Bioinformatik 1 Exercise Sheet 4
Bioinformatik 1 Exercise Sheet 4
Bioinformatik 1 Exercise Sheet 4
at Freiburg
Lehrstuhl f
ur Bioinformatik
Institut f
ur Informatik
Bioinformatik 1
SS 2013
Exercise Sheet 4
+1 if x = - y = -
w(x, y) =
1 if x = y
a) Compute in linear space in which cell the traceback intersects row 3 of the dynamic programming
b) Which parts of the dynamic programming matrix are considered in the next step of the Hirschberg
c) Show the pseudocode for computing the minimum cost of an alignment when we are only allowed
to store one row and one variable.
ns(A) =
with [[A]] = |xi . . . xj |
[[A]] + L
a) Find a naive algorithm, i.e., without optimized runtime, to compute the subsequence of x with
the best local normalized similarity by considering all subsequences.
b) The vector x=9 8 -1 -1 -1 7 8 10 is given. We study the effect of the parameter L on the result
of the Dinkelbach Algorithm. Compute for L = 0, L = 5 and L = 10 the normalized local
similarity for the subsequences x1 x2 , x1 . . . x8 and x6 . . . x8 . Which subsequences give the best
normalized similarity for the different values of L?
c) Can shadowing and the mosaic effect also occur in this setting?