home Loan Bank are pledged to
secure any debts or subject to any lien, and neither the board nor
any Federal Home Loan Bank shall have power to pledge any of the
assets of any Federal Home Loan Bank, or voluntarily to permit any
lien to attach to the same while any of such debentures so issued are
outstanding. The debentures issued under this section and outstand-
ing shall at no time exceed five times the total paid-in capital of all
the Federal Home Loan Banks as of the time of the issue of such
debentures. I t shall be the duty of the board not to issue debentures
under this section in excess ox the notes or obligations of member
institutions held and secured under section 10 (a) of this Act by all
the Federal Home Loan Banks.
"(c) At any time that no debentures are outstanding under this
Act, or in order to refund all outstanding consolidated debentures
issued under this section, the board may issue consolidated Federal
Home Loan Bank bonds which shall be the joint and several obligations of all the Federal Home Loan Banks, and shall be secured and
be issued upon such terms and conditions as the board may prescribe.
" ( d ) The board shall have full power to require any Federal
Home Loan Bank to deposit additional collateral or to make substitutions of collateral or to adjust equities between the Federal Home
Loan Banks.
"(e) Each Federal Home Loan Bank shall have power to accept
deposits made by members of such bank or by any other Federal
Home Loan Bank or other instrumentality of the United States,
upon such terms and conditions as the board may prescribe, but no
Federal Home Loan Bank shall transact any banking or other business not authorized by this Act.
" ( f ) The board is authorized and empowered to permit, or whenever in the judgment of at least four members of the board an emergency exists requiring such action, to require, Federal Home Loan
Banks, upon such terms and conditions as the board may prescribe,
to rediscount the discounted notes of members held by other Federal
Home Loan Banks, or to make loans to, or make deposits with, such
other Federal Home Loan Banks, or to purchase any bonds or
debentures issued under this section.
" ( g ) Each Federal Home Loan Bank shall at all times have an
amount equal to the sums paid in on outstanding capital subscriptions of its members, plus an amount equal to the current deposits
received from its members, invested in (1) obligations of the United
States, (2) deposits in banks or trust companies, (8) advances with
a maturity of not to exceed one year which are made to members or
nonmember borrowers, upon such terms and conditions as the board
may prescribe, and (4} advances with a maturity of not to exceed
one year which are maae to members or nonmember borrowers whose
creditor liabilities (not including advances from the Federal Home
Loan Bank) do not exceed 5 per centum of their net assets, and
which may be made without the security of home mortgages or other
security, upon such terms and conditions as the board may prescribe.
" ( h ) Such part of the assets of each Federal Home Loan Bank
(except reserves and amounts provided for in subsection ( g ) ) as
are not required for advances to members or nonmember borrowers,
may be invested, to such extent as the bank may deem desirable and
subject to such regulations, restrictions, and limitations as may be
prescribed by the board, in obligations of the United States and in
such securities as fiduciary and trust funds may be invested in under
the laws of the State in which the Federal Home Loan Bank is
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SEC. 512. (a) Whoever, for the purpose of obtaining any loan from
the Federal Housing Administration or the Federal Savings and
Loan Insurance Corporation, or any extension or renewal thereof,
or the acceptance, release, or substitution of security therefor, or
for the purpose of inducing the Administration or the Corporation
to purchase any assets, or for the purpose of influencing in any way
the action of the Administration or the Corporation under this Act,
makes any statement, knowing it to be false, or willfully overvalues
any security, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000, or
by imprisonment for not more than two years, or both.
(b) Whoever (1) falsely makes, forges, or counterfeits any obligation or coupon, in imitation of or purporting to be an obligation or
coupon issued under authority of this Act, or (2) passes, utters, or
publishes, or attempts to pass, utter, or publish, any false, forged,
or counterfeited obligation or coupon purporting to have been so
issued, knowing the same to be false, forged, or counterfeited, or
(3) falsely alters any obligation or coupon so issued or purporting
to have been so issued, or (4) passes, utters, or publishes, or attempts
to pass, utter, or publish, as true, any falsely altered or spurious
obligation or coupon, so issued or purporting to have been so issued,
knowing the same to be falsely altered or spurious, shall be punished
by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by imprisonment for not more
than five years, or both.
(c) Whoever, being connected in any capacity with the Federal
Housing Administration or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
Corporation, (1) embezzles, abstracts, purloins, or willfully misapplies any moneys, funds, securities, or other things of value,
whether belonging to the Administration or the Corporation or
pledged, or otherwise intrusted to the Administration or the Corporation, or (2) with intent to defraud the Administration or the
Corporation or any other body, politic or corporate, or any individual, or to deceive any officer, auditor, or examiner of the Administration or the Corporation, makes any false entry in any book,
report, or statement of or to the Administration or tlie Corporation,
or without being duly authorized draws any order, or issties, puts
forth, or assigns any note, debenture, bond, or other such obligation, or draft, bill of exchange, mortgage, judgment, or decree
thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by
imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.