Needs Analysis
Needs Analysis
Needs Analysis
Need Analysis is the process of identifying and evaluating needs (see sample definitions below) in
a community or other defined population of people. The identification of needs is a process of
describing problems of a target population and possible solutions to these problems. A need has
been described as:
A gap between what is and what should be. (Witkin et al., 1995)
A gap between real and ideal that is both acknowledged by community values and potentially
amenable to change. (Reviere, 1996, p. 5)
May be different from such related concepts as wants (something people are willing to pay
for) or demands (something people are willing to march for). (McKillip, 1987)
Need analysis focuses on the future, or what should be done, rather than on what was done as is
the focus of most program evaluations. Some people use the related term needs assessment
These steps may seem familiar to people aware of general guidelines for evaluation planning
(see, for example, the Key Questions for Evaluation Planning in the ICYF Spring 2000 newsletter
and logic model descriptions). The focus here is entirely on gap or need analysis. The following
steps are suggestions from McKillip, 1998.
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Space here is limited so only a list of sample techniques and possible steps where they could be
used are included. Refer to the web sites and other citations below for a complete description.
Resource Inventory (Who provides What to Whom?; STEP 2)
Secondary Data Analysis (US Census, other data archives; STEP 2)
Surveys (Key Informants, Client Satisfaction, Training; STEPS 2, 3, 4)
Group Procedures (Focus Group, Nominal Group, Public Hearing, Community Forum (ALL
the most serious conceptual flaws in needs assessment research involve problems with sampling, failing to gather the right information to measure the desired components of need, and using
methods inappropriate to justify the conclusions. These weaknesses reflect a basic failure to
develop a conceptually coherent, logical, and well-integrated plan for conducting the needs
assessment (p. 70, Reviere, et al., 1996). In addition to the above description, other common
problems include the following (from Soriano, 1995; Witkin, 1995):
Missing primary target population (e.g., not asking clients of services, holding meetings at
inconvenient times/locations)
Confounding means (solution strategies) with ends (outcomes) or needs with wishes (wants)
Using only one method for gathering information
Assuming levels of need are similar across levels of target groups
Failing to set priorities based on collected data
Altschuld, J. W. and Witkin, B. R. (2000). From Needs Assessment to Action: Transforming
Needs into Solution Strategies. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
McKillip, J. (1987). Need Analysis: Tools for the Human Service and Education. Applied Social
Research Methods Series, Volume 10. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
McKillip, J. (1998). Need Analysis. In Bickman, L and Rog, D.J. (Eds). Handbook of Applied
Social Research Methods. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Reviere, R., Berkowitz, S., Carter, C.C., Gergusan, C.G. (Eds) (1996). Needs Assessment: A
Creative and Practical Guide for Social Scientists. Taylor and Francis: Washington, DC.
Soriano, F. (1995). Conducting Needs Assessments: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Sage Human
Services Guide #68. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Witkin, B. R. and Altschuld, J. W. (1995). Planning and Conducting Needs Assessments: A
Practical Guide. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Needs Assessment: The First Step (
Guide for Conducting a Multi-Level Needs Assessment (
Guiding Service Improvements Through Community Assessments (
What are the Steps in Assessing Community Needs? (
United Way Needs Assessment (
National Technical Center for Substance Abuse Needs Assessment (
CYFERNet State Strengthening Guide (
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